/* AirQuality.ino ATMEGA328 (Arduino UNO) only Universal 8bit Graphics Library (https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/) Copyright (c) 2018, olikraus@gmail.com All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. http://shelvin.de/arduino-in-den-sleep_mode_pwr_down-schlaf-modus-setzen/ battery symbol trinket 3.3V requires at least 3.5V (https://learn.adafruit.com/introducing-pro-trinket/pinouts) Assuming 3x AAA and a fresh cell with 1.5V: --> 4.5V There are 6 battery symbols symbol 0: < 3.5V symbol 1: 3.5 - 3.7 symbol 2: 3.7 - 3.9 symbol 3: 3.9 - 4.1 symbol 4: 4.1 - 4-5 symbol 5: >= 4.5V 1V difference --> 5 steps --> 1V / 5 --> 0.2V step R1 = 470K R2 = 100K Rsum = 570K analogRead will use the internal 1.1V reference signal Um = 100K * 4.5V / 570K = 0.7894 V --> *1024/1.1 --> 735 (analogRead) Um = 100K * 3.5V / 570K = 0.6140 V --> 571 (analogRead) 735 - 571 = 164 --> 33 analogRead*1.1/1024 = Um, Um = 100 * Ubat/570 analogRead*1.1/1024 = 10 * Ubat/57 analogRead*1.1*57/10240 = Ubat Ubat = analogRead*1.1*57/10240 = analogRead*0.006123 = analogRead/163 */ #include <Arduino.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <U8g2lib.h> #include <Adafruit_SGP30.h> #include <SHTSensor.h> // adafruit sht31 lib v1.0.0 has a wrong 500 milliseconds delay, so use the SHTSensor.h lib #include <avr/sleep.h> //=================================================== // Constants: Timing values for the sensor & display state machine // all values are "seconds" // define startup calibration time: 2h //#define STARTUP_TIME (60*60*2) // five minutes #define STARTUP_TIME (60*5) // define duration after which the display is disabled: 30 seconds #define DISPLAY_TIME ((30)) // Datasheet, page 8: // For the first 15s after the “Init_air_quality” command the sensor // is in an initialization phase during which a “Measure_air_quality” // command returns fixed values // --> sensor warmup time #define SENSOR_WARMUP_TIME ((16)) // SENSOR_MEASURE_TIME defines the duration how long the measurement // shell be aktive (after SENSOR_WARMUP_TIME) #define SENSOR_MEASURE_TIME (14) // This is the time, after which the gas sensor should do another measurement. // The sum of SENSOR_WARMUP_TIME and SENSOR_MEASURE_TIME must // be lesser than SENSOR_SAMPLE_TIME // every 7 minutes, so there are at least two measures per history entry #define SENSOR_SAMPLE_TIME (7*60) // This is the time after which a new history entry is generated // There are 96 entries in the history table (HIST_CNT) // 15*60 = 15 minutes --> 96 * 15 minutes --> 24h #define NEW_HISTORY_DELAY (15*60) //#define NEW_HISTORY_DELAY 2 // changing the content of the display is done via "shakes" // shakes are detected by a tilt switsch. // This value defines the number of shake events to change the display page. #define NEW_DISPLAY_SHAKE_THRESHOLD 7 // number of seconds, for which a new display page is fixed // this means, for this duration, the user can not change the display page #define NEW_DISPLAY_COOL_DOWN 3 // Battery empty value // U = 100K * 3.5V / 570K = 0.6140 V --> 571 (analogRead) #define BATTERY_LOW 571 // step width for each battery symbol #define BATTERY_STEP 33 U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_2_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE); SHTSensor sht; // temperature & humidity sensor Adafruit_SGP30 sgp; // air quality sensor U8G2LOG u8g2log; // setup the terminal (U8G2LOG) and connect to u8g2 for automatic refresh of the display // The size (width * height) depends on the selected font and the display #define U8LOG_WIDTH 24 #define U8LOG_HEIGHT 5 uint8_t u8log_buffer[U8LOG_WIDTH*U8LOG_HEIGHT]; //=================================================== // Constants: Font definitions for U8g2 #define FONT_NARROW u8g2_font_mercutio_basic_nbp_tr #define FONT_SMALL