import * as mqtt from "mqtt";
import logger from "./logger";
import {
} from "./sprinklers";
import { checkedIndexOf } from "./utils";
const log = logger.child({ source: "mqtt" });
export class MqttApiClient implements ISprinklersApi {
readonly mqttUri: string;
client: mqtt.Client;
connected: boolean;
devices: { [prefix: string]: MqttSprinklersDevice } = {};
constructor(mqttUri: string) {
this.mqttUri = mqttUri;
private static newClientId() {
return "sprinklers3-MqttApiClient-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
start() {
const clientId = MqttApiClient.newClientId();
log.info({ clientId }, "connecting to mqtt with client id");
this.client = mqtt.connect(this.mqttUri, {
this.client.on("message", this.onMessageArrived.bind(this));
this.client.on("offline", () => {
this.connected = false;
this.client.on("error", (err) => {
log.error({ err }, "mqtt error");
this.client.on("connect", () => {
log.info("mqtt connected");
this.connected = true;
for (const prefix of Object.keys(this.devices)) {
const device = this.devices[prefix];
getDevice(prefix: string): SprinklersDevice {
if (/\//.test(prefix)) {
throw new Error("Prefix cannot contain a /");
if (!this.devices[prefix]) {
const device = this.devices[prefix] = new MqttSprinklersDevice(this, prefix);
if (this.connected) {
return this.devices[prefix];
removeDevice(prefix: string) {
const device = this.devices[prefix];
if (!device) {
delete this.devices[prefix];
private onMessageArrived(topic: string, payload: Buffer, packet: mqtt.Packet) {
try {
this.processMessage(topic, payload, packet);
} catch (err) {
log.error({ err }, "error while processing mqtt message");
private processMessage(topic: string, payload: Buffer, packet: mqtt.Packet) {
log.trace({ topic, payload }, "message arrived: ");
const topicIdx = topic.indexOf("/"); // find the first /
const prefix = topic.substr(0, topicIdx); // assume prefix does not contain a /
const topicSuffix = topic.substr(topicIdx + 1);
const device = this.devices[prefix];
if (!device) {
log.debug({ prefix }, "received message for unknown device");
device.onMessage(topicSuffix, payload);
const subscriptions = [
class MqttSprinklersDevice extends SprinklersDevice {
readonly apiClient: MqttApiClient;
readonly prefix: string;
private responseCallbacks: {
[rid: number]: ResponseCallback;
} = {};
constructor(apiClient: MqttApiClient, prefix: string) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.sectionRunner = new MqttSectionRunner(this);
get id(): string {
return this.prefix;
doSubscribe() {
const topics = subscriptions.map((filter) => this.prefix + filter);
this.apiClient.client.subscribe(topics, { qos: 1 });
doUnsubscribe() {
const topics = subscriptions.map((filter) => this.prefix + filter);
* Updates this device with the specified message
* @param topic The topic, with prefix removed
* @param payload The payload buffer
onMessage(topic: string, payloadBuf: Buffer) {
const payload = payloadBuf.toString("utf8");
if (topic === "connected") {
this.connected = (payload === "true");
log.trace(`MqttSprinklersDevice with prefix ${this.prefix}: ${this.connected}`);
let matches = topic.match(/^sections(?:\/(\d+)(?:\/?(.+))?)?$/);
if (matches != null) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
/* tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-variable */
const [_topic, secStr, subTopic] = matches;
log.trace({ section: secStr, topic: subTopic, payload });
if (!secStr) { // new number of sections
this.sections.length = Number(payload);
} else {
const secNum = Number(secStr);
let section = this.sections[secNum];
if (!section) {
this.sections[secNum] = section = new MqttSection(this);
(section as MqttSection).onMessage(subTopic, payload);
matches = topic.match(/^programs(?:\/(\d+)(?:\/?(.+))?)?$/);
if (matches != null) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
/* tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-variable */
const [_topic, progStr, subTopic] = matches;
log.trace({ program: progStr, topic: subTopic, payload });
if (!progStr) { // new number of programs
this.programs.length = Number(payload);
} else {
const progNum = Number(progStr);
let program = this.programs[progNum];
if (!program) {
this.programs[progNum] = program = new MqttProgram(this);
(program as MqttProgram).onMessage(subTopic, payload);
matches = topic.match(/^section_runner$/);
if (matches != null) {
(this.sectionRunner as MqttSectionRunner).onMessage(payload);
