Alex Mikhalev
6 years ago
3 changed files with 901 additions and 903 deletions
@ -1,903 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,903 +0,0 @@
pub type Scalar = f64; |
pub type Vec2 = nalgebra::Vector2<Scalar>; |
pub type Point2 = nalgebra::Point2<Scalar>; |
pub type Rot2 = nalgebra::UnitComplex<Scalar>; |
pub trait Region<T> { |
fn full() -> Self; |
fn singleton(value: T) -> Self; |
fn nearest(&self, value: &T) -> Option<T>; |
fn contains(&self, value: &T) -> bool; |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] |
pub enum Region1 { |
Empty, |
Singleton(Scalar), |
Range(Scalar, Scalar), |
Union(Box<Region1>, Box<Region1>), |
Full, |
} |
impl Region<Scalar> for Region1 { |
fn full() -> Self { |
Region1::Full |
} |
fn singleton(value: Scalar) -> Self { |
Region1::Singleton(value) |
} |
fn contains(&self, n: &Scalar) -> bool { |
use Region1::*; |
match self { |
Empty => false, |
Singleton(n1) => relative_eq!(n1, n), |
Range(l, u) => *l <= *n && *n <= *u, |
Union(r1, r2) => r1.contains(n) || r2.contains(n), |
Full => true, |
} |
} |
fn nearest(&self, s: &Scalar) -> Option<Scalar> { |
use Region1::*; |
match self { |
Empty => None, |
Full => Some(*s), |
Singleton(n) => Some(*n), |
Range(l, u) => match (l < s, s < u) { |
(true, true) => Some(*s), |
(true, false) => Some(*u), |
(false, true) => Some(*l), |
_ => None, |
}, |
Union(r1, r2) => { |
let distance = |a: Scalar, b: Scalar| (a - b).abs(); |
match (r1.nearest(s), r2.nearest(s)) { |
(None, None) => None, |
(Some(n), None) | (None, Some(n)) => Some(n), |
(Some(n1), Some(n2)) => Some({ |
if distance(*s, n1) <= distance(*s, n2) { |
n1 |
} else { |
n2 |
} |
}), |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// line starting at start, point at angle dir, with range extent
// ie. start + (cos dir, sin dir) * t for t in extent
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] |
pub struct Line2 { |
start: Point2, |
dir: Rot2, |
extent: Region1, |
} |
impl Line2 { |
pub fn new(start: Point2, dir: Rot2, extent: Region1) -> Self { |
Self { start, dir, extent } |
} |
pub fn evaluate(&self, t: Scalar) -> Point2 { |
self.start + self.dir * Vec2::new(t, 0.) |
} |
pub fn nearest(&self, p: &Point2) -> Point2 { |
// rotate angle 90 degrees
let perp_dir = self.dir * Rot2::from_cos_sin_unchecked(0., 1.); |
let perp = Line2::new(*p, perp_dir, Region1::Full); |
if let Region2::Singleton(np) = self.intersect(&perp) { |
np |
} else { |
panic!("Line2::nearest not found!"); |
} |
} |
pub fn intersect(&self, other: &Line2) -> Region2 { |
// if the two lines are parallel...
let dirs = self.dir / other.dir; |
if relative_eq!(dirs.sin_angle(), 0.) { |
let starts = self.dir.to_rotation_matrix().inverse() * (other.start - self.start); |
return if relative_eq!(starts.y, 0.) { |
// and they are colinear
Region2::Line(self.clone()) |
} else { |
// they are parallel and never intersect
Region2::Empty |
}; |
} |
// TODO: respect extent
let (a, b) = (self, other); |
let (a_0, a_v, b_0, b_v) = (a.start, a.dir, b.start, b.dir); |
let (a_c, a_s, b_c, b_s) = ( |
a_v.cos_angle(), |
a_v.sin_angle(), |
b_v.cos_angle(), |
b_v.sin_angle(), |
); |
let t_b = (a_0.x * a_s - a_0.y * a_c + a_0.x * a_s + b_0.y * a_c) / (a_s * b_c - a_c * b_s); |
Region2::Singleton(b.evaluate(t_b)) |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] |
pub enum Region2 { |
Empty, |
// single point at 0
Singleton(Point2), |
Line(Line2), |
#[allow(dead_code)] |
Union(Box<Region2>, Box<Region2>), |
Full, |
} |
impl Region<Point2> for Region2 { |
fn full() -> Self { |
Region2::Full |
} |
fn singleton(value: Point2) -> Self { |
Region2::Singleton(value) |
} |
fn contains(&self, p: &Point2) -> bool { |
self.nearest(p).map_or(false, |n| relative_eq!(n, p)) |
} |
fn nearest(&self, p: &Point2) -> Option<Point2> { |
use Region2::*; |
match self { |
Empty => None, |
Full => Some(*p), |
Singleton(n) => Some(*n), |
Line(line) => Some(line.nearest(p)), |
Union(r1, r2) => { |
use nalgebra::distance; |
match (r1.nearest(p), r2.nearest(p)) { |
(None, None) => None, |
(Some(n), None) | (None, Some(n)) => Some(n), |
(Some(n1), Some(n2)) => Some({ |
if distance(p, &n1) <= distance(p, &n2) { |
n1 |
} else { |
n2 |
} |
}), |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
impl Region2 { |
pub fn union(r1: Region2, r2: Region2) -> Region2 { |
use Region2::*; |
match (r1, r2) { |
(Empty, r) | (r, Empty) => r, |
(Full, _) | (_, Full) => Full, |
(r1, r2) => Union(Box::new(r1), Box::new(r2)), |
} |
} |
pub fn intersect(&self, other: &Region2) -> Region2 { |
use Region2::*; |
match (self, other) { |
(Empty, _) | (_, Empty) => Empty, |
(Full, r) | (r, Full) => r.clone(), |
(Singleton(n1), Singleton(n2)) => { |
if n1 == n2 { |
Singleton(*n1) |
} else { |
Empty |
} |
} |
(Singleton(n), o) | (o, Singleton(n)) => { |
if o.contains(n) { |
Singleton(*n) |
} else { |
Empty |
} |
} |
(Line(l1), Line(l2)) => l1.intersect(l2), |
(Union(un1, un2), o) | (o, Union(un1, un2)) => { |
Self::union(un1.intersect(o), un2.intersect(o)) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
pub mod solve { |
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; |
use std::fmt; |
use std::iter::FromIterator; |
use crate::math::Scalar; |
// an unknown variable with an id
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] |