u8g2_font_helvB08_tf #define FONT_MED_NUM u8g2_font_helvB14_tn //#define FONT_BIG u8g2_font_inr49_mn #define FONT_BIG u8g2_font_logisoso38_tn //=================================================== // Constants: State values for the sensor & display coordination #define STATE_RESET 0 #define STATE_STARTUP_DISP_ON 1 #define STATE_STARTUP_DISP_OFF 2 #define STATE_WARMUP_DISP_ON 11 #define STATE_WARMUP_DISP_OFF 12 #define STATE_MEASURE_DISP_ON 21 #define STATE_MEASURE_DISP_OFF 22 #define STATE_SENSOR_SLEEP_DISP_OFF 32 //=================================================== // Constants: Temperature boundaries #define TEMP_LOW -20 #define TEMP_HIGH (TEMP_LOW+120) //=================================================== // Constants: Number of different display pages #define DISPLAY_PAGE_CNT 3 //=================================================== // Constants: History #define HIST_CNT 96 // history sample time: number of seconds between each history entry // --> see NEW_HISTORY_DELAY // 15 min = 15*60 seconds: 96 entries for 24h //=================================================== // State variable for the sensor & display coordination uint8_t state = STATE_RESET; // assign STATE_xxx constants uint8_t is_display_enabled = 0; // modified by enable_display() and disable_display() //=================================================== // Variables: Air quality sensor related varables float temperature_raw; float humidity_raw; uint8_t temperature; /* with offset and multiplied by 2 */ uint8_t humidity; /* *2 */ uint16_t tvoc_raw; uint16_t tvoc_lp; uint16_t eco2_raw; uint16_t eco2_lp; int is_air_quality_available = 0; // Calibration values, values seem to be 0x8a27 and 0x08a98 for my sensor, so 0 will be used as not set uint16_t eco2_base = 0; // calibration value eCO2 uint16_t tvoc_base = 0; // calibration value TVOC //=================================================== uint16_t battery_raw; uint16_t battery_glyph; //=================================================== // Variables: Timer for the state machine volatile uint32_t wdt_count = 0; volatile uint8_t wdt_sec = 0; volatile uint8_t wdt_min = 0; volatile uint8_t wdt_hour = 0; volatile uint16_t wdt_day = 0; volatile uint16_t startup_timer = 0; volatile uint16_t sensor_sample_timer = SENSOR_SAMPLE_TIME; volatile uint8_t is_sensor_sample_timer_alarm = 0; // if zero: wake up gas sensor volatile uint8_t display_timer = 0; volatile uint8_t sensor_warmup_timer = 0; volatile uint8_t sensor_measure_timer = 0; volatile uint8_t new_display_cool_down_timer = 0; volatile uint8_t is_wdt_irq = 0; volatile uint8_t is_new_history_entry = 0; volatile uint16_t new_history_timer = NEW_HISTORY_DELAY; //volatile uint16_t battery_level = 0; // in millivolt uint32_t millis_sensor; // Debugging: Duration of the sensour measurement uint32_t millis_display; // Debugging: Duration of the display refresh //=================================================== // Variables: Shake detection volatile uint8_t is_shake = 0; volatile uint8_t shake_cnt = 0; volatile uint8_t shake_last_cnt = 0; //=================================================== // Variables: Current visible display page uint8_t current_display_page = 0; // 0 .. DISPLAY_PAGE_CNT - 1 //=================================================== // Variables: History management uint8_t hist_start = 0; uint8_t hist_end = 1; uint8_t hist_last = 0; uint16_t hist_eco2_max[HIST_CNT]; uint16_t hist_eco2_min[HIST_CNT]; //uint8_t hist_temp_max[HIST_CNT]; //uint8_t hist_temp_min[HIST_CNT]; //uint8_t hist_rh_max[HIST_CNT]; //uint8_t hist_rh_min[HIST_CNT]; //=================================================== void hist_append(void) { hist_last = hist_end; if ( hist_end == hist_start ) { // history is full hist_start++; if ( hist_start >= HIST_CNT ) hist_start = 0; } hist_end++; if ( hist_end >= HIST_CNT ) { hist_end = 0; } } uint16_t maximum(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { if ( a < b ) return b; return a; } uint16_t minimum(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { if ( a > b ) return b; return a; } /* append current values to last history entry */ void add_hist_minmax(void) { hist_eco2_max[hist_last] = maximum(hist_eco2_max[hist_last], eco2_raw); hist_eco2_min[hist_last] = minimum(hist_eco2_min[hist_last], eco2_raw); //hist_temp_max[hist_last] = maximum(hist_temp_max[hist_last], temperature); //hist_temp_min[hist_last] = minimum(hist_temp_min[hist_last], temperature); //hist_rh_max[hist_last] = maximum(hist_rh_max[hist_last], humidity); //hist_rh_min[hist_last] = minimum(hist_rh_min[hist_last], humidity); } void add_hist_new(void) { hist_append(); hist_eco2_max[hist_last] = eco2_raw; hist_eco2_min[hist_last] = eco2_raw; //hist_temp_max[hist_last] = temperature; //hist_temp_min[hist_last] = temperature; //hist_rh_max[hist_last] = humidity; //hist_rh_min[hist_last] = humidity; } //=================================================== ISR(WDT_vect) { is_wdt_irq = 1; wdt_count++; wdt_sec++; if ( wdt_sec >= 60 ) { wdt_sec = 0; wdt_min++; if ( wdt_min >= 60 ) { wdt_min = 0; wdt_hour++; if ( wdt_hour >= 24 ) { wdt_hour = 0; wdt_day++; } } } if ( startup_timer > 0 ) startup_timer--; if ( display_timer > 0 ) display_timer--; if ( sensor_warmup_timer > 0 ) sensor_warmup_timer--; if ( sensor_measure_timer > 0 ) sensor_measure_timer--; if ( sensor_sample_timer > 0 ) { sensor_sample_timer--; } else { sensor_sample_timer = SENSOR_SAMPLE_TIME; if ( is_sensor_sample_timer_alarm == 0 ) is_sensor_sample_timer_alarm = 1; } if ( new_history_timer > 0 ) { new_history_timer--; } else { new_history_timer = NEW_HISTORY_DELAY; if ( is_new_history_entry == 0 ) is_new_history_entry = 1; } shake_last_cnt = shake_cnt; shake_cnt = 0; } void enableWDT() { MCUSR = 0; // clear all reset flags including the WDT flag WDTCSR = B00011000; // enable bit 4 (WDCE) and bit 3 (WDE) to change the prescalar WDTCSR = B01000110; // Enable watchdog IRQ and set prescaler to 128k --> 1 sec } void reducePower(void) { //ADCSRA = ADCSRA & B01111111; // ADC abschalten, ADEN bit7 zu 0 ACSR = B10000000; // Analogen Comparator abschalten, ACD bit7 zu 1 DIDR0 = DIDR0 | B00111111; // Digitale Eingangspuffer ausschalten, analoge Eingangs Pins 0-5 auf 1 } // argument for attachInterrupt // This is called if something happens on the tilt switch void detectShake(void) { is_shake = 1; // used and cleared in is_display_on_event() if ( shake_cnt < 255 ) shake_cnt++; // used and cleared in ISR(WDT_vect) } //=================================================== void setup(void) { uint8_t i; reducePower(); analogReference(INTERNAL); // use the internal 1.1V reference of the ATmega Wire.begin(); u8g2.begin(); u8g2.enableUTF8Print(); u8g2.setFont(FONT_NARROW); // set the font for the terminal window u8g2log.begin(u8g2, U8LOG_WIDTH, U8LOG_HEIGHT, u8log_buffer); u8g2log.setLineHeightOffset(0); // set extra space between lines in pixel, this can be negative u8g2log.setRedrawMode(0); // 0: Update screen with newline, 1: Update screen for every char u8g2log.print(F("Air Quality\n")); for( i = 0; i < HIST_CNT; i++ ) { hist_eco2_max[i] = 0; hist_eco2_min[i] = 0; } if (sht.init()) { u8g2log.print(F("SHT31 found at 0x44\n")); } else { u8g2log.print(F("SHT31 not found\n")); while (1); } sht.setAccuracy(SHTSensor::SHT_ACCURACY_HIGH); if (sgp.begin()) { u8g2log.print(F("SGP30 found\n")); } else { u8g2log.print(F("SGP30 not found\n")); while (1); } u8g2log.print(F("SGP #")); u8g2log.print(sgp.serialnumber[0], HEX); u8g2log.print(sgp.serialnumber[1], HEX); u8g2log.println(sgp.serialnumber[2], HEX); delay(1000); // tilt detection at pin 2 //pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); //attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), detectShake, CHANGE); // tilt detection at pin 3 pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(3), detectShake, CHANGE); set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); enableWDT(); } //=================================================== void readBatteryVoltageLevel(void) { battery_raw = analogRead(0); battery_glyph = 0; if ( battery_raw >= BATTERY_LOW ) { battery_glyph = (battery_raw - BATTERY_LOW)/BATTERY_STEP; if ( battery_glyph > 5 ) battery_glyph = 5; } battery_glyph += 48; } //=================================================== /* Calculate absolute humidity [mg/m^3] Args: Temperature [°C], humidity [%RH] */ uint32_t getAbsoluteHumidity(float temperature, float humidity) { // approximation formula from Sensirion SGP30 Driver Integration chapter 3.15 const float absoluteHumidity = 216.7f * ((humidity / 100.0f) * 6.112f * exp((17.62f * temperature) / (243.12f + temperature)) / (273.15f + temperature)); // [g/m^3] const uint32_t absoluteHumidityScaled = static_cast<uint32_t>(1000.0f * absoluteHumidity); // [mg/m^3] return absoluteHumidityScaled; } void startAirQuality(void) { } void readAirQuality(void) { uint8_t i; int32_t tvoc_coeff = 7; // 1..32 int32_t eco2_coeff = 7; // 1..32 sht.readSample(); temperature_raw = sht.getTemperature(); humidity_raw = sht.getHumidity(); if ( temperature_raw <= (float)TEMP_LOW ) { temperature = 0; } else if ( temperature_raw >= (float)TEMP_HIGH ) { temperature = TEMP_HIGH - TEMP_LOW; temperature *= 2; } else { temperature = (uint8_t)((temperature_raw-(float)TEMP_LOW)*2.0); } humidity = (uint8_t)((humidity_raw)*2.0); sgp.setHumidity(getAbsoluteHumidity(temperature_raw, humidity_raw)); is_air_quality_available = sgp.IAQmeasure(); if ( is_air_quality_available ) { tvoc_raw = sgp.TVOC; eco2_raw = sgp.eCO2; } else { tvoc_raw = 0; eco2_raw = 400; } if ( is_new_history_entry != 0 ) { add_hist_new(); is_new_history_entry = 0; } else { add_hist_minmax(); } } uint16_t get_uint8(void *ptr, uint8_t pos) { return ((uint8_t *)ptr)[pos]; } uint16_t get_uint16(void *ptr, uint8_t pos) { return ((uint16_t *)ptr)[pos]; } void draw_temperature(uint16_t x) { uint8_t frac; frac = x & 1; x >>= 1; x += TEMP_LOW; x = x & 0x0ff; u8g2.print(x); u8g2.print('.'); if ( frac ) u8g2.print('5'); else u8g2.print('0'); } void draw_humidity(uint16_t x) { uint8_t frac; frac = x & 1; x >>= 1; u8g2.print(x); u8g2.print('.'); if ( frac ) u8g2.print('5'); else u8g2.print('0'); } void draw_16bit(uint16_t x) { u8g2.print(x); } void draw_graph( uint16_t (*get_val)(void *ptr, uint8_t pos), void *min_array, void *max_array, void (*draw_value)(uint16_t x)) { uint8_t i, ii, x; uint16_t max = 0; uint16_t min = 0x0ffff; uint16_t delta; uint8_t ymin, ymax; i = hist_start; for(;;) { ii = i; i++; if ( i >= HIST_CNT ) i = 0; if ( i == hist_end ) break; if ( min > get_val(min_array, ii) ) min = get_val(min_array, ii); if ( max < get_val(max_array, ii) ) max = get_val(max_array, ii); } if ( min > max ) { min = 0; max = 600; return; } if ( min + 30 >= max ) max = min + 30; if ( max - min < 100 ) { max += 19; max /= 20; max *= 20; min /= 20; min *= 20; } else { max += 199; max /= 200; max *= 200; min /= 200; min *= 200; } delta = max-min; i = hist_start; x = 127-HIST_CNT; u8g2.setFont(FONT_NARROW); u8g2.setDrawColor(1); for(;;) { ii = i; i++; if ( i >= HIST_CNT ) i = 0; if ( i == hist_end ) break; ymin = ((unsigned long)(get_val(min_array, ii) - min)*30UL)/delta; ymax = ((unsigned long)(get_val(max_array, ii) - min)*30UL)/delta; u8g2.drawVLine(x, 63-ymax, ymax-ymin+1); x++; } u8g2.setCursor(0, 46); draw_value(max); u8g2.setCursor(0, 63); draw_value(min); } //=================================================== void draw_1_2_eco2_history(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { draw_graph( get_uint16, hist_eco2_min, hist_eco2_max, draw_16bit); } void draw_1_4_temperature(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_MED_NUM); u8g2.setCursor(x, 28+y); draw_temperature(temperature); u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, 10+y); u8g2.print(F("°C")); } void draw_1_4_humidity(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_MED_NUM); u8g2.setCursor(x, 28+y); draw_humidity(humidity); u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, 10+y); u8g2.print(F("%RH")); } void draw_gray_out(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { if ( state == STATE_WARMUP_DISP_ON ) { uint8_t xx, yy; u8g2.setDrawColor(0); for( yy = y+14; yy < y+28; yy+=1 ) { for( xx = 0; xx < 52; xx += 2 ) { u8g2.drawPixel(xx+x+(yy&1), yy); } } u8g2.setDrawColor(1); } } void draw_1_4_eco2(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+10); u8g2.print(F("ppm CO")); u8g2.setCursor(x+40, y+15); u8g2.print(F("²")); u8g2.setFont(FONT_MED_NUM); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+28); u8g2.print(eco2_raw); draw_gray_out(x, y); } void draw_1_4_tvoc(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+10); u8g2.print(F("ppb TVOC")); u8g2.setFont(FONT_MED_NUM); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+28); u8g2.print(tvoc_raw); draw_gray_out(x, y); } void draw_1_4_base(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+11); u8g2.print(F("Sec ")); u8g2.print(wdt_count); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+21); u8g2.print(F("B-C ")); u8g2.print(eco2_base, HEX); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+31); u8g2.print(F("B-T ")); u8g2.print(tvoc_base, HEX); } void draw_1_4_delay(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+11); u8g2.print(F("Sens ")); u8g2.print(millis_sensor); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+21); u8g2.print(F("Disp ")); u8g2.print(millis_display); } void draw_1_4_uptime(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+11); u8g2.print(F("Day ")); u8g2.print(wdt_day); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+21); u8g2.print(F("Hour ")); u8g2.print(wdt_hour); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+31); u8g2.print(F("Min ")); u8g2.print(wdt_min); } void draw_1_4_system(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(FONT_SMALL); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+11); u8g2.print(F("Shake ")); u8g2.print(shake_last_cnt); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+21); u8g2.print(F("State ")); u8g2.print(state); u8g2.setCursor(x, y+31); u8g2.print(F("Bat ")); u8g2.print(battery_raw); } void draw_1_4_battery(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_battery19_tn); u8g2.drawGlyph(x, y+20, battery_glyph); } void draw_1_4_emoticon(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y) { uint8_t tvoc_idx, eco2_idx, emo_idx; if ( tvoc_raw <= 75 ) tvoc_idx = 1; else if ( tvoc_raw <= 150 ) tvoc_idx = 2; else if ( tvoc_raw <= 300 ) tvoc_idx = 3; else if ( tvoc_raw <= 500 ) tvoc_idx = 4; else if ( tvoc_raw <= 1000 ) tvoc_idx = 5; else if ( tvoc_raw <= 1500 ) tvoc_idx = 6; else if ( tvoc_raw <= 3000 ) tvoc_idx = 7; else if ( tvoc_raw <= 5000 ) tvoc_idx = 8; else tvoc_idx = 9; if ( eco2_raw <= 500 ) eco2_idx = 1; else if ( eco2_raw <= 600 ) eco2_idx = 2; else if ( eco2_raw <= 800 ) eco2_idx = 3; else if ( eco2_raw <= 1000 ) eco2_idx = 4; else if ( eco2_raw <= 1200 ) eco2_idx = 5; else if ( eco2_raw <= 1400 ) eco2_idx = 6; else if ( eco2_raw <= 5000 ) eco2_idx = 7; else if ( eco2_raw <= 10000 ) eco2_idx = 8; else eco2_idx = 9; emo_idx = tvoc_idx; if ( emo_idx < eco2_idx ) emo_idx = eco2_idx; u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_emoticons21_tr); u8g2.drawGlyph(x+20, y+21, 