/* * @brief LPC8xx DMA chip driver * * @note * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2013 * All rights reserved. * * @par * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of * intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the * specified use without further testing or modification. * * @par * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of * this code. */ #ifndef __DMA_8XX_H_ #define __DMA_8XX_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** @defgroup DMA_8XX CHIP: LPC8xx DMA Controller driver * @ingroup CHIP_8XX_Drivers * @{ */ /** * @brief DMA Controller shared registers structure */ typedef struct { /*!< DMA shared registers structure */ __IO uint32_t ENABLESET; /*!< DMA Channel Enable read and Set for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED0; __O uint32_t ENABLECLR; /*!< DMA Channel Enable Clear for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED1; __I uint32_t ACTIVE; /*!< DMA Channel Active status for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED2; __I uint32_t BUSY; /*!< DMA Channel Busy status for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED3; __IO uint32_t ERRINT; /*!< DMA Error Interrupt status for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED4; __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< DMA Interrupt Enable read and Set for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED5; __O uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< DMA Interrupt Enable Clear for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED6; __IO uint32_t INTA; /*!< DMA Interrupt A status for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED7; __IO uint32_t INTB; /*!< DMA Interrupt B status for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED8; __O uint32_t SETVALID; /*!< DMA Set ValidPending control bits for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED9; __O uint32_t SETTRIG; /*!< DMA Set Trigger control bits for all DMA channels */ __I uint32_t RESERVED10; __O uint32_t ABORT; /*!< DMA Channel Abort control for all DMA channels */ } LPC_DMA_COMMON_T; /** * @brief DMA Controller shared registers structure */ typedef struct { /*!< DMA channel register structure */ __IO uint32_t CFG; /*!< DMA Configuration register */ __I uint32_t CTLSTAT; /*!< DMA Control and status register */ __IO uint32_t XFERCFG; /*!< DMA Transfer configuration register */ __I uint32_t RESERVED; } LPC_DMA_CHANNEL_T; /* Reserved bits masks... */ #define DMA_CFG_RESERVED ((3<<2)|(1<<7)|(3<<12)|0xfffc0000) #define DMA_CTLSTAT_RESERVED (~(1|(1<<2))) #define DMA_XFERCFG_RESERVED ((3<<6)|(3<<10)|(0x3fu<<26)) /* DMA channel mapping - each channel is mapped to an individual peripheral and direction or a DMA imput mux trigger */ typedef enum { DMAREQ_USART0_RX, /*!< USART0 receive DMA channel */ DMA_CH0 = DMAREQ_USART0_RX, DMAREQ_USART0_TX, /*!< USART0 transmit DMA channel */ DMA_CH1 = DMAREQ_USART0_TX, DMAREQ_USART1_RX, /*!< USART1 receive DMA channel */ DMA_CH2 = DMAREQ_USART1_RX, DMAREQ_USART1_TX, /*!< USART1 transmit DMA channel */ DMA_CH3 = DMAREQ_USART1_TX, DMAREQ_USART2_RX, /*!< USART2 receive DMA channel */ DMA_CH4 = DMAREQ_USART2_RX, DMAREQ_USART2_TX, /*!< USART2 transmit DMA channel */ DMA_CH5 = DMAREQ_USART2_TX, DMAREQ_SPI0_RX, DMA_CH6 = DMAREQ_SPI0_RX, /*!< SPI0 receive DMA channel */ DMAREQ_SPI0_TX, DMA_CH7 = DMAREQ_SPI0_TX, /*!< SPI0 transmit DMA channel */ DMAREQ_SPI1_RX, DMA_CH8 = DMAREQ_SPI1_RX, /*!< SPI1 receive DMA channel */ DMAREQ_SPI1_TX, DMA_CH9 = DMAREQ_SPI1_TX, /*!< SPI1 transmit DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C0_MST, DMA_CH10 = DMAREQ_I2C0_MST, /*!< I2C0 Master DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C0_SLV, DMA_CH11 = DMAREQ_I2C0_SLV, /*!< I2C0 Slave DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C1_MST, DMA_CH12 = DMAREQ_I2C1_MST, /*!< I2C1 Master DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C1_SLV, DMA_CH13 = DMAREQ_I2C1_SLV, /*!< I2C1 Slave DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C2_MST, DMA_CH14 = DMAREQ_I2C2_MST, /*!< I2C2 Master DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C2_SLV, DMA_CH15 = DMAREQ_I2C2_SLV, /*!< I2C2 Slave DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C3_MST, DMA_CH16 = DMAREQ_I2C3_MST, /*!