struct Unknown(i64); |
type UnknownSet = BTreeSet<Unknown>; |
trait Unknowns { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet; |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool; |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool; |
} |
impl Unknowns for Scalar { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
UnknownSet::new() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
false |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, _: Unknown) -> bool { |
false |
} |
} |
impl Unknowns for Unknown { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
FromIterator::from_iter(Some(*self)) |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
true |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
*self == u |
} |
} |
impl fmt::Display for Unknown { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
write!(f, "u{}", self.0) |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
enum Expr { |
Unkn(Unknown), |
Const(Scalar), |
Sum(Exprs), |
Neg(Box<Expr>), |
Product(Exprs), |
Div(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), |
} |
type Exprs = Vec<Expr>; |
impl Unknowns for Exprs { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
self.iter().flat_map(|e: &Expr| e.unknowns()).collect() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
self.iter().any(|e: &Expr| e.has_unknowns()) |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
self.iter().any(|e: &Expr| e.has_unknown(u)) |
} |
} |
fn write_separated_exprs(es: &Exprs, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, sep: &str) -> fmt::Result { |
let mut is_first = true; |
for e in es { |
if is_first { |
is_first = false; |
} else { |
write!(f, "{}", sep)? |
} |
write!(f, "({})", e)? |
} |
Ok(()) |
} |
fn remove_common_terms(l: &mut Vec<Expr>, r: &mut Vec<Expr>) -> Vec<Expr> { |
let common: Vec<_> = l.drain_filter(|e| r.contains(e)).collect(); |
common.iter().for_each(|e| { |
r.remove_item(e); |
}); |
common |
} |
fn remove_term(terms: &mut Vec<Expr>, term: &Expr) -> Option<Expr> { |
terms.remove_item(term) |
} |
fn sum_fold(l: Expr, r: Expr) -> Expr { |
use itertools::Itertools; |
use Expr::*; |
match (l, r) { |
(Const(lc), Const(rc)) => Const(lc + rc), |
(Const(c), o) | (o, Const(c)) if relative_eq!(c, 0.) => o, |
(Product(mut l), Product(mut r)) => { |
let comm = remove_common_terms(&mut l, &mut r); |
Expr::new_product(Sum(comm), Expr::new_sum(Product(l), Product(r))).simplify() |
} |
(Product(mut l), r) | (r, Product(mut l)) => { |
let comm = remove_term(&mut l, &r); |
match comm { |
Some(_) => { |
Expr::new_product(r, Expr::new_sum(Product(l), Const(1.))).simplify() |
} |
None => Expr::new_sum(Product(l), r), |
} |
} |
(l, r) => Expr::new_sum(l, r), |
} |
} |
fn group_sum(es: Exprs) -> Exprs { |
use Expr::*; |
let mut common: BTreeMap<UnknownSet, Expr> = BTreeMap::new(); |
for e in es { |
let unkns = e.unknowns(); |
match common.get_mut(&unkns) { |
None => { |
match e { |
Const(c) if relative_eq!(c, 0.) => (), |
e => { |
common.insert(unkns, e); |
} |
}; |
} |
Some(existing) => { |
match existing { |
Sum(ref mut es) => { |
// already failed at merging, so just add it to the list
es.push(e); |
} |
other => { |
*other = sum_fold(other.clone(), e); |
} |
}; |
} |
}; |
} |
common.into_iter().map(|(_, v)| v).collect() |
} |
fn product_fold(l: Expr, r: Expr) -> Expr { |
use itertools::Itertools; |
use Expr::*; |
match (l, r) { |
(Const(lc), Const(rc)) => Const(lc * rc), |
(Const(c), o) | (o, Const(c)) if relative_eq!(c, 1.) => o, |
(Div(num, den), mul) | (mul, Div(num, den)) => { |
if mul == *den { |
*num |
} else { |
Expr::Div(Box::new(Expr::Product(vec![*num, mul])), den).simplify() |
} |
} |
(l, r) => Expr::new_product(l, r), |
} |
} |
fn group_product(es: Exprs) -> Exprs { |
use Expr::*; |
let mut common: BTreeMap<UnknownSet, Expr> = BTreeMap::new(); |
for e in es { |
let unkns = e.unknowns(); |
match common.get_mut(&unkns) { |
None => { |
match e { |
Const(c) if relative_eq!(c, 1.) => (), |
e => { |
common.insert(unkns, e); |
} |
}; |
} |
Some(existing) => { |
match existing { |
Sum(ref mut es) => { |
// already failed at merging, so just add it to the list
es.push(e); |
} |
other => *other = product_fold(other.clone(), e), |
}; |
} |
}; |
} |
common.into_iter().map(|(_, v)| v).collect() |
} |
fn distribute_product_sums(mut es: Exprs) -> Expr { |
trace!("distribute_product_sums: {}", Product(es.clone())); |
use itertools::Itertools; |
use Expr::*; |
let sums = es |
.drain_filter(|e| match e { |
Sum(_) => true, |
_ => false, |
}) |
.map(|e| { |
trace!("sum in product: {}", e); |
match e { |
Sum(es) => es, |
_ => unreachable!(), |
} |
}); |
let products: Vec<_> = sums.multi_cartesian_product().collect(); |
if products.is_empty() { |
trace!("no sums to distribute"); |
return Product(es); |
} |
let sums = products |
.into_iter() |
.map(|mut prod| { |
prod.extend(es.clone()); |
trace!("prod: {}", Product(prod.clone())); |
Product(prod) |
}) |
.collect(); |
Sum(sums) |
} |
impl Unknowns for Expr { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u) => u.unknowns(), |
Const(_) => UnknownSet::default(), |
Sum(es) | Product(es) => es.unknowns(), |
Div(l, r) => l.unknowns().union(&r.unknowns()).cloned().collect(), |
Neg(e) => e.unknowns(), |