matches = topic.match(/^responses\/(\d+)$/);
if (matches != null) {
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
/* tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-variable */
const [_topic, respIdStr] = matches;
log.trace({ response: respIdStr });
const respId = parseInt(respIdStr, 10);
const data = JSON.parse(payload) as IResponseData;
const cb = this.responseCallbacks[respId];
if (typeof cb === "function") {
log.warn({ topic }, "MqttSprinklersDevice recieved invalid message");
runSection(section: Section | number, duration: Duration) {
const sectionNum = checkedIndexOf(section, this.sections, "Section");
const payload: IRunSectionJSON = {
duration: duration.toSeconds(),
return this.makeRequest(`sections/${sectionNum}/run`, payload);
runProgram(program: Program | number) {
const programNum = checkedIndexOf(program, this.programs, "Program");
return this.makeRequest(`programs/${programNum}/run`, {});
cancelSectionRunById(id: number) {
return this.makeRequest(`section_runner/cancel_id`, { id });
pauseSectionRunner() {
return this.makeRequest(`section_runner/pause`);
unpauseSectionRunner() {
return this.makeRequest(`section_runner/unpause`);
//noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic
private nextRequestId(): number {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000);
private makeRequest(topic: string, payload: any = {}): Promise<IResponseData> {
return new Promise<IResponseData>((resolve, reject) => {
const requestId = payload.rid = this.nextRequestId();
const payloadStr = JSON.stringify(payload);
const fullTopic = this.prefix + "/" + topic;
this.responseCallbacks[requestId] = (data) => {
if (data.error != null) {
} else {
this.apiClient.client.publish(fullTopic, payloadStr, { qos: 1 });
interface IResponseData {
reqTopic: string;
error?: string;
[key: string]: any;
type ResponseCallback = (data: IResponseData) => void;
interface ISectionJSON {
name: string;
pin: number;
interface IRunSectionJSON {
duration: number;
class MqttSection extends Section {
onMessage(topic: string, payload: string) {
if (topic === "state") {
this.state = (payload === "true");
} else if (topic == null) {
const json = JSON.parse(payload) as ISectionJSON;
this.name = json.name;
interface ITimeOfDayJSON {
hour: number;
minute: number;
second: number;
millisecond: number;
function timeOfDayFromJSON(json: ITimeOfDayJSON): TimeOfDay {
return new TimeOfDay(json.hour, json.minute, json.second, json.millisecond);
interface IScheduleJSON {
times: ITimeOfDayJSON[];
weekdays: number[];
from?: string;
to?: string;
function scheduleFromJSON(json: IScheduleJSON): Schedule {
const sched = new Schedule();
sched.times = json.times.map(timeOfDayFromJSON);
sched.weekdays = json.weekdays;
sched.from = json.from == null ? null : new Date(json.from);
sched.to = json.to == null ? null : new Date(json.to);
return sched;
interface IProgramItemJSON {
section: number;
duration: number;
interface IProgramJSON {
name: string;
enabled: boolean;
sequence: IProgramItemJSON[];
sched: IScheduleJSON;
class MqttProgram extends Program {
onMessage(topic: string, payload: string) {
if (topic === "running") {
this.running = (payload === "true");
} else if (topic == null) {
const json = JSON.parse(payload) as Partial<IProgramJSON>;
updateFromJSON(json: Partial<IProgramJSON>) {
if (json.name != null) {
this.name = json.name;
if (json.enabled != null) {
this.enabled = json.enabled;
if (json.sequence != null) {
this.sequence = json.sequence.map((item) => (new ProgramItem(
if (json.sched != null) {
this.schedule = scheduleFromJSON(json.sched);
export interface ISectionRunJSON {
id: number;
section: number;
duration: number;
startTime?: number;
pauseTime?: number;
function sectionRunFromJSON(json: ISectionRunJSON) {
const run = new SectionRun();
run.id = json.id;
run.section = json.section;
run.duration = Duration.fromSeconds(json.duration);
run.startTime = json.startTime == null ? null : new Date(json.startTime);
run.pauseTime = json.pauseTime == null ? null : new Date(json.pauseTime);
return run;
interface ISectionRunnerJSON {
queue: ISectionRunJSON[];
current: ISectionRunJSON | null;
paused: boolean;
class MqttSectionRunner extends SectionRunner {
onMessage(payload: string) {
const json = JSON.parse(payload) as ISectionRunnerJSON;
updateFromJSON(json: ISectionRunnerJSON) {
if (!json.queue || !json.queue.length) { // null means empty queue
} else {
this.current = json.current == null ? null : sectionRunFromJSON(json.current);