< I2C2 Master DMA channel */ DMAREQ_I2C3_SLV, DMA_CH17 = DMAREQ_I2C3_SLV, /*!< I2C2 Slave DMA channel */ } DMA_CHID_T; /* On LPC82x, Max DMA channel is 18 */ #define MAX_DMA_CHANNEL (DMA_CH17 + 1) /* Reserved bits masks... */ #define DMA_COMMON_RESERVED (~(0UL) << MAX_DMA_CHANNEL) #define DMA_ENABLESET_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_ENABLECLR_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_ACTIVE_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_BUSY_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_ERRINT_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_INTENSET_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_INTENCLR_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_INTA_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_INTB_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_SETVALID_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_SETTRIG_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED #define DMA_ABORT_RESERVED DMA_COMMON_RESERVED /** * @brief DMA Controller register block structure */ typedef struct { /*!< DMA Structure */ __IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< DMA control register */ __I uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< DMA Interrupt status register */ __IO uint32_t SRAMBASE; /*!< DMA SRAM address of the channel configuration table */ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[5]; LPC_DMA_COMMON_T DMACOMMON[1]; /*!< DMA shared channel (common) registers */ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[225]; LPC_DMA_CHANNEL_T DMACH[MAX_DMA_CHANNEL]; /*!< DMA channel registers */ } LPC_DMA_T; /* Reserved bits masks... */ #define DMA_CTRL_RESERVED (~1) #define DMA_INTSTAT_RESERVED (~7) #define DMA_SRAMBASE_RESERVED (0xFF) /** @defgroup DMA_COMMONDRV_8XX CHIP: LPC8xx DMA Controller driver common functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Initialize DMA controller * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_Init(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { (void) pDMA; Chip_Clock_EnablePeriphClock(SYSCTL_CLOCK_DMA); } /** * @brief De-Initialize DMA controller * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_DeInit(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { (void) pDMA; Chip_Clock_DisablePeriphClock(SYSCTL_CLOCK_DMA); } /** * @brief Enable DMA controller * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_Enable(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { pDMA->CTRL = 1; } /** * @brief Disable DMA controller * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_Disable(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { pDMA->CTRL = 0; } /* DMA interrupt status bits (common) */ #define DMA_INTSTAT_ACTIVEINT 0x2 /*!< Summarizes whether any enabled interrupts are pending */ #define DMA_INTSTAT_ACTIVEERRINT 0x4 /*!< Summarizes whether any error interrupts are pending */ /** * @brief Get pending interrupt or error interrupts * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return An Or'ed value of DMA_INTSTAT_* types * @note If any DMA channels have an active interrupt or error interrupt * pending, this functional will a common status that applies to all * channels. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetIntStatus(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->INTSTAT & ~DMA_INTSTAT_RESERVED); } /* DMA channel source/address/next descriptor */ typedef struct { uint32_t xfercfg; /*!< Transfer configuration (only used in linked lists and ping-pong configs) */ uint32_t source; /*!< DMA transfer source end address */ uint32_t dest; /*!< DMA transfer desintation end address */ uint32_t next; /*!< Link to next DMA descriptor, must be 16 byte aligned */ } DMA_CHDESC_T; /* DMA SRAM table - this can be optionally used with the Chip_DMA_SetSRAMBase() function if a DMA SRAM table is needed. */ extern DMA_CHDESC_T Chip_DMA_Table[MAX_DMA_CHANNEL]; /** * @brief Set DMA controller SRAM base address * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param base : The base address where the DMA descriptors will be stored * @return Nothing * @note A 256 byte block of memory aligned on a 256 byte boundary must be * provided for this function. It sets the base address used for * DMA descriptor table (16 descriptors total that use 16 bytes each).