} |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u) => u.has_unknowns(), |
Const(_) => false, |
Sum(es) | Product(es) => es.has_unknowns(), |
Div(l, r) => l.has_unknowns() || r.has_unknowns(), |
Neg(e) => e.has_unknowns(), |
} |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u1) => u1.has_unknown(u), |
Const(_) => false, |
Sum(es) | Product(es) => es.has_unknown(u), |
Div(l, r) => l.has_unknown(u) || r.has_unknown(u), |
Neg(e) => e.has_unknown(u), |
} |
} |
} |
impl Expr { |
fn new_sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Sum(vec![e1, e2]) |
} |
fn new_product(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Product(vec![e1, e2]) |
} |
fn new_neg(e1: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Neg(Box::new(e1)) |
} |
fn new_div(num: Expr, den: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Div(Box::new(num), Box::new(den)) |
} |
fn new_minus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Sum(vec![e1, Expr::new_neg(e2)]) |
} |
fn new_inv(den: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::new_div(Expr::Const(1.), den) |
} |
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Const(c) => relative_eq!(*c, 0.), |
_ => false, |
} |
} |
fn is_one(&self) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Const(c) => relative_eq!(*c, 1.), |
_ => false, |
} |
} |
fn simplify(self) -> Expr { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Sum(es) => { |
let mut new_es: Vec<_> = es |
.into_iter() |
.map(|e| e.simplify()) |
.flat_map(|e| match e { |
Sum(more_es) => more_es, |
other => vec![other], |
}) |
.collect(); |
let pre_new_es = new_es.clone(); |
new_es = group_sum(new_es); |
trace!( |
"simplify sum {} => {}", |
Sum(pre_new_es), |
Sum(new_es.clone()) |
); |
match new_es.len() { |
0 => Const(0.), // none
1 => new_es.into_iter().next().unwrap(), // one
_ => Sum(new_es), // many
} |
} |
Product(es) => { |
let new_es: Vec<_> = es |
.into_iter() |
.map(|e| e.simplify()) |
.flat_map(|e| match e { |
Product(more_es) => more_es, |
other => vec![other], |
}) |
.collect(); |
let pre_new_es = new_es.clone(); |
let new_es = group_product(new_es); |
trace!( |
"simplify product {} => {}", |
Product(pre_new_es), |
Product(new_es.clone()) |
); |
match new_es.len() { |
0 => Const(1.), // none
1 => new_es.into_iter().next().unwrap(), // one
_ => Product(new_es), // many
} |
} |
Neg(mut v) => { |
*v = v.simplify(); |
trace!("simplify neg {}", Neg(v.clone())); |
match v { |
box Const(c) => Const(-c), |
box Neg(v) => *v, |
e => Product(vec![Const(-1.), *e]), |
} |
} |
Div(mut num, mut den) => { |
*num = num.simplify(); |
*den = den.simplify(); |
trace!("simplify div {}", Div(num.clone(), den.clone())); |
match (num, den) { |
(box Const(num), box Const(den)) => Const(num / den), |
(num, box Const(den)) => { |
if relative_eq!(den, 1.) { |
*num |
} else { |
Expr::new_product(*num, Const(1. / den)) |
} |
} |
(num, box Div(dennum, denden)) => { |
Div(Box::new(Product(vec![*num, *denden])), dennum).simplify() |
} |
(box Product(mut es), box den) => match es.remove_item(&den) { |
Some(_) => Product(es), |
None => Expr::new_div(Product(es), den), |
}, |
(num, den) => { |
if num == den { |
Expr::Const(1.) |
} else { |
Div(num, den) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
e => e, |
} |
} |
fn distribute(self) -> Expr { |
use Expr::*; |
trace!("distribute {}", self); |
match self { |
Sum(mut es) => { |
for e in &mut es { |
*e = e.clone().distribute(); |
} |
Sum(es) |
} |
Product(es) => distribute_product_sums(es), |
Div(mut num, mut den) => { |
*num = num.distribute(); |
*den = den.distribute(); |
match (num, den) { |
(box Sum(es), box den) => Sum(es |
.into_iter() |
.map(|e| Expr::new_div(e, den.clone())) |
.collect()), |
(mut num, mut den) => Div(num, den), |
} |
} |
Neg(v) => match v { |
// box Sum(mut l, mut r) => {
// *l = Neg(l.clone()).distribute();
// *r = Neg(r.clone()).distribute();
// Sum(l, r)
// }
// box Product(mut l, r) => {
// *l = Neg(l.clone()).distribute();
// Product(l, r)
// }
box Neg(v) => v.distribute(), |
box Div(mut num, mut den) => { |
*num = Neg(num.clone()).distribute(); |
*den = Neg(den.clone()).distribute(); |
Div(num, den) |
} |
e => Neg(e), |
}, |
e => e, |
} |
} |
} |
impl fmt::Display for Expr { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u) => write!(f, "{}", u), |
Const(c) => write!(f, "{}", c), |
Sum(es) => write_separated_exprs(es, f, " + "), |
Product(es) => write_separated_exprs(es, f, " * "), |
Div(num, den) => write!(f, "({}) / ({})", num, den), |
Neg(e) => write!(f, "-({})", e), |
} |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
struct Eqn(Expr, Expr); |
impl Unknowns for Eqn { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
self.0 |
.unknowns() |
.union(&self.1.unknowns()) |
.cloned() |
.collect() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
self.0.has_unknowns() || self.1.has_unknowns() |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
self.0.has_unknown(u) || self.1.has_unknown(u) |
} |
} |
fn ord_by_unkn(a: Expr, b: Expr, u: Unknown) -> Option<(Expr, Expr)> { |
if a.has_unknown(u) { |
Some((a, b)) |
} else if b.has_unknown(u) { |
Some((b, a)) |
} else { |
None |
} |
} |
impl Eqn { |
fn simplify(self) -> Eqn { |
Eqn(self.0.simplify(), self.1.simplify()) |
} |
fn solve(&self, for_u: Unknown) -> Option<Expr> { |
