/* main.c (bdfconv) Universal 8bit Graphics Library (https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/) Copyright (c) 2017, olikraus@gmail.com All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "bdf_font.h" #include "fd.h" /*================================================*/ int get_str_arg(char ***argv, int c, char **result) { if ( (**argv)[0] == '-' ) { if ( (**argv)[1] == c ) { if ( (**argv)[2] == '\0' ) { (*argv)++; *result = **argv; } else { *result = (**argv)+2; } (*argv)++; return 1; } } return 0; } int get_num_arg(char ***argv, int c, unsigned long *result) { if ( (**argv)[0] == '-' ) { if ( (**argv)[1] == c ) { if ( (**argv)[2] == '\0' ) { if ( *((*argv)+1) != NULL ) { (*argv)++; *result = strtoul((**argv), NULL, 10); } } else { *result = strtoul((**argv)+2, NULL, 10); } (*argv)++; return 1; } } return 0; } int get_num_strarg(char ***argv, const char *s, unsigned long *result) { if ( (**argv)[0] == '-' ) { //printf("get_num_strarg %s: match %s\n", **argv, s); if ( strcmp( (**argv)+1, s ) == 0 ) { //printf("get_num_strarg %s: match %s found\n", **argv, s); if ( *((*argv)+1) != NULL ) { (*argv)++; *result = strtoul((**argv), NULL, 10); } (*argv)++; return 1; } } return 0; } int is_arg(char ***argv, int c) { if ( (**argv)[0] == '-' ) { if ( (**argv)[1] == c ) { (*argv)++; return 1; } } return 0; } /*================================================*/ void help(void) { printf("bdfconv [options] filename\n"); printf("-h Display this help\n"); printf("-v Print log messages\n"); printf("-b Font build mode, 0: proportional, 1: common height, 2: monospace, 3: multiple of 8\n"); printf("-f Font format, 0: ucglib font, 1: u8g2 font, 2: u8g2 uncompressed 8x8 font (enforces -b 3)\n"); printf("-m 'map' Unicode ASCII mapping\n"); printf("-M 'mapfile' Read Unicode ASCII mapping from file 'mapname'\n"); printf("-o C output font file\n"); printf("-k C output file with kerning information\n"); printf("-p <%%> Minimum distance for kerning in percent of the global char width (lower values: Smaller gaps, more data)\n"); printf("-x X-Offset for 8x8 font sub-glyph extraction (requires -f 2, default 0)\n"); printf("-y Y-Offset for 8x8 font sub-glyph extraction (requires -f 2, default 0)\n"); printf("-th Horizontal size of the 8x8 glyphs (requires -f 2, default 1)\n"); printf("-tv Vertical size of the 8x8 glyphs (requires -f 2, default 1)\n"); printf("-n C indentifier (font name)\n"); printf("-d Overview picture: Enable generation of bdf.tga and assign BDF font for description\n"); printf("-l Overview picture: Set left margin\n"); printf("-g Overview picture: Set glyphs per line (default: 16)\n"); printf("-a Overview picture: Additional font information (background, orange&blue dot)\n"); printf("-t Overview picture: Test string (Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz.)\n"); printf("-r Runtime test\n"); printf("\n"); printf("map := { \",\" }\n"); printf("mapcmd := | | | \n"); printf("default := \"*\"\n"); printf("maprange := [ \">\" ] Move specified glyph to target code \n"); printf("exclude := \"~\" \n"); printf("exclude-kerning:= \"x\" \n"); printf("range := [ \"-\" ] Select glyphs within specified range\n"); printf("addexpr := [ \"+\" ]\n"); printf("mulexpr := [ \"*\" ]\n"); printf("num := | \n"); printf("hexnum := \"$\" { }\n"); printf("decnum := { }\n"); printf("decdigit := \"0\" | \"1\" | \"2\" | \"3\" | \"4\" | \"5\" | \"6\" | \"7\" | \"8\" | \"9\"\n"); printf("hexdigit := \"a\" | \"b\" | \"c\" | \"d\" | \"e\" | \"f\" | \"A\" | \"B\" | \"C\" | \"D\" | \"E\" | \"F\" | \n"); printf("{ } zero, one ore more, [ ] zero or once, | alternative\n"); printf("example:\n"); printf(" -m '32-255' select gylphs from encoding 32 to 255\n"); printf(" -m '32-255,~64' select gylphs from encoding 32 to 255, exclude '@'\n"); printf(" -m '32,48-57' select space, '1', '2', ... '9'\n"); printf("build modes:\n"); printf(" -b 0: Most compact, glyph bitmap is minimal\n"); printf(" -b 1: Like -b 0, but glyph bitmap is extended to the height of the largest glyph within the selected glyph list.