* * A pre-defined table with correct alignment can be used for this * function by calling Chip_DMA_SetSRAMBase(LPC_DMA, DMA_ADDR(Chip_DMA_Table)); */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetSRAMBase(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, uint32_t base) { pDMA->SRAMBASE = base; } /** * @brief Returns DMA controller SRAM base address * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return The base address where the DMA descriptors are stored */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetSRAMBase(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->SRAMBASE & ~DMA_SRAMBASE_RESERVED); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DMA_COMMON_8XX CHIP: LPC8xx DMA Controller driver common channel functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables a single DMA channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_EnableChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ENABLESET = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Disables a single DMA channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_DisableChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ENABLECLR = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Returns all enabled DMA channels * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return An Or'ed value of all enabled DMA channels (0 - 15) * @note A high values in bits 0 .. 15 in the return values indicates * that the channel for that bit (bit 0 = channel 0, bit 1 - * channel 1, etc.) is enabled. A low state is disabled. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetEnabledChannels(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ENABLESET & ~DMA_ENABLESET_RESERVED); } /** * @brief Returns all active DMA channels * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return An Or'ed value of all active DMA channels (0 - 15) * @note A high values in bits 0 .. 15 in the return values indicates * that the channel for that bit (bit 0 = channel 0, bit 1 - * channel 1, etc.) is active. A low state is inactive. A active * channel indicates that a DMA operation has been started but * not yet fully completed. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetActiveChannels(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ACTIVE & ~DMA_ACTIVE_RESERVED); } /** * @brief Returns all busy DMA channels * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return An Or'ed value of all busy DMA channels (0 - 15) * @note A high values in bits 0 .. 15 in the return values indicates * that the channel for that bit (bit 0 = channel 0, bit 1 - * channel 1, etc.) is busy. A low state is not busy. A DMA * channel is considered busy when there is any operation * related to that channel in the DMA controller�s internal * pipeline. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetBusyChannels(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].BUSY & ~DMA_BUSY_RESERVED); } /** * @brief Returns pending error interrupt status for all DMA channels * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return An Or'ed value of all channels (0 - 15) error interrupt status * @note A high values in bits 0 .. 15 in the return values indicates * that the channel for that bit (bit 0 = channel 0, bit 1 - * channel 1, etc.) has a pending error interrupt. A low state * indicates no error interrupt. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetErrorIntChannels(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ERRINT & ~DMA_ERRINT_RESERVED); } /** * @brief Clears a pending error interrupt status for a single DMA channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_ClearErrorIntChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ERRINT = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Enables a single DMA channel's interrupt used in common DMA interrupt * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_EnableIntChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].INTENSET = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Disables a single DMA channel's interrupt used in common DMA interrupt * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_DisableIntChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].INTENCLR = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Returns all enabled interrupt channels * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return Nothing * @note A high values in bits 0 .. 15 in the return values indicates * that the channel for that bit (bit 0 = channel 0, bit 1 - * channel 1, etc.) has an enabled interrupt for the channel. * A low state indicates that the DMA channel will not contribute * to the common DMA interrupt status. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetEnableIntChannels(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].INTENSET & ~DMA_INTENSET_RESERVED); } /** * @brief Returns active A interrupt status for all channels * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return Nothing * @note A high values in bits 0 .. 15 in the return values indicates * that the channel for that bit (bit 0 = channel 0, bit 1 - * channel 1, etc.) has an active A interrupt for the channel. * A low state indicates that the A interrupt is not active. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetActiveIntAChannels(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].INTA & ~DMA_INTA_RESERVED); } /** * @brief Clears active A interrupt status for a single channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_ClearActiveIntAChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].INTA = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Returns active B interrupt status for all channels * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @return Nothing * @note A high values in bits 0 .. 15 in the return values indicates * that the channel for that bit (bit 0 = channel 0, bit 1 - * channel 1, etc.) has an active B interrupt for the channel. * A low state indicates that the B interrupt is not active. */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetActiveIntBChannels(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].INTB & ~DMA_INTB_RESERVED); } /** * @brief Clears active B interrupt status for a single channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_ClearActiveIntBChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].INTB = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Sets the VALIDPENDING control bit for a single channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing * @note See the User Manual for more information for what this bit does. * */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetValidChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].SETVALID = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Sets the TRIG bit for a single channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing * @note See the User Manual for more information for what this bit does. */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetTrigChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].SETTRIG = (1 << ch); } /** * @brief Aborts a DMA operation for a single channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing * @note To abort a channel, the channel should first be disabled. Then wait * until the channel is no longer busy by checking the corresponding * bit in BUSY. Finally, abort the channel operation. This prevents the * channel from restarting an incomplete operation when it is enabled * again. */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_AbortChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ABORT = (1 << ch); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DMA_CHANNEL_8XX CHIP: LPC8xx DMA Controller driver channel specific functions * @{ */ /* Support macro for DMA_CHDESC_T */ #define DMA_ADDR(addr) ((uint32_t) (addr)) /* Support definitions for setting the configuration of a DMA channel. You will need to get more information on these options from the User manual. */ #define DMA_CFG_PERIPHREQEN (1 << 0) /*!