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* @brief LPC8XX SPI slave driver
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __SPIS_8XX_H_
#define __SPIS_8XX_H_
#include "spi_common_8xx.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup SPI_SLAVE_8XX CHIP: LPC8XX SPI slave driver
* @ingroup SPI_COMMON_8XX
* @{
* Macro defines for SPI Status register
/* Clear RXOV Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_RXOV ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
/* Clear TXUR Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_TXUR ((uint32_t) (1 << 3))
/* Clear SSA Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_SSA ((uint32_t) (1 << 4))
/* Clear SSD Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_SSD ((uint32_t) (1 << 5))
struct SPIS_XFER;
/** @brief SPI slave select assertion callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* is initially asserted. It is used to indicate the start of a slave transfer that
* will happen on the bus.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferCSAssert)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** @brief SPI slave send data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* needs a data buffer to send.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferSend)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** @brief SPI slave receive data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* needs a buffer to place data.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferRecv)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** @brief SPI slave select de-assertion callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* is de-asserted. It can be used to indicate the end of a transfer.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferCSDeAssert)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** SPI slave callback functions */
typedef struct {
SPISlaveXferCSAssert slaveXferCSAssert; /** SPI transfer start callback, called on SPI CS assertion */
SPISlaveXferSend slaveXferSend; /** SPI transfer data receive buffer callback, called when a receive buffer is needed */
SPISlaveXferRecv slaveXferRecv; /** SPI transfer send buffer callback, called when data is needed */
SPISlaveXferCSDeAssert slaveXferCSDeAssert; /** SPI transfer completion callback, called on SPI CS deassertion */
/** Slave transfer data context */
typedef struct SPIS_XFER {
const SPIS_CALLBACKS_T *pCB; /** Pointer to SPI slave callback functions */
union { /** Pointer to receive buffer, set to NULL to toss receeive data */
uint8_t *pRXData8; /** Receive buffer used with data transfer size <= 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t *pRXData16; /** Receive buffer used with data transfer size > 8-bits, modified by driver */
union { /** Pointer to transmit buffer, set to NULL to transmit 0x0 */
uint8_t *pTXData8; /** Send buffer used with data transfer size <= 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t *pTXData16; /** Send buffer used with data transfer size > 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t rxCount; /** Size of the pRXData buffer in items (not bytes), modified by driver */
uint16_t txCount; /** Number of items (not bytes) to send in pTXData buffer, modified by driver */
uint16_t dataRXferred; /** Total items (not bytes) received, modified by driver */
uint16_t dataTXferred; /** Total items (not bytes) transmitted, modified by driver */
uint8_t sselNum; /** Slave number assigned to this transfer, 0 - 3, modified by driver */
* @brief SPI slave transfer state change handler
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfers : Pointer to a SPIS_XFER_T structure see notes below
* @return returns 0 on success, or SPI_STAT_RXOV and/or SPI_STAT_TXUR on an error
* @note See @ref SPIS_XFER_T for more information on this function. When using
* this function, the SPI slave interrupts should be enabled and setup in the SPI
* interrupt handler to call this function when they fire. This function is meant
* to be called from the interrupt handler. The @ref SPIS_XFER_T data does not need
* to be setup prior to the call and should be setup by the callbacks instead.<br>
* The callbacks are handled in the interrupt handler. If you are getting overflow
* or underflow errors, you might need to lower the speed of the master clock or
* extend the master's select assetion time.<br>
uint32_t Chip_SPIS_XferHandler(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIS_XFER_T *xfer);
* @brief Pre-buffers slave transmit data
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfers : Pointer to a SPIS_XFER_T structure see notes below
* @return Nothing
* @note Pre-buffering allows the slave to prime the transmit FIFO with data prior to
* the master starting a transfer. If data is not pre-buffered, the initial slave
* transmit data will always be 0x0 with a slave transmit underflow status.
* Pre-buffering is best used when only a single slave select is used by an
* application.
Chip_SPIS_XferHandler(pSPI, xfer);
* @brief SPI slave transfer blocking function
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfers : Pointer to a SPIS_XFER_T structure
* @return returns 0 on success, or SPI_STAT_RXOV and/or SPI_STAT_TXUR on an error
* @note This function performs a blocking transfer on the SPI slave interface.
* It is not recommended to use this function. Once this function is called, it
* will block forever until a slave transfer consisting of a slave SSEL assertion,
* and de-assertion occur. The callbacks are still used for slave data buffer
* management. SPI interrupts must be disabled prior to calling this function.
uint32_t Chip_SPIS_XferBlocking(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIS_XFER_T *xfer);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __SPIS_8XX_H_ */