

#ifndef _GUI_H
#define _GUI_H

#include "menu.h"

#define GUI_ALARM_CNT 4

struct _gui_data
  uint16_t week_time;			/* calculated: derived from h, mt, mo and weekday */
  uint8_t h, mt, mo, st, so;		/* input: current time */
  uint8_t day; 					/* input: 1 .. 31 current day in month */
  uint8_t month;				/* input: 1..12 */
  uint8_t year_t, year_o;			/* input: current year */
  uint8_t weekday; 				/* calculated: 0 = Monday */
  uint8_t next_alarm_index;	/* calculated: index for the next alarm or GUI_ALARM_CNT if there is no next alarm */
  uint8_t is_skip_possible;		/* calculated: whether the next alarm (next_alarm_index) can be skipped */
  uint8_t is_alarm;			/* input/calculated: set by the software, has to be reset by the user */
  uint8_t active_alarm_idx;	/* input/calculated: set by the software, has to be reset by the user */
  char s[16];				/* string buffer */
typedef struct _gui_data gui_data_t;

struct _gui_alarm_struct
  /* next alarm, all na_ fields are derived from the alarm information */
  uint16_t na_week_time_in_minutes;
  uint16_t na_minutes_diff;		/* calculated: time in minutes until next alarm, 0x0ffff = no alarm */
  uint8_t na_h;					/* calculated */
  uint8_t na_m;					/* calculated */
  uint8_t na_wd;				/* calculated: 0...7, 0=monday, 7=no alarm */
  /* alarm information */
  uint8_t enable;		/* input */
  uint8_t snooze_count;	/* input */
  uint8_t skip_wd;		/* input 0 = no skip, 1 = Monday, ...*/
  uint8_t h;			/* input */
  uint8_t m;			/* input */
  uint8_t wd[7];		/* input: 0 or 1, 0=weekday not selected */
typedef struct _gui_alarm_struct gui_alarm_t;

extern const me_t melist_display_time[];
extern const me_t melist_top_menu[];
extern const me_t melist_active_alarm_menu[];
extern const me_t melist_setup_menu[];
extern const me_t melist_alarm_menu[];

extern gui_data_t gui_data;

void gui_Recalculate(void);
void gui_Init(u8g2_t *u8g2);
void gui_Draw(void);
void gui_Next(void);
void gui_Select(void);