< Enables Peripheral DMA requests */ #define DMA_CFG_HWTRIGEN (1 << 1) /*!< Use hardware triggering via imput mux */ #define DMA_CFG_TRIGPOL_LOW (0 << 4) /*!< Hardware trigger is active low or falling edge */ #define DMA_CFG_TRIGPOL_HIGH (1 << 4) /*!< Hardware trigger is active high or rising edge */ #define DMA_CFG_TRIGTYPE_EDGE (0 << 5) /*!< Hardware trigger is edge triggered */ #define DMA_CFG_TRIGTYPE_LEVEL (1 << 5) /*!< Hardware trigger is level triggered */ #define DMA_CFG_TRIGBURST_SNGL (0 << 6) /*!< Single transfer. Hardware trigger causes a single transfer */ #define DMA_CFG_TRIGBURST_BURST (1 << 6) /*!< Burst transfer (see UM) */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_1 (0 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 1 transfer */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_2 (1 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 2 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_4 (2 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 4 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_8 (3 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 8 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_16 (4 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 16 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_32 (5 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 32 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_64 (6 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 64 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_128 (7 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 128 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_256 (8 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 256 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_512 (9 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 512 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER_1024 (10 << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 1024 transfers */ #define DMA_CFG_BURSTPOWER(n) ((n) << 8) /*!< Set DMA burst size to 2^n transfers, max n=10 */ #define DMA_CFG_SRCBURSTWRAP (1 << 14) /*!< Source burst wrapping is enabled for this DMA channel */ #define DMA_CFG_DSTBURSTWRAP (1 << 15) /*!< Destination burst wrapping is enabled for this DMA channel */ #define DMA_CFG_CHPRIORITY(p) ((p) << 16) /*!< Sets DMA channel priority, min 0 (highest), max 3 (lowest) */ /** * @brief Setup a DMA channel configuration * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @param cfg : An Or'ed value of DMA_CFG_* values that define the channel's configuration * @return Nothing * @note This function sets up all configurable options for the DMA channel. * These options are usually set once for a channel and then unchanged.
* * The following example show how to configure the channel for peripheral * DMA requests, burst transfer size of 1 (in 'transfers', not bytes), * continuous reading of the same source address, incrementing destination * address, and highest channel priority.
* * The following example show how to configure the channel for an external * trigger from the imput mux with low edge polarity, a burst transfer size of 8, * incrementing source and destination addresses, and lowest channel * priority.
* * For non-peripheral DMA triggering (DMA_CFG_HWTRIGEN definition), use the * DMA input mux functions to configure the DMA trigger source for a DMA channel. */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetupChannelConfig(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch, uint32_t cfg) { pDMA->DMACH[ch].CFG = cfg; } /* DMA channel control and status register definitions */ #define DMA_CTLSTAT_VALIDPENDING (1 << 0) /*!< Valid pending flag for this channel */ #define DMA_CTLSTAT_TRIG (1 << 2) /*!< Trigger flag. Indicates that the trigger for this channel is currently set */ /** * @brief Returns channel specific status flags * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return AN Or'ed value of DMA_CTLSTAT_VALIDPENDING and DMA_CTLSTAT_TRIG */ STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_DMA_GetChannelStatus(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { return (pDMA->DMACH[ch].XFERCFG & ~DMA_XFERCFG_RESERVED); } /* DMA channel transfer configuration registers definitions */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_CFGVALID (1 << 0) /*!< Configuration Valid flag */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_RELOAD (1 << 1) /*!< Indicates whether the channels control structure will be reloaded when the current descriptor is exhausted */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_SWTRIG (1 << 2) /*!< Software Trigger */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_CLRTRIG (1 << 3) /*!< Clear Trigger */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_SETINTA (1 << 4) /*!< Set Interrupt flag A for this channel to fire when descriptor is complete */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_SETINTB (1 << 5) /*!< Set Interrupt flag B for this channel to fire when descriptor is complete */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_WIDTH_8 (0 << 8) /*!< 8-bit transfers are performed */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_WIDTH_16 (1 << 8) /*!< 16-bit transfers are performed */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_WIDTH_32 (2 << 8) /*!< 32-bit transfers are performed */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_SRCINC_0 (0 << 12) /*!< DMA source address is not incremented after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_SRCINC_1 (1 << 12) /*!< DMA source address is incremented by 1 (width) after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_SRCINC_2 (2 << 12) /*!< DMA source address is incremented by 2 (width) after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_SRCINC_4 (3 << 12) /*!< DMA source address is incremented by 4 (width) after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_DSTINC_0 (0 << 14) /*!< DMA destination address is not incremented after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_DSTINC_1 (1 << 14) /*!< DMA destination address is incremented by 1 (width) after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_DSTINC_2 (2 << 14) /*!< DMA destination address is incremented by 2 (width) after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_DSTINC_4 (3 << 14) /*!< DMA destination address is incremented by 4 (width) after a transfer */ #define DMA_XFERCFG_XFERCOUNT(n) ((n - 1) << 16) /*!< DMA transfer count in 'transfers', between (0)1 and (1023)1024 */ /** * @brief Setup a DMA channel transfer configuration * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @param cfg : An Or'ed value of DMA_XFERCFG_* values that define the channel's transfer configuration * @return Nothing * @note This function sets up the transfer configuration for the DMA channel.
