#include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "bdf_font.h" static int bf_curr(bf_t * bf) { if ( bf->line_pos >= BDF_LINE_LEN ) return '\0'; return bf->line_buf[bf->line_pos]; } static void bf_next(bf_t *bf) { if ( bf_curr(bf) == '\0' ) return; if ( bf->line_pos >= BDF_LINE_LEN ) return; bf->line_pos++; } static void bf_skipspace(bf_t *bf) { int c; for(;;) { c = bf_curr(bf); if ( c == '\0' ) return; if ( c > ' ' ) return; bf_next(bf); } } static const char *bf_get_identifier(bf_t *bf) { static char buf[BDF_LINE_LEN]; int c; int i = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; for(;;) { c = bf_curr(bf); if ( c <= ' ' ) break; if ( i >= BDF_LINE_LEN-2 ) break; buf[i++] = c; buf[i] = '\0'; bf_next(bf); } bf_skipspace(bf); return buf; } static const char *bf_get_string(bf_t *bf) { static char buf[BDF_LINE_LEN]; int i = 0; int c; buf[0] = '\0'; if ( bf_curr(bf) != '\"' ) return bf_get_identifier(bf); bf_next(bf); for(;;) { c = bf_curr(bf); if ( c == '\0' ) break; if ( c == '\"' ) break; if ( i >= BDF_LINE_LEN-2 ) break; buf[i++] = c; buf[i] = '\0'; bf_next(bf); } if ( bf_curr(bf) == '\"' ) bf_next(bf); bf_skipspace(bf); return buf; } static const char *bf_get_eol_string(bf_t *bf) { static char buf[BDF_LINE_LEN]; int i = 0; int c; buf[0] = '\0'; if ( bf_curr(bf) == '\"' ) return bf_get_string(bf); //bf_next(bf); for(;;) { c = bf_curr(bf); if ( c == '\0' ) break; if ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' ) break; if ( i >= BDF_LINE_LEN-2 ) break; buf[i++] = c; buf[i] = '\0'; bf_next(bf); } bf_skipspace(bf); return buf; } static long bf_get_long(bf_t *bf) { int c; long v = 0; long sign = 1; if ( bf_curr(bf) == '-' ) { sign = -1; bf_next(bf); bf_skipspace(bf); } for(;;) { c = bf_curr(bf); if ( c < '0' ) break; if ( c > '9' ) break; v *= 10L; v += (long)(c-'0'); bf_next(bf); } bf_skipspace(bf); return v*sign; } /* static long bf_get_mul(bf_t *bf) { long v; v = bf_get_long(bf); if ( bf_curr(bf) == '*' ) { bf_next(bf); bf_skipspace(bf); v *= bf_get_long(bf); } return v; } static long bf_get_add(bf_t *bf) { long v; v = bf_get_mul(bf); if ( bf_curr(bf) == '+' ) { bf_next(bf); bf_skipspace(bf); v += bf_get_mul(bf); } return v; } */ static int bf_add_glyph_to_list(bf_t *bf) { bg_t *bg; bf->glyph_pos = bf_AddGlyph(bf); if ( bf->glyph_pos < 0 ) { bf_Error(bf, "Can not add glyph (memory error?)"); return 0; } bg = bf->glyph_list[bf->glyph_pos]; /* copy the values from the parser to the glyph record */ bg->encoding = bf->encoding; bg->dwidth_x = bf->dwidth_x; bg->dwidth_y = bf->dwidth_y; bg->bbx.w = bf->bbx_w; bg->bbx.h = bf->bbx_h; bg->bbx.x = bf->bbx_x; bg->bbx.y = bf->bbx_y; if ( bg_SetBitmapSize(bg, bf->bbx_w, bf->bbx_h) == 0 ) { bf_Error(bf, "Can not create bitmap (memory error?)"); return 0; } bg->bitmap_width = bf->bbx_w; bg->bitmap_height = bf->bbx_h; // bg->actual_bitmap_width = bf->bbx_w; // bg->actual_bitmap_height = bf->bbx_h; //bf_Log(bf, "BDF File: Create glyph glyph_pos=%d bbx_w=%d bbx_h=%d bbx_x=%d bbx_y=%d", bf->glyph_pos, bf->bbx_w, bf->bbx_h, bf->bbx_x, bf->bbx_y); return 1; } static void bf_set_pixel_by_halfbyte(bf_t *bf, int halfbyte) { int i; bg_t *bg; assert( bf->glyph_list != NULL ); bg = bf->glyph_list[bf->glyph_pos]; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( (halfbyte & 8) != 0 ) { bg_SetBitmapPixel(bg, bf->bitmap_x, bf->bitmap_y, 1); } halfbyte<<=1; bf->bitmap_x++; } } static void bf_set_pixel_by_hex_char(bf_t *bf, int hex) { if ( hex >= '0' && hex <= '9' ) return bf_set_pixel_by_halfbyte(bf, hex-'0'); if ( hex >= 'a' && hex <= 'f' ) return bf_set_pixel_by_halfbyte(bf, hex-'a'+10); if ( hex >= 'A' && hex <= 'F' ) return bf_set_pixel_by_halfbyte(bf, hex-'A'+10); return bf_set_pixel_by_halfbyte(bf, 0); } static int bf_parse_line(bf_t *bf) { static char cmd[BDF_LINE_LEN]; bf->line_pos = 0; bf_skipspace(bf); if ( bf->is_bitmap_parsing == 0 ) { /* regular command */ bf->bitmap_y = 0; strcpy(cmd, bf_get_string(bf)); if ( strcmp(cmd, "" ) == 0 ) { return 1; } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "STARTFONT" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "FONT" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { if ( bf->str_font != NULL ) free(bf->str_font); bf->str_font = strdup(bf_get_eol_string(bf)); } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "SIZE" ) == 0 ) /* args: lll */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX" ) == 0 ) /* args: llll */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "STARTPROPERTIES" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "FONTNAME_REGISTRY" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "FOUNDRY" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "FAMILY_NAME" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "WEIGHT_NAME" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "SLANT" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "SETWIDTH_NAME" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "ADD_STYLE_NAME" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "PIXEL_SIZE" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "POINT_SIZE" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "RESOLUTION_X" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "RESOLUTION_Y" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "SPACING" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "AVERAGE_WIDTH" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "CHARSET_REGISTRY" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "CHARSET_ENCODING" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "DESTINATION" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "COPYRIGHT" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { if ( bf->str_copyright != NULL ) free(bf->str_copyright); bf->str_copyright = strdup(bf_get_eol_string(bf)); } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "_XMBDFED_INFO" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "CAP_HEIGHT" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "X_HEIGHT" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "WEIGHT" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "QUAD_WIDTH" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "DEFAULT_CHAR" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "FONT_DESCENT" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "FONT_ASCENT" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "ENDPROPERTIES" ) == 0 ) /* args: - */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "CHARS" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "STARTCHAR" ) == 0 ) /* args: s */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "ENCODING" ) == 0 ) /* args: l */ { bf->encoding = bf_get_long(bf); //bf_Log(bf, "BDF File: ENCODING %d", bf->encoding); } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "SWIDTH" ) == 0 ) /* args: ll */ { } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "DWIDTH" ) == 0 ) /* args: ll */ { bf->dwidth_x = bf_get_long(bf); bf->dwidth_y = bf_get_long(bf); } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "BBX" ) == 0 ) /* args: llll */ { bf->bbx_w = bf_get_long(bf); bf->bbx_h = bf_get_long(bf); bf->bbx_x = bf_get_long(bf); bf->bbx_y = bf_get_long(bf); } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "BITMAP" ) == 0 ) /* args: - */ { if ( bf_add_glyph_to_list(bf) == 0 ) return 0; bf->is_bitmap_parsing = 1; } else if ( strcmp(cmd, "ENDCHAR" ) == 0 ) /* args: - */ { bf_Error(bf, "Unexpected ENDCHAR found"); return 0; } } else { /* a line of the glyph bitmap */ int c; strcpy(cmd, bf_get_string(bf)); if ( cmd[0] != '\0' ) { if ( strcmp(cmd, "ENDCHAR" ) == 0 ) /* args: - */ { bf->is_bitmap_parsing = 0; /* bg_ShowBitmap(bf->glyph_list[bf->glyph_pos]); */ } else { bf->line_pos = 0; bf_skipspace(bf); bf->bitmap_x = 0; for(;;) { c = bf_curr(bf); if ( c < '0' ) break; bf_set_pixel_by_hex_char(bf, c); bf_next(bf); } bf->bitmap_y++; } } } return 1; } static int bf_parse_file(bf_t *bf) { long line_cnt = 0; bf->is_bitmap_parsing = 0; for(;;) { line_cnt++; if ( fgets(bf->line_buf, BDF_LINE_LEN, bf->fp) == NULL ) break; if ( bf_parse_line(bf) == 0 ) { bf_Error(bf, "perse error in line %ld", line_cnt); return 0; } } return 1; } int bf_ParseFile(bf_t *bf, const char *name) { int r; bf->fp = fopen(name, "r"); if ( bf->fp == NULL ) { bf_Error(bf, "Can not open bdf file '%s'", name); return 0; } r = bf_parse_file(bf); fclose(bf->fp); bf_Log(bf, "Parse File %s: %d glyph(s) found", name, bf->glyph_cnt); return r; }