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30 lines
819 B

const path = require("path");
const webpack = require("webpack");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: "./app/script/index.tsx",
devtool: "sourcemap",
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "bundle.js"
resolve: {
extensions: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js"],
alias: {
app: path.resolve("./app")
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: "awesome-typescript-loader" },
{ test: /\.css$/, loader: "style-loader!css-loader" },
{ test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg|woff(2)?|png|jpg)(\?[a-z0-9=&.]+)?$/, loader: "file-loader" }
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
title: "sprinklers3"