use Expr::*; |
if !self.has_unknown(for_u) { |
return None; |
} |
let (l, r) = ( |
self.0 |
.clone() /*.distribute()*/ |
.simplify(), |
self.1 |
.clone() /*.distribute()*/ |
.simplify(), |
); |
let (mut l, mut r) = ord_by_unkn(l, r, for_u)?; |
loop { |
trace!("solve: {} == {}", l, r); |
let (new_l, new_r): (Expr, Expr) = match l { |
Unkn(u) => return if u == for_u { Some(r.simplify()) } else { None }, |
Sum(es) => { |
let (us, not_us): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = |
es.into_iter().partition(|e| e.has_unknown(for_u)); |
if us.len() != 1 { |
return None; |
} |
( |
Sum(us).simplify(), |
Expr::new_minus(r, Sum(not_us)).simplify(), |
) |
} |
Product(es) => { |
let (us, not_us): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = |
es.into_iter().partition(|e| e.has_unknown(for_u)); |
if us.len() != 1 { |
return None; |
} |
( |
Product(us).simplify(), |
Expr::new_div(r, Product(not_us)).simplify(), |
) |
} |
Neg(v) => (*v, Expr::new_neg(r)), |
Div(num, den) => { |
let (nu, du) = (num.has_unknown(for_u), den.has_unknown(for_u)); |
match (nu, du) { |
(true, false) => (*num, Expr::new_product(r, *den)), |
(false, true) => (Expr::new_product(r, *den), *num), |
(true, true) => return None, // TODO: simplify
(false, false) => return None, |
} |
} |
Const(_) => return None, |
_ => return None, |
}; |
l = new_l; |
r = new_r; |
} |
} |
} |
impl fmt::Display for Eqn { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
write!(f, "{} == {}", self.0, self.1) |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
struct Eqns(Vec<Eqn>); |
impl Unknowns for Eqns { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
self.0.iter().flat_map(|eqn: &Eqn| eqn.unknowns()).collect() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
self.0.iter().any(|eqn: &Eqn| eqn.has_unknowns()) |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
self.0.iter().any(|eqn: &Eqn| eqn.has_unknown(u)) |
} |
} |
#[cfg(test)] |
mod tests { |
use super::*; |
#[test] |
fn test_unknowns() { |
let u1 = Unknown(1); |
let u2 = Unknown(2); |
let u3 = Unknown(3); |
assert!(u1.has_unknowns()); |
assert!(u2.has_unknowns()); |
assert!(u1.has_unknown(u1)); |
assert!(!u1.has_unknown(u2)); |
assert!(u1.unknowns().contains(&u1)); |
assert!(!u2.unknowns().contains(&u1)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_minus(Expr::Unkn(u1), Expr::Unkn(u2)); |
assert!(e1.has_unknowns()); |
assert!(e1.has_unknown(u1)); |
assert!(e1.has_unknown(u2)); |
assert!(!e1.has_unknown(u3)); |
assert!(e1.unknowns().len() == 2); |
} |
fn const_expr(e: Expr) -> Option<Scalar> { |
match e { |
Expr::Const(c) => Some(c), |
_ => None, |
} |
} |
#[test] |
fn test_solve() { |
use Expr::*; |
let _ = env_logger::try_init(); |
let u1 = Unknown(1); |
let e1 = Unkn(u1); |
let e2 = Const(1.); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1.clone(), e2.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(1.))); |
let eqn = Eqn(e2.clone(), e1.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(1.))); |
let e3 = Expr::new_sum(Const(1.), Expr::new_sum(Const(1.), Const(2.))); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1.clone(), e3.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(4.))); |
let e3 = Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(1.)); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1.clone(), e3.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(0.))); |
let e1 = Expr::new_div(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Unkn(u1)); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
info!("eqn: {} => {}", eqn, eqn.clone().simplify()); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), 5. / 3.)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_product(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_minus(Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Const(2.)), Unkn(u1)); |
info!( |
"e1==e2: {}=={} => {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().simplify(), |
e2.clone().simplify() |
); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), -6.)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_product(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_div( |
Expr::new_sum( |
Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Const(2.)), |
Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Unkn(u1)), |
), |
Unkn(u1), |
); |
info!( |
"{}=={} distrib=> {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().distribute(), |
e2.clone().distribute() |
); |
info!( |
"{}=={} simplify=> {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().distribute().simplify(), |
e2.clone().distribute().simplify() |
); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), -8.)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_product(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_div( |
Expr::new_sum( |
Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Const(2.)), |
Expr::new_sum( |
Expr::new_sum(Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Unkn(u1)), Unkn(u1)), |
Expr::new_minus(Const(2.), Const(1. + 1.)), |
), |
), |
Unkn(u1), |
); |
info!( |
"e1==e2: {}=={} => {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().distribute().simplify(), |
e2.clone().distribute().simplify().simplify() |
); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), -9.)); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
pub mod solver; |
pub type Scalar = f64; |
pub type Vec2 = nalgebra::Vector2<Scalar>; |
pub type Point2 = nalgebra::Point2<Scalar>; |
pub type Rot2 = nalgebra::UnitComplex<Scalar>; |
pub trait Region<T> { |
fn full() -> Self; |
fn singleton(value: T) -> Self; |
fn nearest(&self, value: &T) -> Option<T>; |
fn contains(&self, value: &T) -> bool; |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] |
pub enum Region1 { |
Empty, |
Singleton(Scalar), |
Range(Scalar, Scalar), |
Union(Box<Region1>, Box<Region1>), |
Full, |
} |
impl Region<Scalar> for Region1 { |
fn full() -> Self { |
Region1::Full |
} |
fn singleton(value: Scalar) -> Self { |
Region1::Singleton(value) |
} |
fn contains(&self, n: &Scalar) -> bool { |
use Region1::*; |
match self { |
Empty => false, |
Singleton(n1) => relative_eq!(n1, n), |
Range(l, u) => *l <= *n && *n <= *u, |
Union(r1, r2) => r1.contains(n) || r2.contains(n), |
Full => true, |
} |
} |
fn nearest(&self, s: &Scalar) -> Option<Scalar> { |
use Region1::*; |
match self { |
Empty => None, |
Full => Some(*s), |
Singleton(n) => Some(*n), |
Range(l, u) => match (l < s, s < u) { |
(true, true) => Some(*s), |
(true, false) => Some(*u), |
(false, true) => Some(*l), |
_ => None, |
}, |
Union(r1, r2) => { |
let distance = |a: Scalar, b: Scalar| (a - b).abs(); |
match (r1.nearest(s), r2.nearest(s)) { |
(None, None) => None, |
(Some(n), None) | (None, Some(n)) => Some(n), |
(Some(n1), Some(n2)) => Some({ |
if distance(*s, n1) <= distance(*s, n2) { |
n1 |
} else { |
n2 |
} |
}), |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// line starting at start, point at angle dir, with range extent
// ie. start + (cos dir, sin dir) * t for t in extent
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] |
pub struct Line2 { |
start: Point2, |
dir: Rot2, |
extent: Region1, |
} |
impl Line2 { |
pub fn new(start: Point2, dir: Rot2, extent: Region1) -> Self { |
Self { start, dir, extent } |
} |
pub fn evaluate(&self, t: Scalar) -> Point2 { |
self.start + self.dir * Vec2::new(t, 0.) |
} |
pub fn nearest(&self, p: &Point2) -> Point2 { |
// rotate angle 90 degrees
let perp_dir = self.dir * Rot2::from_cos_sin_unchecked(0., 1.); |
let perp = Line2::new(*p, perp_dir, Region1::Full); |
if let Region2::Singleton(np) = self.intersect(&perp) { |
np |
} else { |
panic!("Line2::nearest not found!"); |
} |
} |
pub fn intersect(&self, other: &Line2) -> Region2 { |
// if the two lines are parallel...
let dirs = self.dir / other.dir; |
if relative_eq!(dirs.sin_angle(), 0.) { |
let starts = self.dir.to_rotation_matrix().inverse() * (other.start - self.start); |
return if relative_eq!(starts.y, 0.) { |
// and they are colinear
Region2::Line(self.clone()) |
} else { |
// they are parallel and never intersect
Region2::Empty |
}; |
} |
// TODO: respect extent
let (a, b) = (self, other); |
let (a_0, a_v, b_0, b_v) = (a.start, a.dir, b.start, b.dir); |
let (a_c, a_s, b_c, b_s) = ( |
a_v.cos_angle(), |
a_v.sin_angle(), |
b_v.cos_angle(), |
b_v.sin_angle(), |
); |
let t_b = (a_0.x * a_s - a_0.y * a_c + a_0.x * a_s + b_0.y * a_c) / (a_s * b_c - a_c * b_s); |
Region2::Singleton(b.evaluate(t_b)) |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] |
pub enum Region2 { |
Empty, |
// single point at 0
Singleton(Point2), |
Line(Line2), |
#[allow(dead_code)] |
Union(Box<Region2>, Box<Region2>), |
Full, |
} |
impl Region<Point2> for Region2 { |
fn full() -> Self { |
Region2::Full |
} |
fn singleton(value: Point2) -> Self { |
Region2::Singleton(value) |
} |
fn contains(&self, p: &Point2) -> bool { |
self.nearest(p).map_or(false, |n| relative_eq!(n, p)) |
} |
fn nearest(&self, p: &Point2) -> Option<Point2> { |
use Region2::*; |
match self { |
Empty => None, |
Full => Some(*p), |
Singleton(n) => Some(*n), |
Line(line) => Some(line.nearest(p)), |
Union(r1, r2) => { |
use nalgebra::distance; |
match (r1.nearest(p), r2.nearest(p)) { |
(None, None) => None, |
(Some(n), None) | (None, Some(n)) => Some(n), |
(Some(n1), Some(n2)) => Some({ |
if distance(p, &n1) <= distance(p, &n2) { |
n1 |
} else { |
n2 |
} |
}), |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
impl Region2 { |
pub fn union(r1: Region2, r2: Region2) -> Region2 { |
use Region2::*; |
match (r1, r2) { |
(Empty, r) | (r, Empty) => r, |
(Full, _) | (_, Full) => Full, |
(r1, r2) => Union(Box::new(r1), Box::new(r2)), |
} |
} |
pub fn intersect(&self, other: &Region2) -> Region2 { |
use Region2::*; |
match (self, other) { |
(Empty, _) | (_, Empty) => Empty, |
(Full, r) | (r, Full) => r.clone(), |
(Singleton(n1), Singleton(n2)) => { |
if n1 == n2 { |
Singleton(*n1) |
} else { |
Empty |
} |
} |
(Singleton(n), o) | (o, Singleton(n)) => { |
if o.contains(n) { |
Singleton(*n) |
} else { |
Empty |
} |
} |
(Line(l1), Line(l2)) => l1.intersect(l2), |
(Union(un1, un2), o) | (o, Union(un1, un2)) => { |
Self::union(un1.intersect(o), un2.intersect(o)) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; |
use std::fmt; |
use std::iter::FromIterator; |
use crate::math::Scalar; |
// an unknown variable with an id
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] |
struct Unknown(i64); |
type UnknownSet = BTreeSet<Unknown>; |