32+emo_idx); } //=================================================== void draw_all_numbers(void) { u8g2.setFontMode(1); u8g2.firstPage(); do { u8g2.drawHLine(0, 32, 128); u8g2.drawVLine(62, 0, 64); draw_1_4_temperature(1, 0); draw_1_4_humidity(66, 0); if ( is_air_quality_available ) { draw_1_4_eco2(1, 32+3); draw_1_4_tvoc(66, 32+3); } } while ( u8g2.nextPage() ); } void draw_with_emo(void) { u8g2.setFontMode(1); u8g2.firstPage(); do { //u8g2.drawHLine(0, 32, 128); //u8g2.drawVLine(62, 0, 64); u8g2.drawHLine(0, 32, 128); u8g2.drawVLine(62-14, 0, 32); u8g2.drawVLine(98, 0, 32); u8g2.drawVLine(62-8, 32, 32); u8g2.drawVLine(128-12, 32, 32); draw_1_4_temperature(1, 0); draw_1_4_humidity(66-14, 0); draw_1_4_emoticon(127-20-21, 4); //draw_1_4_wdt_count(66, 0); if ( is_air_quality_available ) { draw_1_4_eco2(1, 32+3); //draw_1_4_emoticon(66, 32+6); draw_1_4_tvoc(66-8, 32+3); } draw_1_4_battery(128-8, 32+7); } while ( u8g2.nextPage() ); } void draw_system(void) { u8g2.setFontMode(1); u8g2.firstPage(); do { u8g2.drawHLine(0, 32, 128); u8g2.drawVLine(62, 0, 64); draw_1_4_uptime(1, 0); //draw_1_4_delay(1,0); //draw_1_4_temperature(1, 0); draw_1_4_eco2(66, 0); //draw_1_4_humidity(66, 0); //draw_1_4_wdt_count(66, 0); draw_1_4_base(0, 32); draw_1_4_system(66, 32); } while ( u8g2.nextPage() ); } void draw_with_history(void) { u8g2.setFontMode(1); u8g2.firstPage(); do { u8g2.drawHLine(0, 32, 128); u8g2.drawVLine(62-20, 0, 32); u8g2.drawVLine(98, 0, 32); draw_1_4_temperature(1, 0); if ( is_air_quality_available ) { draw_1_4_eco2(66-20, 0); draw_1_4_emoticon(127-20-21, 4); } draw_1_2_eco2_history(0, 32); } while ( u8g2.nextPage() ); } //=================================================== uint8_t is_display_on_event(void) { if ( is_shake > 0 ) { is_shake = 0; return 1; } if ( shake_last_cnt >= 1 ) return 1; return 0; } void handle_new_display_page(void) { if ( new_display_cool_down_timer > 0 ) { new_display_cool_down_timer--; } else { if ( shake_last_cnt > NEW_DISPLAY_SHAKE_THRESHOLD ) { new_display_cool_down_timer = NEW_DISPLAY_COOL_DOWN; current_display_page++; if ( current_display_page >= DISPLAY_PAGE_CNT ) current_display_page = 0; } } } void disable_display(void) { u8g2.clear(); u8g2.setPowerSave(1); is_display_enabled = 0; } void enable_display(void) { is_display_enabled = 1; u8g2.setPowerSave(0); } void disable_sensors(void) { /* both sensors will go to idle/sleep mode when the I2C soft reset is sent */ Wire.beginTransmission(0); Wire.write(6); Wire.endTransmission(true); // true: send full stop on I2C delay(5); } void enable_sensors(void) { sht.init(); sgp.IAQinit(); delay(5); } //=================================================== void next_state(void) { uint32_t start; switch(state) { case STATE_RESET: enable_display(); startup_timer = STARTUP_TIME; state = STATE_STARTUP_DISP_ON; display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; break; // - - - Start Up - - - case STATE_STARTUP_DISP_ON: start = millis(); sgp.getIAQBaseline(&eco2_base, &tvoc_base); // always store the calibration values during measure readAirQuality(); millis_sensor = millis() - start; if ( is_display_on_event() ) { // display is already enabled, but the timer is reseted display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; } if ( display_timer == 0 ) { disable_display(); state = STATE_STARTUP_DISP_OFF; } else if ( startup_timer == 0 ) { sensor_measure_timer = SENSOR_MEASURE_TIME; state = STATE_MEASURE_DISP_ON; } break; case STATE_STARTUP_DISP_OFF: start = millis(); sgp.getIAQBaseline(&eco2_base, &tvoc_base); // always store the calibration values during measure readAirQuality(); millis_sensor = millis() - start; if ( is_display_on_event() ) { enable_display(); display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; new_display_cool_down_timer = NEW_DISPLAY_COOL_DOWN; // ensure, that the display