/// <reference path="./paho-mqtt.d.ts" />
import "paho-mqtt/mqttws31";
import MQTT = Paho.MQTT;
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { SprinklersDevice, SprinklersApi, Section } from "./sprinklers";
export class MqttApiClient extends EventEmitter implements SprinklersApi {
client: MQTT.Client
connected: boolean
devices: { [prefix: string]: MqttSprinklersDevice } = {};
constructor() {
this.client = new MQTT.Client(location.hostname, 1884, MqttApiClient.newClientId());
this.client.onMessageArrived = m => this.onMessageArrived(m);
this.client.onConnectionLost = e => this.onConnectionLost(e);
static newClientId() {
return "sprinklers3-MqttApiClient-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
start() {
console.log("connecting to mqtt with client id %s", this.client.clientId);
onFailure: (e) => {
console.log("mqtt error: ", e.errorMessage);
onSuccess: () => {
console.log("mqtt connected")
this.connected = true;
for (const prefix in this.devices) {
const device = this.devices[prefix];
getDevice(prefix: string): SprinklersDevice {
if (/\//.test(prefix)) {
throw new Error("Prefix cannot contain a /");
if (!this.devices[prefix]) {
const device = this.devices[prefix] = new MqttSprinklersDevice(this, prefix);
if (this.connected) {
return this.devices[prefix];
removeDevice(prefix: string) {
const device = this.devices[prefix];
if (!device) return;
delete this.devices[prefix];
private onMessageArrived(m: MQTT.Message) {
// console.log("message arrived: ", m)
const topicIdx = m.destinationName.indexOf('/'); // find the first /
const prefix = m.destinationName.substr(0, topicIdx); // assume prefix does not contain a /
const topic = m.destinationName.substr(topicIdx + 1);
const device = this.devices[prefix];
if (!device) {
console.warn(`recieved message for unknown device. prefix: ${prefix}`);
device.onMessage(topic, m.payloadString);
private onConnectionLost(e: MQTT.MQTTError) {
this.connected = false;
class MqttSprinklersDevice extends SprinklersDevice {
readonly apiClient: MqttApiClient;
readonly prefix: string;
constructor(apiClient: MqttApiClient, prefix: string) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
this.prefix = prefix;
private getSubscriptions() {
return [
doSubscribe() {
const c = this.apiClient.client;
.forEach(filter => c.subscribe(filter, { qos: 1 }));
doUnsubscribe() {
const c = this.apiClient.client;
.forEach(filter => c.unsubscribe(filter));
* Updates this device with the specified message
* @param topic The topic, with prefix removed
* @param payload The payload string
onMessage(topic: string, payload: string) {
var matches;
if (topic == "connected") {
this.connected = (payload == "true");
// console.log(`MqttSprinklersDevice with prefix ${this.prefix}: ${this.connected}`)
} else if ((matches = topic.match(/^sections(?:\/(\d+)(?:\/?(.+))?)?$/)) != null) {
const [topic, secStr, subTopic] = matches;
// console.log(`section: ${secStr}, topic: ${subTopic}, payload: ${payload}`);
if (!secStr) { // new number of sections
this.sections = new Array(Number(payload));
} else {
const secNum = Number(secStr);
var section = this.sections[secNum];
if (!section) {
this.sections[secNum] = section = new MqttSection();
(section as MqttSection).onMessage(subTopic, payload);
} else {
console.warn(`MqttSprinklersDevice recieved invalid topic: ${topic}`)
get id(): string {
return this.prefix;
interface SectionJSON {
name: string;
pin: number;
class MqttSection extends Section {
onMessage(topic: string, payload: string) {
if (topic == "state") {
this.state = (payload == "true");
} else if (topic == null) {
const json = JSON.parse(payload) as SectionJSON;
this.name = json.name;