trait Unknowns { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet; |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool; |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool; |
} |
impl Unknowns for Scalar { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
UnknownSet::new() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
false |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, _: Unknown) -> bool { |
false |
} |
} |
impl Unknowns for Unknown { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
FromIterator::from_iter(Some(*self)) |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
true |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
*self == u |
} |
} |
impl fmt::Display for Unknown { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
write!(f, "u{}", self.0) |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
enum Expr { |
Unkn(Unknown), |
Const(Scalar), |
Sum(Exprs), |
Neg(Box<Expr>), |
Product(Exprs), |
Div(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), |
} |
type Exprs = Vec<Expr>; |
impl Unknowns for Exprs { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
self.iter().flat_map(|e: &Expr| e.unknowns()).collect() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
self.iter().any(|e: &Expr| e.has_unknowns()) |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
self.iter().any(|e: &Expr| e.has_unknown(u)) |
} |
} |
fn write_separated_exprs(es: &Exprs, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, sep: &str) -> fmt::Result { |
let mut is_first = true; |
for e in es { |
if is_first { |
is_first = false; |
} else { |
write!(f, "{}", sep)? |
} |
write!(f, "({})", e)? |
} |
Ok(()) |
} |
fn remove_common_terms(l: &mut Vec<Expr>, r: &mut Vec<Expr>) -> Vec<Expr> { |
let common: Vec<_> = l.drain_filter(|e| r.contains(e)).collect(); |
common.iter().for_each(|e| { |
r.remove_item(e); |
}); |
common |
} |
fn remove_term(terms: &mut Vec<Expr>, term: &Expr) -> Option<Expr> { |
terms.remove_item(term) |
} |
fn sum_fold(l: Expr, r: Expr) -> Expr { |
use itertools::Itertools; |
use Expr::*; |
match (l, r) { |
(Const(lc), Const(rc)) => Const(lc + rc), |
(Const(c), o) | (o, Const(c)) if relative_eq!(c, 0.) => o, |
(Product(mut l), Product(mut r)) => { |
let comm = remove_common_terms(&mut l, &mut r); |
Expr::new_product(Sum(comm), Expr::new_sum(Product(l), Product(r))).simplify() |
} |
(Product(mut l), r) | (r, Product(mut l)) => { |
let comm = remove_term(&mut l, &r); |
match comm { |
Some(_) => { |
Expr::new_product(r, Expr::new_sum(Product(l), Const(1.))).simplify() |
} |
None => Expr::new_sum(Product(l), r), |
} |
} |
(l, r) => Expr::new_sum(l, r), |
} |
} |
fn group_sum(es: Exprs) -> Exprs { |
use Expr::*; |
let mut common: BTreeMap<UnknownSet, Expr> = BTreeMap::new(); |
for e in es { |
let unkns = e.unknowns(); |
match common.get_mut(&unkns) { |
None => { |
match e { |
Const(c) if relative_eq!(c, 0.) => (), |
e => { |
common.insert(unkns, e); |
} |
}; |
} |
Some(existing) => { |
match existing { |
Sum(ref mut es) => { |
// already failed at merging, so just add it to the list
es.push(e); |
} |
other => { |
*other = sum_fold(other.clone(), e); |
} |
}; |
} |
}; |
} |
common.into_iter().map(|(_, v)| v).collect() |
} |
fn product_fold(l: Expr, r: Expr) -> Expr { |
use itertools::Itertools; |
use Expr::*; |
match (l, r) { |
(Const(lc), Const(rc)) => Const(lc * rc), |
(Const(c), o) | (o, Const(c)) if relative_eq!(c, 1.) => o, |
(Div(num, den), mul) | (mul, Div(num, den)) => { |
if mul == *den { |
*num |
} else { |
Expr::Div(Box::new(Expr::Product(vec![*num, mul])), den).simplify() |
} |
} |
(l, r) => Expr::new_product(l, r), |
} |
} |
fn group_product(es: Exprs) -> Exprs { |
use Expr::*; |
let mut common: BTreeMap<UnknownSet, Expr> = BTreeMap::new(); |
for e in es { |
let unkns = e.unknowns(); |
match common.get_mut(&unkns) { |
None => { |
match e { |
Const(c) if relative_eq!(c, 1.) => (), |
e => { |
common.insert(unkns, e); |
} |
}; |
} |
Some(existing) => { |
match existing { |
Sum(ref mut es) => { |
// already failed at merging, so just add it to the list
es.push(e); |
} |
other => *other = product_fold(other.clone(), e), |
}; |
} |
}; |
} |
common.into_iter().map(|(_, v)| v).collect() |
} |
fn distribute_product_sums(mut es: Exprs) -> Expr { |
trace!("distribute_product_sums: {}", Product(es.clone())); |
use itertools::Itertools; |
use Expr::*; |
let sums = es |
.drain_filter(|e| match e { |
Sum(_) => true, |
_ => false, |
}) |
.map(|e| { |
trace!("sum in product: {}", e); |
match e { |
Sum(es) => es, |
_ => unreachable!(), |
} |
}); |
let products: Vec<_> = sums.multi_cartesian_product().collect(); |
if products.is_empty() { |
trace!("no sums to distribute"); |
return Product(es); |
} |
let sums = products |
.into_iter() |
.map(|mut prod| { |
prod.extend(es.clone()); |
trace!("prod: {}", Product(prod.clone())); |
Product(prod) |
}) |
.collect(); |
Sum(sums) |
} |
impl Unknowns for Expr { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u) => u.unknowns(), |
Const(_) => UnknownSet::default(), |
Sum(es) | Product(es) => es.unknowns(), |
Div(l, r) => l.unknowns().union(&r.unknowns()).cloned().collect(), |
Neg(e) => e.unknowns(), |
} |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u) => u.has_unknowns(), |
Const(_) => false, |
Sum(es) | Product(es) => es.has_unknowns(), |
