001: plain as7
002: create a new gcc c executable project, enter a useful name and solution name
003: select your target device
004: as7 will generate a main.c file. Replace the content of the generated main.c with 
the content of https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/blob/master/sys/avr/atmega328/main.c
005: open the project Properties (Alt+F7)
006: Add Existing item...
007: Mark and add all files of the u8g2/csrc directory, press "add"
008: Select the project, locate Toolchain tab, select "All Configurations", select AVR/GNU C Compiler/Directories and press the green plus icon
Add ".." as relative include path
009: Select the project, locate Toolchain tab, select "All Configurations", select AVR/GNU C Compiler/Symbols and press the green plus icon
Add the target frequency of your controller (here: "F_CPU=8000000")
010: Press F7 (Build->Build Solution)
011: On my own Windows 10 environment, it was required to install a different usb driver for the AVRISP mkII
012: Open the Device Programming dialog (Tools menu)
	Select your ISP tool in under "Tool". Select the correct target device and interface. Press "Apply" button.
	Read the device signature from your target controller by pressing the "Read" button.
	Goto "Production file" tab and select the generated .elf file as a "production file"
014: Check "Flash" and press the "Program" button.