You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.6 KiB

import * as classNames from "classnames";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import * as React from "react";
import { Grid, Header, Icon, Item, SemanticICONS } from "semantic-ui-react";
import * as p from "@app/pages";
import * as rp from "@app/routePaths";
import { AppState, injectState } from "@app/state";
import { ConnectionState as ConState } from "@common/sprinklersRpc";
import { Route, RouteComponentProps, withRouter } from "react-router";
8 years ago
import { ProgramTable, RunSectionForm, SectionRunnerView, SectionTable } from ".";
import "./DeviceView.scss";
const ConnectionState = observer(({ connectionState, className }:
{ connectionState: ConState, className?: string }) => {
const connected = connectionState.isDeviceConnected;
let connectionText: string;
let iconName: SemanticICONS = "unlinkify";
let clazzName: string = "disconnected";
if (connected) {
connectionText = "Connected";
iconName = "linkify";
clazzName = "connected";
} else if (connected === false) {
connectionText = "Device Disconnected";
} else if (connectionState.noPermission) {
connectionText = "No permission for this device";
iconName = "ban";
} else if (connectionState.clientToServer === false) {
connectionText = "Disconnected from server";
} else {
connectionText = "Unknown";
iconName = "question";
clazzName = "unknown";
const classes = classNames("connectionState", clazzName, className);
return (
<div className={classes}>
<Icon name={iconName}/>&nbsp;
8 years ago
interface DeviceViewProps {
deviceId: string;
appState: AppState;
8 years ago
class DeviceView extends React.Component<DeviceViewProps & RouteComponentProps<any>> {
render() {
const { uiStore, sprinklersRpc, routerStore } = this.props.appState;
const device = sprinklersRpc.getDevice(this.props.deviceId);
const { id, connectionState, sections, sectionRunner } = device;
const deviceBody = connectionState.isAvailable && (
<Grid.Column mobile="16" tablet="16" computer="16" largeScreen="6">
<SectionRunnerView sectionRunner={sectionRunner} sections={sections}/>
<Grid.Column mobile="16" tablet="9" computer="9" largeScreen="6">
<SectionTable sections={sections}/>
<Grid.Column mobile="16" tablet="7" computer="7" largeScreen="4">
<RunSectionForm device={device} uiStore={uiStore}/>
<ProgramTable device={device} routerStore={routerStore}/>
<Route path={rp.program(":deviceId", ":programId")} component={p.ProgramPage}/>
return (
<Item.Image src={require("@app/images/raspberry_pi.png")}/>
<Item.Content className="device">
<Header as="h1">
<div>Device <kbd>{id}</kbd></div>
<ConnectionState connectionState={connectionState}/>
Raspberry Pi Grinklers Device
export default injectState(withRouter(observer(DeviceView)));