/* ugl_bc.c items can be at three places 1) map 2) inventory 3) hero map --> inventory take inventory --> map drop inventory --> hero equip hero --> inventory unequip hero --> map drop inputs: hDir() // direction into which the hero wants to walk, had waked or looks iDir() // direction into which the item/creatue/missel wants to go, went or looks hX() // hero X position hY() // hero Y position posByH // set current position to the position of the hero posByI // set current position to the position of the current item posAppyDir(dir) // change the possition going one step into the specified direction */ #include "ugl_bc.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #ifndef UGL_TEST #include "item.h" #include "map.h" #endif void bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc_t *bc, uint16_t val) { bc->arg_stack[bc->arg_stack_pointer] = val; bc->arg_stack_pointer++; } uint16_t bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc_t *bc) { assert( bc->arg_stack_pointer > 0 ); bc->arg_stack_pointer--; return bc->arg_stack[bc->arg_stack_pointer] ; } void bc_duplicate_arg_stack_top_value(bc_t *bc) { bc->arg_stack[bc->arg_stack_pointer] = bc->arg_stack[bc->arg_stack_pointer-1]; bc->arg_stack_pointer++; } void bc_push_on_return_stack(bc_t *bc, uint16_t val) { bc->return_stack[bc->return_stack_pointer] = val; bc->return_stack_pointer++; } uint16_t bc_pop_from_return_stack(bc_t *bc) { assert( bc->return_stack_pointer > 0 ); bc->return_stack_pointer--; return bc->return_stack[bc->return_stack_pointer]; } uint16_t bc_get_value(uint8_t *code) { uint16_t val; val = *code; code++; val <<= 8; val |= *code; code++; return val; } void bc_init(bc_t *bc) { bc->arg_stack_pointer = 0; bc->return_stack_pointer = 0; } #define BC_DBG_OUT_POS(pos) printf("%05d ", (int)(pos)) #define BC_DBG_OUT_HEX(c) printf("0x%02x ", (int)(c)) #define BC_DBG_OUT_STR(str) printf("%s ", (str)) #define BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(n) printf("%d ", (int)(n)) #define BC_DBG_OUT_NUM3(n) printf("%03d ", (int)(n)) #define BC_DBG_OUT_CR() printf("\n") void bc_exec(bc_t *bc, uint8_t *code, uint16_t pos) { uint16_t val; uint8_t cmd; bc_init(bc); bc->code = code; bc->code_pos = pos; for(;;) { cmd = bc->code[bc->code_pos]; BC_DBG_OUT_POS(bc->code_pos); BC_DBG_OUT_NUM3(bc->arg_stack_pointer); BC_DBG_OUT_HEX(cmd); bc->code_pos++; val = cmd; val &=0x0f0; /* put upper four bit as upper 4bit of the 12bit value into val */ val <<= 4; switch(cmd&15) { case BC_CMD_LOAD_12BIT: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("LOAD12"); val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(val); bc->code_pos++; bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, val); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_CALL_BUILDIN: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("CALL BUILDIN"); val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(val); bc->code_pos++; BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); bc_buildin_list[val](bc); break; case BC_CMD_CALL_BUILDIN_POP_STACK: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("CALL BUILDIN POP ARG STACK"); val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(val); bc->code_pos++; BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); bc_buildin_list[val](bc); bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); break; case BC_CMD_BRANCH: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("BRANCH"); val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; if ( val < 0x0800 ) { bc->code_pos += val; } else { val = 0x1000 - val; bc->code_pos -= val; } BC_DBG_OUT_POS(bc->code_pos); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); case BC_CMD_POP_ARG_STACK: cmd >>= 4; /* in this case we need the lower 4 bit */ BC_DBG_OUT_STR("POP ARG STACK"); cmd++; /* cmd is reused as a counter for the number of stack pops */ BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(cmd); do { bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); cmd--; } while( cmd > 0 ); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_PUSH_ARG_STACK: cmd >>= 4; /* in this case we need the lower 4 bit */ BC_DBG_OUT_STR("PUSH ARG STACK"); cmd++; /* cmd is reused as a counter for the number of stack pops */ BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(cmd); do { bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, 0); cmd--; } while( cmd > 0 ); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_CALL_PROCEDURE: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("CALL PROC"); cmd >>= 4; /* in this case we need the lower 4 bit--> number of args */ BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(cmd); /* output number of args */ val = bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; val <<= 8; val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; bc_push_on_return_stack(bc, bc->code_pos); /* return