page is visible for a while state = STATE_STARTUP_DISP_ON; } else if ( startup_timer == 0 ) { sensor_measure_timer = SENSOR_MEASURE_TIME; state = STATE_MEASURE_DISP_OFF; } break; // - - - Sensor Warm Up - - - case STATE_WARMUP_DISP_ON: // DONE if ( is_display_on_event() ) { // display is already enabled, but the timer is reseted display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; } if ( display_timer == 0 ) { disable_display(); state = STATE_WARMUP_DISP_OFF; } else if ( sensor_warmup_timer == 0 ) { // set the baseline at the end of the warmup // this is described in the "SGP30 Driver Integration" if ( eco2_base != 0 ) sgp.setIAQBaseline(eco2_base, tvoc_base); // Restore the baseline values sensor_measure_timer = SENSOR_MEASURE_TIME; state = STATE_MEASURE_DISP_ON; } break; case STATE_WARMUP_DISP_OFF: // DONE if ( is_display_on_event() ) { enable_display(); display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; new_display_cool_down_timer = NEW_DISPLAY_COOL_DOWN; // ensure, that the display page is visible for a while state = STATE_WARMUP_DISP_ON; } else if ( sensor_warmup_timer == 0 ) { // set the baseline at the end of the warmup // this is described in the "SGP30 Driver Integration" if ( eco2_base != 0 ) sgp.setIAQBaseline(eco2_base, tvoc_base); // Restore the baseline values sensor_measure_timer = SENSOR_MEASURE_TIME; state = STATE_MEASURE_DISP_OFF; } break; // - - - Sensor Measure - - - case STATE_MEASURE_DISP_ON: // DONE start = millis(); sgp.getIAQBaseline(&eco2_base, &tvoc_base); // always store the calibration values during measure readAirQuality(); millis_sensor = millis() - start; if ( is_display_on_event() ) { // display is already enabled, but the timer is reseted display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; } if ( display_timer == 0 ) { disable_display(); state = STATE_MEASURE_DISP_OFF; } else if ( sensor_measure_timer == 0 ) { // ignored: Measurement is continued until the display goes off. } break; case STATE_MEASURE_DISP_OFF: // DONE start = millis(); sgp.getIAQBaseline(&eco2_base, &tvoc_base); // always store the calibration values during measure readAirQuality(); millis_sensor = millis() - start; if ( is_display_on_event() ) { enable_display(); display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; new_display_cool_down_timer = NEW_DISPLAY_COOL_DOWN; // ensure, that the display page is visible for a while state = STATE_MEASURE_DISP_ON; } else if ( sensor_measure_timer == 0 ) { disable_sensors(); state = STATE_SENSOR_SLEEP_DISP_OFF; } break; // - - - Sensor Sleep - - - case STATE_SENSOR_SLEEP_DISP_OFF: // DONE if ( is_display_on_event() ) { enable_display(); display_timer = DISPLAY_TIME; new_display_cool_down_timer = NEW_DISPLAY_COOL_DOWN; // ensure, that the display page is visible for a while enable_sensors(); sensor_warmup_timer = SENSOR_WARMUP_TIME; state = STATE_WARMUP_DISP_ON; } else if ( is_sensor_sample_timer_alarm != 0 ) { is_sensor_sample_timer_alarm = 0; enable_sensors(); sensor_warmup_timer = SENSOR_WARMUP_TIME; state = STATE_WARMUP_DISP_OFF; } break; default: state = STATE_RESET; break; } } //=================================================== void loop(void) { uint8_t i; u8g2_uint_t g; uint32_t start; if ( is_wdt_irq ) { is_wdt_irq = 0; next_state(); readBatteryVoltageLevel(); handle_new_display_page(); if ( is_display_enabled ) // "is_display_enabled" will be calculated in next_state() { start = millis(); if ( current_display_page == 0 ) draw_with_emo(); else if ( current_display_page == 1 ) draw_with_history(); else if ( current_display_page == 2 ) draw_system(); millis_display = millis() - start; } else { millis_display = 0; } } set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); //noInterrupts(); sleep_enable(); //interrupts(); sleep_mode(); sleep_disable(); }