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#include <esp_log.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <u8g2.h> |
#include "U8g2lib.hh" |
#include "sx127x_driver.h" |
#include "sx127x_registers.h" |
#include "ugv_comms.h" |
#include "ugv_config.h" |
#include "ugv_io.hh" |
namespace ugv { |
using ugv::io::IO; |
static const char *TAG = "ugv_main"; |
U8G2 *oled; |
void setup_oled(void) { |
oled = new U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C(U8G2_R0, 16, 15, 4); |
oled->initDisplay(); |
oled->clearDisplay(); |
oled->setPowerSave(false); |
} |
void setup(void) { |
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "setup"); |
setup_oled(); |
ugv_comms_init(); |
IO.Init(); |
} |
#define BUF_SZ 32 |
void loop(void) { |
static int32_t lora_rssi; |
static uint8_t lora_lna_gain; |
static TickType_t last_packet_tick; |
static int32_t last_packet_rssi; |
static int8_t last_packet_snr; |
static char buf[BUF_SZ]; |
static io::Inputs inputs; |
IO.ReadInputs(inputs); |
// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "inputs %s", inputs.ToString()); |
oled->firstPage(); |
sx127x_read_rssi(ugv_comms_state.lora, &lora_rssi); |
sx127x_read_lna_gain(ugv_comms_state.lora, &lora_lna_gain); |
xSemaphoreTake(ugv_comms_state.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); |
last_packet_tick = ugv_comms_state.last_packet_tick; |
last_packet_rssi = ugv_comms_state.last_packet_rssi; |
last_packet_snr = ugv_comms_state.last_packet_snr; |
xSemaphoreGive(ugv_comms_state.mutex); |
do { |
oled->drawRFrame(0, 0, OLED_W, OLED_H, 4); |
multi_heap_info_t heap_info; |
heap_caps_get_info(&heap_info, MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); |
oled->setFont(u8g2_font_4x6_mr); |
oled->drawStr(4, 8, "=====UAS UGV====="); |
snprintf(buf, BUF_SZ, "heap allc/free %d/%d", |
heap_info.total_allocated_bytes, heap_info.total_free_bytes); |
oled->drawStr(4, 2 * 8, buf); |
snprintf(buf, BUF_SZ, "rssi: %d lna gain: %d", lora_rssi, lora_lna_gain); |
oled->drawStr(4, 3 * 8, buf); |
if (last_packet_tick > 0) { |
double time_since_last_packet = |
1000.0f / |
((xTaskGetTickCount() - last_packet_tick) * portTICK_RATE_MS); |
snprintf(buf, BUF_SZ, "last pkt rx %f s ago", time_since_last_packet); |
oled->drawStr(4, 4 * 8, buf); |
snprintf(buf, BUF_SZ, "pkt rssi: %d, snr: %f", last_packet_rssi, |
last_packet_snr * 0.25f); |
oled->drawStr(4, 5 * 8, buf); |
} else { |
oled->drawStr(4, 4 * 8, "no pkt rx"); |
} |
} while (oled->nextPage()); |
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); |
} |
void loopTask(void *pvUser) { |
setup(); |
while (1) { |
loop(); |
} |
} |
} // namespace ugv |
extern "C" void app_main() { |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(ugv::loopTask, "loopTask", 8192, NULL, 1, NULL, 1); |