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87 lines
3.2 KiB

#include <esp_log.h>
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/queue.h>
#include <freertos/semphr.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
// TODO: these should be in Kconfig
#define SX127X_TASK_STACK_SIZE (2 * 1024)
#define SX127X_TASK_PRIORITY 3
#define SX127X_RX_QUEUE_LEN 8
#define SX127X_TX_QUEUE_LEN 8
#define SX127X_SPI_QUEUE_SIZE 8
#define SX127X_SPI_DMA_CHAN 1
#define SX127X_MAX_TRANSFER (256)
#define RESET_DELAY (pdMS_TO_TICKS(15))
// 8mhz
#define SPI_CLOCK_HZ (8 * 1000 * 1000)
#ifdef NODEBUG
#define SX127X_CHECK(check, str, ret_val, ...) \
if (!(check)) { \
ESP_LOGE(SX127X_TAG, str, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return (ret_val); \
#define SX127X_ERROR_CHECK(ret) \
{ \
esp_err_t _error_code = (ret); \
if (_error_code != ESP_OK) { \
return _error_code; \
} \
#define SX127X_ERROR_CHECK2(ret, fun) SX127X_CHECK(ret)
#define SX127X_CHECK(check, str, ret_val, ...) \
if (!(check)) { \
ESP_LOGE(SX127X_TAG, "%s:%d: check %s failed: " str, __FUNCTION__, \
__LINE__, #check, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return (ret_val); \
#define SX127X_ERROR_CHECK(ret) \
{ \
esp_err_t _error_code = (ret); \
if (_error_code != ESP_OK) { \
const char *_error_name = esp_err_to_name(_error_code); \
ESP_LOGE(SX127X_TAG, "%s:%d: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
_error_name, _error_code); \
return _error_code; \
} \
#define SX127X_ERROR_CHECK2(ret, fun) \
{ \
esp_err_t _error_code = (ret); \
if (_error_code != ESP_OK) { \
const char *_error_name = esp_err_to_name(_error_code); \
ESP_LOGE(SX127X_TAG, "%s:%d: %s failed: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, \
__LINE__, #fun, _error_name, _error_code); \
return _error_code; \
} \
typedef enum sx127x_task_state {
} sx127x_task_state_t;
typedef struct sx127x {
sx127x_config_t config;
spi_device_handle_t device_handle;
TaskHandle_t task_handle;
_Atomic(sx127x_task_state_t) task_state;
// binary semaphore which is given when an interrupt is received from the
// radio
SemaphoreHandle_t intr_semaphore;
// queue of packets received from the radio
QueueHandle_t rx_packet_queue;
// queue of packets to send to the radio
QueueHandle_t tx_packet_queue;
} sx127x_t;
const char *SX127X_TAG;