294 lines
9.9 KiB
294 lines
9.9 KiB
import { action, observable, runInAction, when } from "mobx";
import { update } from "serializr";
import { TokenStore } from "@client/state/TokenStore";
import { ErrorCode } from "@common/ErrorCode";
import { IUser } from "@common/httpApi";
import * as rpc from "@common/jsonRpc";
import logger from "@common/logger";
import * as deviceRequests from "@common/sprinklersRpc/deviceRequests";
import * as s from "@common/sprinklersRpc/index";
import * as schema from "@common/sprinklersRpc/schema/index";
import { seralizeRequest } from "@common/sprinklersRpc/schema/requests";
import * as ws from "@common/sprinklersRpc/websocketData";
import { DefaultEvents, TypedEventEmitter } from "@common/TypedEventEmitter";
import { WSSprinklersDevice } from "./WSSprinklersDevice";
export const log = logger.child({ source: "websocket" });
const TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development";
const websocketProtocol = (location.protocol === "https:") ? "wss:" : "ws:";
const websocketPort = isDev ? 8080 : location.port;
const DEFAULT_URL = `${websocketProtocol}//${location.hostname}:${websocketPort}`;
export interface WebSocketRpcClientEvents extends DefaultEvents {
newUserData(userData: IUser): void;
rpcError(error: ws.RpcError): void;
tokenError(error: ws.RpcError): void;
export class WebSocketRpcClient extends TypedEventEmitter<WebSocketRpcClientEvents> implements s.SprinklersRPC {
get connected(): boolean {
return this.connectionState.isServerConnected || false;
readonly webSocketUrl: string;
devices: Map<string, WSSprinklersDevice> = new Map();
@observable connectionState: s.ConnectionState = new s.ConnectionState();
socket: WebSocket | null = null;
authenticated: boolean = false;
tokenStore: TokenStore;
private nextRequestId = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000);
private responseCallbacks: ws.ServerResponseHandlers = {};
private reconnectTimer: number | null = null;
/* tslint:disable-next-line:member-ordering */
private onDisconnect = action(() => {
this.connectionState.serverToBroker = null;
this.connectionState.clientToServer = false;
this.authenticated = false;
private notificationHandlers = new WSClientNotificationHandlers(this);
constructor(tokenStore: TokenStore, webSocketUrl: string = DEFAULT_URL) {
this.webSocketUrl = webSocketUrl;
this.tokenStore = tokenStore;
this.connectionState.clientToServer = false;
this.connectionState.serverToBroker = false;
this.on("rpcError", (err: ws.RpcError) => {
if (err.code === ErrorCode.BadToken) {
this.emit("tokenError", err);
start() {
stop() {
if (this.reconnectTimer != null) {
this.reconnectTimer = null;
if (this.socket != null) {
this.socket = null;
getDevice(id: string): s.SprinklersDevice {
let device = this.devices.get(id);
if (!device) {
device = new WSSprinklersDevice(this, id);
this.devices.set(id, device);
return device;
removeDevice(id: string) {
async authenticate(accessToken: string): Promise<ws.IAuthenticateResponse> {
return this.makeRequest("authenticate", { accessToken });
async tryAuthenticate() {
when(() => this.connectionState.clientToServer === true
&& this.tokenStore.accessToken.isValid, async () => {
try {
const res = await this.authenticate(this.tokenStore.accessToken.token!);
runInAction("authenticateSuccess", () => {
this.authenticated = res.authenticated;
logger.info({ user: res.user }, "authenticated websocket connection");
this.emit("newUserData", res.user);
} catch (err) {
logger.error({ err }, "error authenticating websocket connection");
// TODO message?
runInAction("authenticateSuccess", () => {
this.authenticated = false;
// args must all be JSON serializable
async makeDeviceCall(deviceId: string, request: deviceRequests.Request): Promise<deviceRequests.Response> {
if (this.socket == null) {
const error: ws.IError = {
code: ErrorCode.ServerDisconnected,
message: "the server is not connected",
throw new ws.RpcError("the server is not connected", ErrorCode.ServerDisconnected);
const requestData = seralizeRequest(request);
const data: ws.IDeviceCallRequest = { deviceId, data: requestData };
const resData = await this.makeRequest("deviceCall", data);
if (resData.data.result === "error") {
throw new ws.RpcError(resData.data.message, resData.data.code, resData.data);
} else {
return resData.data;
makeRequest<Method extends ws.ClientRequestMethods>(method: Method, params: ws.IClientRequestTypes[Method]):
Promise<ws.IServerResponseTypes[Method]> {
const id = this.nextRequestId++;
return new Promise<ws.IServerResponseTypes[Method]>((resolve, reject) => {
let timeoutHandle: number;
this.responseCallbacks[id] = (response) => {
delete this.responseCallbacks[id];
if (response.result === "success") {
} else {
const { error } = response;
reject(new ws.RpcError(error.message, error.code, error.data));
timeoutHandle = window.setTimeout(() => {
delete this.responseCallbacks[id];
reject(new ws.RpcError("the request timed out", ErrorCode.Timeout));
this.sendRequest(id, method, params);
.catch((err) => {
if (err instanceof ws.RpcError) {
this.emit("rpcError", err);
throw err;
private sendMessage(data: ws.ClientMessage) {
if (!this.socket) {
throw new Error("WebSocketApiClient is not connected");
private sendRequest<Method extends ws.ClientRequestMethods>(
id: number, method: Method, params: ws.IClientRequestTypes[Method],
) {
this.sendMessage({ type: "request", id, method, params });
private _reconnect = () => {
private _connect() {
if (this.socket != null &&
(this.socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN)) {
log.debug({ url: this.webSocketUrl }, "connecting to websocket");
this.socket = new WebSocket(this.webSocketUrl);
this.socket.onopen = this.onOpen.bind(this);
this.socket.onclose = this.onClose.bind(this);
this.socket.onerror = this.onError.bind(this);
this.socket.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this);
private onOpen() {
log.info("established websocket connection");
this.connectionState.clientToServer = true;
this.authenticated = false;
private onClose(event: CloseEvent) {
log.info({ event },
"disconnected from websocket");
this.reconnectTimer = window.setTimeout(this._reconnect, RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS);
private onError(event: Event) {
log.error({ event }, "websocket error");
this.connectionState.serverToBroker = null;
this.connectionState.clientToServer = false;
private onMessage(event: MessageEvent) {
let data: ws.ServerMessage;
try {
data = JSON.parse(event.data);
} catch (err) {
return log.error({ event, err }, "received invalid websocket message");
log.trace({ data }, "websocket message");
switch (data.type) {
case "notification":
case "response":
log.warn({ data }, "unsupported event type received");
private onNotification(data: ws.ServerNotification) {
try {
rpc.handleNotification(this.notificationHandlers, data);
} catch (err) {
logger.error(err, "error handling server notification");
private onResponse(data: ws.ServerResponse) {
try {
rpc.handleResponse(this.responseCallbacks, data);
} catch (err) {
log.error({ err }, "error handling server response");
class WSClientNotificationHandlers implements ws.ServerNotificationHandlers {
client: WebSocketRpcClient;
constructor(client: WebSocketRpcClient) {
this.client = client;
brokerConnectionUpdate(data: ws.IBrokerConnectionUpdate) {
this.client.connectionState.serverToBroker = data.brokerConnected;
deviceUpdate(data: ws.IDeviceUpdate) {
const device = this.client.devices.get(data.deviceId);
if (!device) {
return log.warn({ data }, "invalid deviceUpdate received");
update(schema.sprinklersDevice, device, data.data);
error(data: ws.IError) {
log.warn({ err: data }, "server error");