#include <esp_log.h> #include <esp_timer.h> #include <math.h> #include "MadgwickAHRS.h" #include "config.pb.h" #include "i2c_mutex.h" #include "ugv_comms.hh" #include "ugv_display.hh" #include "ugv_io.hh" #include "pid_controller.hh" namespace ugv { using ugv::comms::CommsClass; using ugv::comms::messages::UGV_State; using ugv::io::IOClass; static const char *TAG = "ugv_main"; extern "C" { SemaphoreHandle_t i2c_mutex; } constexpr uint64_t LOOP_PERIOD_US = 1e6 / 100; constexpr float LOOP_PERIOD_S = 1000000.f / static_cast<float>(LOOP_PERIOD_US); static const float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062; static const float RAD_PER_DEG = PI / 180.f; // Radius of earth in meters static const float EARTH_RAD = 6372795.f; extern "C" void OnTimeout(void *arg); void UpdateLocationFromGPS(comms::messages::Location &location, const io::GpsData & gps_data) { location.set_fix_quality(gps_data.fix_quality); location.set_latitude(gps_data.latitude); location.set_longitude(gps_data.longitude); location.set_altitude(gps_data.altitude); } struct LatLong { public: float latitude; float longitude; inline LatLong() : LatLong(0., 0.) {} inline LatLong(double latitude_, double longitude_) : latitude(latitude_), longitude(longitude_) {} inline LatLong(const comms::messages::TargetLocation &loc) : latitude(loc.latitude()), longitude(loc.longitude()) {} /** * Return distance from this LatLong to target, in meters */ float distance_to(const LatLong &target) const { float lat1 = latitude * RAD_PER_DEG; float lat2 = target.latitude * RAD_PER_DEG; float long1 = longitude * RAD_PER_DEG; float long2 = target.longitude * RAD_PER_DEG; float clat1 = cosf(lat1); float clat2 = cosf(lat2); float a = powf(sinf((long2 - long1) / 2.f), 2.f) * clat1 * clat2 + powf(sinf((lat2 - lat1) / 2.f), 2.f); float d_over_r = 2 * atan2f(sqrtf(a), sqrtf(1 - a)); return d_over_r * EARTH_RAD; } float bearing_toward(const LatLong &target) const { float dlong = (target.longitude - longitude) * RAD_PER_DEG; float sdlong = sinf(dlong); float cdlong = cosf(dlong); float lat1 = latitude * RAD_PER_DEG; float lat2 = target.latitude * RAD_PER_DEG; float slat1 = sinf(lat1); float clat1 = cosf(lat1); float slat2 = sinf(lat2); float clat2 = cosf(lat2); float num = sdlong * clat2; float denom = (clat1 * slat2) - (slat1 * clat2 * cdlong); float course = atan2f(num, denom); if (course < 0.0) { course += 2 * PI; } return course / RAD_PER_DEG; } }; struct State { public: CommsClass * comms; IOClass * io; DisplayClass * display; esp_timer_handle_t timer_handle; io::Inputs inputs_; io::Outputs outputs_; int64_t last_print_; Madgwick ahrs_; LatLong target_; PIDController angle_controller_; config::Config conf_; State() : angle_controller_(LOOP_PERIOD_S) { SetTarget({34.069022, -118.443067}); comms = new CommsClass(); io = new IOClass(); display = new DisplayClass(comms); SetConfig(DefaultConfig()); } static config::Config DefaultConfig() { config::Config c; auto *apid = c.mutable_angle_pid(); apid->set_kp(0.10); apid->set_ki(0.0); apid->set_kd(0.4); apid->set_max_output(0.5); apid->set_max_i_error(15.0); c.set_min_target_dist(10.0); c.set_min_flip_pitch(90.0); return c; } void SetConfig(const config::Config &conf) { auto &apid = conf.angle_pid(); angle_controller_.SetPID(apid.kp(), apid.ki(), apid.kd()); angle_controller_.MaxOutput(apid.max_output()); angle_controller_.MaxIError(apid.max_i_error()); conf_ = conf; } void SetTarget(LatLong target) { target_ = target; } void Init() { esp_timer_init(); i2c_mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); ahrs_.begin(LOOP_PERIOD_S); // rough sample frequency io->Init(); comms->Init(); display->Init(); esp_timer_create_args_t timer_args; timer_args.callback = OnTimeout; timer_args.arg = this; timer_args.dispatch_method = ESP_TIMER_TASK; timer_args.name = "ugv_main_loop"; esp_timer_create(&timer_args, &this->timer_handle); esp_timer_start_periodic(timer_handle, LOOP_PERIOD_US); last_print_ = 0; } void OnTick() { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OnTick"); int64_t time_us = esp_timer_get_time(); // float time_s = ((float)time_us) / 1e6; io->ReadInputs(inputs_); { io::Vec3f &g = inputs_.mpu.gyro_rate, &a = inputs_.mpu.accel, &m = inputs_.mpu.mag; ahrs_.update(g.x, g.y, g.z, a.x, a.y, a.z, m.x, m.y, m.z); } if (time_us >= last_print_ + 500 * 1000) { // 1s auto &mpu = inputs_.mpu; ESP_LOGD( TAG, "inputs: