#include "ugv_io_mpu.hh" #include #include #include constexpr float M_PI = atanf(1.f) * 4; #include "MPU.hpp" #include "i2c_mutex.h" #include "mpu/math.hpp" namespace ugv { namespace io { static constexpr gpio_num_t MPU_SDA = GPIO_NUM_5; static constexpr gpio_num_t MPU_SCL = GPIO_NUM_4; static constexpr mpud::accel_fs_t MPU_ACCEL_FS = mpud::ACCEL_FS_2G; static constexpr mpud::gyro_fs_t MPU_GYRO_FS = mpud::GYRO_FS_500DPS; static constexpr float MPU_MAG_TO_FLUX = (4912.f) / (32760.f); static const Vec3f ACCEL_OFFSET = {0., 0., 0.}; static const Mat3f ACCEL_MAT = {1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.}; static const Vec3f MAG_OFFSET = {0., 0., 0.}; static const Mat3f MAG_MAT = {1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.}; static const Vec3f GYRO_OFFSET = {0., 0., 0.}; static const char *TAG = "ugv_io_mpu"; Vec3f::Vec3f() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {} Vec3f::Vec3f(float x, float y, float z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {} Vec3f::Vec3f(const mpud::float_axes_t &axes) : x(axes.x), y(axes.y), z(axes.z) {} MPU::MPU() : mpu_(nullptr) {} MPU::~MPU() { delete mpu_; } void MPU::Init() { xSemaphoreTake(i2c_mutex, portMAX_DELAY); mpu_bus_ = &i2c0; // This is shared with the oled, so just use those pins mpu_bus_->begin(MPU_SDA, MPU_SCL, 100000); mpu_ = new mpud::MPU(*mpu_bus_); esp_err_t ret; ret = mpu_->testConnection(); if (ret != ESP_OK) { uint8_t wai = mpu_->whoAmI(); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "MPU not connected (whoAmI: %d)", wai); return; } ret = mpu_->compassTestConnection(); if (ret != ESP_OK) { uint8_t wai = mpu_->compassWhoAmI(); ESP_LOGW(TAG, "MPU compass not connected (whoAmI: %d)", wai); } ret = mpu_->initialize(); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "MPU initialization error"); return; } // Calibrate(); mpu_->setAccelFullScale(MPU_ACCEL_FS); mpu_->setGyroFullScale(MPU_GYRO_FS); // force magnetometer into continuous mode mpu_->compassWriteByte(0x0A, 0x12); xSemaphoreGive(i2c_mutex); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "MPU initialized"); } void MPU::Calibrate() { mpud::raw_axes_t accel_offset, gyro_offset; mpu_->computeOffsets(&accel_offset, &gyro_offset); mpu_->setAccelOffset(accel_offset); mpu_->setGyroOffset(gyro_offset); { auto ao = mpud::math::accelGravity(accel_offset, mpud::ACCEL_FS_2G); auto go = mpud::math::gyroDegPerSec(gyro_offset, mpud::GYRO_FS_250DPS); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "MPU offsets: accel=(%f, %f, %f) gyro=(%f, %f, %f)", ao.x, ao.y, ao.z, go.x, go.y, go.z); } } void MPU::GetData(MpuData &data) { esp_err_t ret; // uint8_t mxh, mxl, myh, myl, mzh, mzl, n; xSemaphoreTake(i2c_mutex, portMAX_DELAY); ret = mpu_->motion(&accel_, &gyro_); uint8_t compass_data[7]; mpu_->setAuxI2CBypass(true); mpu_bus_->readBytes(mpud::COMPASS_I2CADDRESS, 0x03, 7, compass_data); mpu_->setAuxI2CBypass(false); // mpu_->compassReadByte(0x03, &mxl); // mpu_->compassReadByte(0x04, &mxh); // mpu_->compassReadByte(0x05, &myl); // mpu_->compassReadByte(0x06, &myh); // mpu_->compassReadByte(0x07, &mzl); // mpu_->compassReadByte(0x08, &mzh); // mpu_->compassReadByte(0x09, &n); xSemaphoreGive(i2c_mutex); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "error reading MPU"); } // int16_t mx = (static_cast(mxh) << 8) | static_cast(mxl); // int16_t my = (static_cast(myh) << 8) | static_cast(myl); // int16_t mz = (static_cast(mzh) << 8) | static_cast(mzl); int16_t mx = (static_cast(compass_data[1]) << 8) | static_cast(compass_data[0]); int16_t my = (static_cast(compass_data[3]) << 8) | static_cast(compass_data[2]); int16_t mz = (static_cast(compass_data[5]) << 8) | static_cast(compass_data[4]); // ESP_LOGV(TAG, "compass: %d, %d, %d", mx, my, mz); data.accel = mpud::accelGravity(accel_, MPU_ACCEL_FS); data.accel = ACCEL_MAT * (data.accel + ACCEL_OFFSET); data.gyro_rate = mpud::gyroDegPerSec(gyro_, MPU_GYRO_FS); data.gyro_rate += GYRO_OFFSET; data.mag.x = ((float)mx) * MPU_MAG_TO_FLUX; data.mag.y = ((float)my) * MPU_MAG_TO_FLUX; data.mag.z = ((float)mz) * MPU_MAG_TO_FLUX; data.mag = MAG_MAT * (data.mag + MAG_OFFSET); } }; // namespace io }; // namespace ugv