Div(l, r) => l.has_unknowns() || r.has_unknowns(), |
Neg(e) => e.has_unknowns(), |
} |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u1) => u1.has_unknown(u), |
Const(_) => false, |
Sum(es) | Product(es) => es.has_unknown(u), |
Div(l, r) => l.has_unknown(u) || r.has_unknown(u), |
Neg(e) => e.has_unknown(u), |
} |
} |
} |
impl Expr { |
fn new_sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Sum(vec![e1, e2]) |
} |
fn new_product(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Product(vec![e1, e2]) |
} |
fn new_neg(e1: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Neg(Box::new(e1)) |
} |
fn new_div(num: Expr, den: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Div(Box::new(num), Box::new(den)) |
} |
fn new_minus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::Sum(vec![e1, Expr::new_neg(e2)]) |
} |
fn new_inv(den: Expr) -> Expr { |
Expr::new_div(Expr::Const(1.), den) |
} |
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Const(c) => relative_eq!(*c, 0.), |
_ => false, |
} |
} |
fn is_one(&self) -> bool { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Const(c) => relative_eq!(*c, 1.), |
_ => false, |
} |
} |
fn simplify(self) -> Expr { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Sum(es) => { |
let mut new_es: Vec<_> = es |
.into_iter() |
.map(|e| e.simplify()) |
.flat_map(|e| match e { |
Sum(more_es) => more_es, |
other => vec![other], |
}) |
.collect(); |
let pre_new_es = new_es.clone(); |
new_es = group_sum(new_es); |
trace!( |
"simplify sum {} => {}", |
Sum(pre_new_es), |
Sum(new_es.clone()) |
); |
match new_es.len() { |
0 => Const(0.), // none
1 => new_es.into_iter().next().unwrap(), // one
_ => Sum(new_es), // many
} |
} |
Product(es) => { |
let new_es: Vec<_> = es |
.into_iter() |
.map(|e| e.simplify()) |
.flat_map(|e| match e { |
Product(more_es) => more_es, |
other => vec![other], |
}) |
.collect(); |
let pre_new_es = new_es.clone(); |
let new_es = group_product(new_es); |
trace!( |
"simplify product {} => {}", |
Product(pre_new_es), |
Product(new_es.clone()) |
); |
match new_es.len() { |
0 => Const(1.), // none
1 => new_es.into_iter().next().unwrap(), // one
_ => Product(new_es), // many
} |
} |
Neg(mut v) => { |
*v = v.simplify(); |
trace!("simplify neg {}", Neg(v.clone())); |
match v { |
box Const(c) => Const(-c), |
box Neg(v) => *v, |
e => Product(vec![Const(-1.), *e]), |
} |
} |
Div(mut num, mut den) => { |
*num = num.simplify(); |
*den = den.simplify(); |
trace!("simplify div {}", Div(num.clone(), den.clone())); |
match (num, den) { |
(box Const(num), box Const(den)) => Const(num / den), |
(num, box Const(den)) => { |
if relative_eq!(den, 1.) { |
*num |
} else { |
Expr::new_product(*num, Const(1. / den)) |
} |
} |
(num, box Div(dennum, denden)) => { |
Div(Box::new(Product(vec![*num, *denden])), dennum).simplify() |
} |
(box Product(mut es), box den) => match es.remove_item(&den) { |
Some(_) => Product(es), |
None => Expr::new_div(Product(es), den), |
}, |
(num, den) => { |
if num == den { |
Expr::Const(1.) |
} else { |
Div(num, den) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
e => e, |
} |
} |
fn distribute(self) -> Expr { |
use Expr::*; |
trace!("distribute {}", self); |
match self { |
Sum(mut es) => { |
for e in &mut es { |
*e = e.clone().distribute(); |
} |
Sum(es) |
} |
Product(es) => distribute_product_sums(es), |
Div(mut num, mut den) => { |
*num = num.distribute(); |
*den = den.distribute(); |
match (num, den) { |
(box Sum(es), box den) => Sum(es |
.into_iter() |
.map(|e| Expr::new_div(e, den.clone())) |
.collect()), |
(mut num, mut den) => Div(num, den), |
} |
} |
Neg(v) => match v { |
// box Sum(mut l, mut r) => {
// *l = Neg(l.clone()).distribute();
// *r = Neg(r.clone()).distribute();
// Sum(l, r)
// }
// box Product(mut l, r) => {
// *l = Neg(l.clone()).distribute();
// Product(l, r)
// }
box Neg(v) => v.distribute(), |
box Div(mut num, mut den) => { |
*num = Neg(num.clone()).distribute(); |
*den = Neg(den.clone()).distribute(); |
Div(num, den) |
} |
e => Neg(e), |
}, |
e => e, |
} |
} |
} |
impl fmt::Display for Expr { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
use Expr::*; |
match self { |
Unkn(u) => write!(f, "{}", u), |
Const(c) => write!(f, "{}", c), |
Sum(es) => write_separated_exprs(es, f, " + "), |
Product(es) => write_separated_exprs(es, f, " * "), |
Div(num, den) => write!(f, "({}) / ({})", num, den), |
Neg(e) => write!(f, "-({})", e), |
} |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
struct Eqn(Expr, Expr); |
impl Unknowns for Eqn { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
self.0 |
.unknowns() |
.union(&self.1.unknowns()) |
.cloned() |
.collect() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
self.0.has_unknowns() || self.1.has_unknowns() |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
self.0.has_unknown(u) || self.1.has_unknown(u) |
} |
} |
fn ord_by_unkn(a: Expr, b: Expr, u: Unknown) -> Option<(Expr, Expr)> { |
if a.has_unknown(u) { |
Some((a, b)) |
} else if b.has_unknown(u) { |
Some((b, a)) |
} else { |
None |
} |
} |
impl Eqn { |
fn simplify(self) -> Eqn { |
Eqn(self.0.simplify(), self.1.simplify()) |
} |
fn solve(&self, for_u: Unknown) -> Option<Expr> { |
use Expr::*; |
if !self.has_unknown(for_u) { |
return None; |
} |
let (l, r) = ( |
self.0 |