\n"); printf(" Also the width of the gylphs is extended to cover the delta x advance.\n"); printf(" -b 2: Like -b 1, but glyph width is set to the width of the largest glyph within the selected gylph list.\n"); printf(" -b 3: Like -b 2, but width and height are forced to be a multiple of 8.\n"); } /*================================================*/ unsigned long left_margin = 1; unsigned long build_bbx_mode = 0; unsigned long font_format = 0; unsigned long min_distance_in_per_cent_of_char_width = 25; unsigned long cmdline_glyphs_per_line = 16; unsigned long xoffset = 0; unsigned long yoffset = 0; unsigned long tile_h_size = 1; unsigned long tile_v_size = 1; int font_picture_extra_info = 0; int font_picture_test_string = 0; int runtime_test = 0; char *c_filename = NULL; char *k_filename = NULL; char *target_fontname = "bdf_font"; /*================================================*/ unsigned tga_get_line_height(bf_t *bf_desc_font, bf_t *bf) { unsigned h; tga_set_font(bf_desc_font->target_data); h = tga_get_char_height(); tga_set_font(bf->target_data); if ( h < tga_get_char_height() ) return tga_get_char_height(); return h; } unsigned tga_draw_font_line(unsigned y, long enc_start, bf_t *bf_desc_font, bf_t *bf, long glyphs_per_line) { long i; unsigned x; int is_empty; char pre[32]; is_empty = 1; for( i = 0; i< 16 && is_empty != 0; i++ ) { if ( tga_get_glyph_data(i+enc_start) != NULL ) is_empty = 0; } if ( is_empty != 0 ) return 0; sprintf(pre, "%5ld/0x%04lx", enc_start, enc_start); x = left_margin; if ( bf_desc_font != NULL ) { if ( bf_desc_font->target_data != NULL ) { tga_set_font(bf_desc_font->target_data); x += tga_draw_string(x, y, pre, 0, 0); } } x += 4; tga_set_font(bf->target_data); for( i = 0; i< glyphs_per_line; i++ ) { tga_draw_glyph(x + (tga_get_char_width()+2)*i,y,enc_start+i, font_picture_extra_info); } return left_margin + x + (tga_get_char_width()+2)*glyphs_per_line; } unsigned tga_draw_font_info(unsigned y, const char *fontname, bf_t *bf_desc_font, bf_t *bf) { unsigned x; int cap_a, cap_a_height; static char s[256]; cap_a_height = 0; cap_a = bf_GetIndexByEncoding(bf, 'A'); if ( cap_a >= 0 ) { cap_a_height = bf->glyph_list[cap_a]->bbx.h+bf->glyph_list[cap_a]->bbx.y; } if ( bf_desc_font != NULL ) { if ( bf_desc_font->target_data != NULL ) { tga_set_font(bf_desc_font->target_data); y += tga_get_char_height()+1; x = left_margin; x += tga_draw_string(x, y, fontname, 0, 0); y += tga_get_char_height()+1; sprintf(s, "Max width %u, max height %u", tga_get_char_width(), tga_get_char_height()); x = left_margin; x += tga_draw_string(x, y, s, 0, 0); y += tga_get_char_height()+1; sprintf(s, "'A' height %d, font size %d ", cap_a_height, bf->target_cnt); x = left_margin; x += tga_draw_string(x, y, s, 0, 0); return (tga_get_char_height()+1)*3; } } return 0; } unsigned tga_draw_font(unsigned y, const char *fontname, bf_t *bf_desc_font, bf_t *bf, long glyphs_per_line) { long i; unsigned x, xmax; xmax = 0; bf_Log(bf, "Draw TGA, line height %d", tga_get_line_height(bf_desc_font, bf)); y += tga_draw_font_info( y, fontname, bf_desc_font, bf); y += tga_get_line_height(bf_desc_font, bf)+1; for( i = 0; i <= 0x0ffff; i+=glyphs_per_line ) { x = tga_draw_font_line(y, i, bf_desc_font, bf, glyphs_per_line); if ( x > 0 ) { if ( xmax < x ) xmax = x; y += tga_get_line_height(bf_desc_font, bf)+1; //bf_Log(bf, "Draw TGA, encoding %04x, y %d", i, y); } } bf_Log(bf, "Draw TGA, xmax %d", xmax); tga_set_font(bf->target_data); //tga_draw_string(0, y, "Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz", 1, xmax); //y += tga_get_char_height()+1; if ( font_picture_test_string != 0 ) { tga_draw_string(left_margin, y, "Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz.", 0, xmax); y += tga_get_line_height(bf_desc_font, bf)+1; } return y; } /*================================================*/ /* main */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { bf_t *bf_desc_font; bf_t *bf; char *bdf_filename = NULL; int is_verbose = 0; char *map_str ="*"; char *map_filename =""; char *desc_font_str = ""; unsigned y; argv++; /* if ( *argv == NULL ) { help(); exit(1); } */ for(;;) { if ( *argv == NULL ) break; if ( is_arg(&argv, 'h') != 0 ) { help(); exit(1); } else if ( is_arg(&argv, 'v') != 0 ) { is_verbose = 1; } else if ( is_arg(&argv, 'a') != 0 ) { font_picture_extra_info = 1; } else if ( get_num_strarg(&argv, "th", &tile_h_size) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_num_strarg(&argv, "tv", &tile_v_size) != 0 ) { } else if ( is_arg(&argv, 't') != 0 ) { font_picture_test_string = 1; } else if ( is_arg(&argv, 'r') != 0 ) { runtime_test = 1; } else if ( get_num_arg(&argv, 'g', &cmdline_glyphs_per_line) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_num_arg(&argv, 'b', &build_bbx_mode) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_num_arg(&argv, 'f', &font_format) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_num_arg(&argv, 'x', &xoffset) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_num_arg(&argv, 'y', &yoffset) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_num_arg(&argv, 'l', &left_margin) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_num_arg(&argv, 'p', &min_distance_in_per_cent_of_char_width) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_str_arg(&argv, 'd', &desc_font_str) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_str_arg(&argv, 'o', &c_filename) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_str_arg(&argv, 'n', &target_fontname) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_str_arg(&argv, 'm', &map_str) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_str_arg(&argv, 'k', &k_filename) != 0 ) { } else if ( get_str_arg(&argv, 'M', &map_filename) != 0 ) { } else { bdf_filename = *argv; argv++; } } if ( bdf_filename == NULL ) { help(); exit(1); } bf_desc_font = NULL; if ( desc_font_str[0] != '\0' ) { bf_desc_font = bf_OpenFromFile(desc_font_str, 0, BDF_BBX_MODE_MINIMAL, "*", "", 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); /* assume format 0 for description */ if ( bf_desc_font == NULL ) { exit(1); } } if ( font_format == 2 ) { build_bbx_mode = BDF_BBX_MODE_M8; /* issue the following log message later, when there is a valid bf object */ /* bf_Log(bf, "Font mode 1: BBX mode set to 3"); */ } /* render the complete font */ bf = bf_OpenFromFile(bdf_filename, is_verbose, build_bbx_mode, map_str, map_filename, font_format, xoffset, yoffset, tile_h_size, tile_v_size); if ( bf == NULL ) { exit(1); } if ( font_format == 2 ) { /* now generate the log message */ bf_Log(bf, "Note: For font format 2 BBX mode has been set to 3"); } if ( bf_desc_font != NULL ) { tga_init(1024, 1024*12); if ( target_fontname[0] != '\0' ) y = tga_draw_font(0, target_fontname, bf_desc_font, bf, cmdline_glyphs_per_line); else y = tga_draw_font(0, bdf_filename, bf_desc_font, bf, cmdline_glyphs_per_line); if ( runtime_test != 0 ) { long i; clock_t c = clock(); fd_t fd; fd_init(&fd); fd_set_font(&fd, bf->target_data); for( i = 0; i < 10000; i++ ) fd_draw_string(&fd, left_margin, y, "Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz."); bf_Log(bf, "Runtime test: %.2lf sec", (double)(clock()-c)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } tga_set_pixel(1, 1, 0, 0, 0); tga_save("bdf.tga"); } if ( c_filename != NULL ) { /* write the encoded data in bf->target_data */ if ( font_format == 0 ) { bf_WriteUCGCByFilename(bf, c_filename, target_fontname, " "); } else { /* font format >= 1 are for u8g2, the following procedure just writes the content to the file */ bf_WriteU8G2CByFilename(bf, c_filename, target_fontname, " "); /* bdf_font.c */ } } if ( k_filename != NULL ) { bdf_calculate_all_kerning(bf, k_filename, target_fontname, min_distance_in_per_cent_of_char_width); } bf_Close(bf); return 0; }