* * The following example show how to configure the channel's transfer for * multiple transfer descriptors (ie, ping-pong), interrupt 'A' trigger on * transfer descriptor completion, 128 byte size transfers, and source and * destination address increment.
*/ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetupChannelTransfer(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch, uint32_t cfg) { pDMA->DMACH[ch].XFERCFG = cfg; } /** * @brief Set DMA transfer register interrupt bits (safe) * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @param mask : Bits to set * @return Nothing * @note This function safely sets bits in the DMA channel specific XFERCFG * register. */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetTranBits(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch, uint32_t mask) { /* Read and write values may not be the same, write 0 to undefined bits */ pDMA->DMACH[ch].XFERCFG = (pDMA->DMACH[ch].XFERCFG & ~DMA_XFERCFG_RESERVED) | mask; } /** * @brief Clear DMA transfer register interrupt bits (safe) * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @param mask : Bits to clear * @return Nothing * @note This function safely clears bits in the DMA channel specific XFERCFG * register. */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_ClearTranBits(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch, uint32_t mask) { /* Read and write values may not be the same, write 0 to undefined bits */ pDMA->DMACH[ch].XFERCFG &= ~(DMA_XFERCFG_RESERVED | mask); } /** * @brief Update the transfer size in an existing DMA channel transfer configuration * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @param trans : Number of transfers to update the transfer configuration to (1 - 1023) * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetupChannelTransferSize(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch, uint32_t trans) { pDMA->DMACH[ch].XFERCFG = (pDMA->DMACH[ch].XFERCFG & ~(DMA_XFERCFG_RESERVED | (0x3FF << 16))) | DMA_XFERCFG_XFERCOUNT(trans); } /** * @brief Sets a DMA channel configuration as valid * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetChannelValid(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { Chip_DMA_SetTranBits(pDMA, ch, DMA_XFERCFG_CFGVALID); } /** * @brief Sets a DMA channel configuration as invalid * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SetChannelInValid(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { Chip_DMA_ClearTranBits(pDMA, ch, DMA_XFERCFG_CFGVALID); } /** * @brief Performs a software trigger of the DMA channel * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return Nothing */ STATIC INLINE void Chip_DMA_SWTriggerChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { Chip_DMA_SetTranBits(pDMA, ch, DMA_XFERCFG_SWTRIG); } /** * @brief Checks if the given channel is active or not * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @return 1 if channel @a ch is active; 0 if channel @a ch is not active */ STATIC INLINE bool Chip_DMA_IsChannelActive(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch) { return (pDMA->DMACOMMON[0].ACTIVE & (1 << ch)) != 0; } /** * @brief Sets up a DMA channel with the passed DMA transfer descriptor * @param pDMA : The base of DMA controller on the chip * @param ch : DMA channel ID * @param desc : Pointer to DMA transfer descriptor * @return false if the DMA channel was active, otherwise true * @note This function will set the DMA descriptor in the SRAM table to the * the passed descriptor. This function is only meant to be used when * the DMA channel is not active and can be used to setup the * initial transfer for a linked list or ping-pong buffer or just a * single transfer without a next descriptor.
* * If using this function to write the initial transfer descriptor in * a linked list or ping-pong buffer configuration, it should contain a * non-NULL 'next' field pointer. */ STATIC INLINE bool Chip_DMA_SetupTranChannel(LPC_DMA_T *pDMA, DMA_CHID_T ch, const DMA_CHDESC_T *desc) { /* If channel is active return false */ if (Chip_DMA_IsChannelActive(pDMA, ch)) return false; /* Assign the descriptor to descriptor table */ ((DMA_CHDESC_T *) (pDMA->SRAMBASE & ~DMA_SRAMBASE_RESERVED))[ch] = *desc; return true; } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __DMA_8XX_H_ */