acc=(%f, %f, %f) gyro=(%f, %f, %f) mag=(%f, %f, %f)", mpu.accel.x, mpu.accel.y, mpu.accel.z, mpu.gyro_rate.x, mpu.gyro_rate.y, mpu.gyro_rate.z, mpu.mag.x, mpu.mag.y, mpu.mag.z); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "ahrs: yaw=%f, pitch=%f, roll=%f", ahrs_.getYaw(), ahrs_.getPitch(), ahrs_.getRoll()); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "PID: error: %f", angle_controller_.Error()); last_print_ = time_us; } comms->Lock(); UpdateLocationFromGPS(*(comms->status.mutable_location()), inputs_.gps); comms->status.set_yaw_angle(ahrs_.getYaw()); UGV_State ugv_state = comms->status.state(); if (comms->new_target) { SetTarget(*comms->new_target); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Updating target to (%f, %f)", target_.latitude, target_.longitude); delete comms->new_target; comms->new_target = nullptr; } if (comms->new_config) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Updating config"); SetConfig(*comms->new_config); delete comms->new_config; comms->new_config = nullptr; } comms->Unlock(); UGV_State next_state = ugv_state; angle_controller_.Input(ahrs_.getYaw()); float drive_power = 0.; outputs_.left_motor = 0.0; outputs_.right_motor = 0.0; float pitch = ahrs_.getPitch(); auto min_flip_pitch = conf_.min_flip_pitch(); bool is_upside_down = (pitch > min_flip_pitch) || (pitch < -min_flip_pitch); switch (ugv_state) { default: ESP_LOGW(TAG, "unhandled state: %d", ugv_state); // fall through case UGV_State::STATE_IDLE: case UGV_State::STATE_FINISHED: angle_controller_.Disable(); break; case UGV_State::STATE_AQUIRING: { if (is_upside_down) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_FLIPPING; break; } angle_controller_.Disable(); TickType_t current_tick = xTaskGetTickCount(); TickType_t ticks_since_gps = current_tick - inputs_.gps.last_update; bool not_old = ticks_since_gps <= pdMS_TO_TICKS(2000); bool not_invalid = inputs_.gps.fix_quality != io::GPS_FIX_INVALID; if (not_old && not_invalid) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_TURNING; } break; } case UGV_State::STATE_FLIPPING: { angle_controller_.Disable(); outputs_.left_motor = -1.0; outputs_.right_motor = -1.0; if (!is_upside_down) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_AQUIRING; break; } break; } case UGV_State::STATE_TURNING: { if (is_upside_down) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_FLIPPING; break; } if (inputs_.gps.fix_quality == io::GPS_FIX_INVALID) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_AQUIRING; break; } LatLong current_pos = {inputs_.gps.latitude, inputs_.gps.longitude}; float tgt_bearing = current_pos.bearing_toward(target_); angle_controller_.Enable(); angle_controller_.Setpoint(tgt_bearing); if (fabs(angle_controller_.Error()) <= 5.0) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_DRIVING; } break; } case UGV_State::STATE_DRIVING: { if (is_upside_down) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_FLIPPING; break; } if (inputs_.gps.fix_quality == io::GPS_FIX_INVALID) { next_state = UGV_State::STATE_AQUIRING; break; } LatLong current_pos = {inputs_.gps.latitude, inputs_.gps.longitude}; float tgt_dist = current_pos.distance_to(target_); if (tgt_dist <= conf_.min_target_dist()) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Finished driving to target"); next_state = UGV_State::STATE_FINISHED; break; } float tgt_bearing = current_pos.bearing_toward(target_); angle_controller_.Enable(); angle_controller_.Setpoint(tgt_bearing); break; } case UGV_State::STATE_TEST: #ifdef BASIC_TEST outputs.left_motor = sinf(time_s * PI); outputs.right_motor = cosf(time_s * PI); #else angle_controller_.Enable(); angle_controller_.Setpoint(90.0); #endif break; case UGV_State::STATE_DRIVE_HEADING: angle_controller_.Enable(); angle_controller_.Setpoint(comms->drive_heading.heading()); drive_power = comms->drive_heading.power(); break; } if (angle_controller_.Enabled()) { float angle_pwr = angle_controller_.Update(); outputs_.left_motor = drive_power - angle_pwr; outputs_.right_motor = drive_power + angle_pwr; } io->WriteOutputs(outputs_); comms->Lock(); comms->status.set_state(next_state); comms->Unlock(); } }; extern "C" void OnTimeout(void *arg) { State *state = (State *)arg; state->OnTick(); } State *state; void Setup(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting UAS UGV"); state = new State(); state->Init(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setup finished"); } } // namespace ugv extern "C" void app_main() { ugv::Setup(); }