.clone() /*.distribute()*/ |
.simplify(), |
self.1 |
.clone() /*.distribute()*/ |
.simplify(), |
); |
let (mut l, mut r) = ord_by_unkn(l, r, for_u)?; |
loop { |
trace!("solve: {} == {}", l, r); |
let (new_l, new_r): (Expr, Expr) = match l { |
Unkn(u) => return if u == for_u { Some(r.simplify()) } else { None }, |
Sum(es) => { |
let (us, not_us): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = |
es.into_iter().partition(|e| e.has_unknown(for_u)); |
if us.len() != 1 { |
return None; |
} |
( |
Sum(us).simplify(), |
Expr::new_minus(r, Sum(not_us)).simplify(), |
) |
} |
Product(es) => { |
let (us, not_us): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = |
es.into_iter().partition(|e| e.has_unknown(for_u)); |
if us.len() != 1 { |
return None; |
} |
( |
Product(us).simplify(), |
Expr::new_div(r, Product(not_us)).simplify(), |
) |
} |
Neg(v) => (*v, Expr::new_neg(r)), |
Div(num, den) => { |
let (nu, du) = (num.has_unknown(for_u), den.has_unknown(for_u)); |
match (nu, du) { |
(true, false) => (*num, Expr::new_product(r, *den)), |
(false, true) => (Expr::new_product(r, *den), *num), |
(true, true) => return None, // TODO: simplify
(false, false) => return None, |
} |
} |
Const(_) => return None, |
_ => return None, |
}; |
l = new_l; |
r = new_r; |
} |
} |
} |
impl fmt::Display for Eqn { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
write!(f, "{} == {}", self.0, self.1) |
} |
} |
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
struct Eqns(Vec<Eqn>); |
impl Unknowns for Eqns { |
fn unknowns(&self) -> UnknownSet { |
self.0.iter().flat_map(|eqn: &Eqn| eqn.unknowns()).collect() |
} |
fn has_unknowns(&self) -> bool { |
self.0.iter().any(|eqn: &Eqn| eqn.has_unknowns()) |
} |
fn has_unknown(&self, u: Unknown) -> bool { |
self.0.iter().any(|eqn: &Eqn| eqn.has_unknown(u)) |
} |
} |
#[cfg(test)] |
mod tests { |
use super::*; |
#[test] |
fn test_unknowns() { |
let u1 = Unknown(1); |
let u2 = Unknown(2); |
let u3 = Unknown(3); |
assert!(u1.has_unknowns()); |
assert!(u2.has_unknowns()); |
assert!(u1.has_unknown(u1)); |
assert!(!u1.has_unknown(u2)); |
assert!(u1.unknowns().contains(&u1)); |
assert!(!u2.unknowns().contains(&u1)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_minus(Expr::Unkn(u1), Expr::Unkn(u2)); |
assert!(e1.has_unknowns()); |
assert!(e1.has_unknown(u1)); |
assert!(e1.has_unknown(u2)); |
assert!(!e1.has_unknown(u3)); |
assert!(e1.unknowns().len() == 2); |
} |
fn const_expr(e: Expr) -> Option<Scalar> { |
match e { |
Expr::Const(c) => Some(c), |
_ => None, |
} |
} |
#[test] |
fn test_solve() { |
use Expr::*; |
let _ = env_logger::try_init(); |
let u1 = Unknown(1); |
let e1 = Unkn(u1); |
let e2 = Const(1.); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1.clone(), e2.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(1.))); |
let eqn = Eqn(e2.clone(), e1.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(1.))); |
let e3 = Expr::new_sum(Const(1.), Expr::new_sum(Const(1.), Const(2.))); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1.clone(), e3.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(4.))); |
let e3 = Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(1.)); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1.clone(), e3.clone()); |
assert_eq!(eqn.solve(u1), Some(Const(0.))); |
let e1 = Expr::new_div(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Unkn(u1)); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
info!("eqn: {} => {}", eqn, eqn.clone().simplify()); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), 5. / 3.)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_product(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_minus(Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Const(2.)), Unkn(u1)); |
info!( |
"e1==e2: {}=={} => {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().simplify(), |
e2.clone().simplify() |
); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), -6.)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_product(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_div( |
Expr::new_sum( |
Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Const(2.)), |
Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Unkn(u1)), |
), |
Unkn(u1), |
); |
info!( |
"{}=={} distrib=> {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().distribute(), |
e2.clone().distribute() |
); |
info!( |
"{}=={} simplify=> {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().distribute().simplify(), |
e2.clone().distribute().simplify() |
); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), -8.)); |
let e1 = Expr::new_product(Const(2.), Expr::new_minus(Const(1.), Const(4.))); |
let e2 = Expr::new_div( |
Expr::new_sum( |
Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Const(2.)), |
Expr::new_sum( |
Expr::new_sum(Expr::new_product(Unkn(u1), Unkn(u1)), Unkn(u1)), |
Expr::new_minus(Const(2.), Const(1. + 1.)), |
), |
), |
Unkn(u1), |
); |
info!( |
"e1==e2: {}=={} => {}=={}", |
e1, |
e2, |
e1.clone().distribute().simplify(), |
e2.clone().distribute().simplify().simplify() |
); |
let eqn = Eqn(e1, e2); |
let e = eqn.solve(u1).unwrap(); |
assert!(const_expr(e.clone()).is_some()); |
assert!(relative_eq!(const_expr(e.clone()).unwrap(), -9.)); |
} |
} |
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