position */ bc_push_on_return_stack(bc, bc->arg_stack_pointer - cmd -1); /* store the start pos of the return value and the args */ bc->code_pos = val; BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(bc->code_pos); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; default: /* assume 0x0f, extended command */ switch( cmd ) { case BC_CMD_LOAD_0: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("LOAD#0"); bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, 0); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_LOAD_1: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("LOAD#1"); bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, 1); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_LOAD_16BIT: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("LOAD16"); val = bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; val <<= 8; val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, val); BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(val); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_RETURN_FROM_PROCEDURE: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("RETURN to"); if ( bc->return_stack_pointer == 0 ) { BC_DBG_OUT_STR("exit"); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); BC_DBG_OUT_STR("arg stack: "); BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(bc->arg_stack_pointer); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); BC_DBG_OUT_STR("return stack: "); BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(bc->return_stack_pointer); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); return; /* stop execution */ } //bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, bc_pop_from_return_stack(bc)); /* copy return value on arg stack */ bc->arg_stack_pointer = bc_pop_from_return_stack(bc) + 1; /* restore the arg stack pointer, leave return value on stack */ bc->code_pos = bc_pop_from_return_stack(bc); BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(bc->code_pos); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_JUMP_NOT_ZERO: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("JUMP NZ"); val = bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; val <<= 8; val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; if ( bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc) != 0 ) bc->code_pos = val; break; BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(bc->code_pos); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); case BC_CMD_JUMP_ZERO: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("JUMP Z"); val = bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; val <<= 8; val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; if ( bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc) == 0 ) bc->code_pos = val; BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(bc->code_pos); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; case BC_CMD_CALL_PROCEDURE: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("CALL PROC"); val = bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; val <<= 8; val |= bc->code[bc->code_pos]; bc->code_pos++; bc_push_on_return_stack(bc, bc->code_pos); /* return position */ bc_push_on_return_stack(bc, 0); /* return value */ bc->code_pos = val; BC_DBG_OUT_NUM(bc->code_pos); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); break; /* case BC_CMD_POP_ARG_STACK: BC_DBG_OUT_STR("POP ARG STACK"); BC_DBG_OUT_CR(); bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); break; */ default: break; } break; } /* switch() */ } /* for(;;) */ } /*======================================================*/ /* put top of stack into register a, reduce stack */ //void bc_pop_a(bc_t *bc) //{ // bc->stack_pointer--; // bc->a = bc->stack[bc->stack_pointer]; //} /*======================================================*/ /* return a pointer to a variable on the arg stack within the current stack frame */ /* pos = 0 is the return value of a user function, pos = 1... are the args for that function */ uint16_t *bc_get_stack_frame_address(bc_t *bc, uint8_t pos) { return bc->arg_stack + bc->return_stack[bc->return_stack_pointer-1] + pos ; } void bc_fn_nop(bc_t *bc) { bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, 0); } /* description: "return" sets the return value of a procedure. If used inside an expresion, it returns its argument */ /* assign return value for a user defined function */ /* identical to arg(0) */ void bc_fn_return(bc_t *bc) { bc_duplicate_arg_stack_top_value(bc); /* goal is to leave a value on the stack */ *bc_get_stack_frame_address(bc, 0) = bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); /* v = bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, v); bc_pop_from_return_stack(bc); bc_push_on_return_stack(bc, v); */ } void bc_fn_print(bc_t *bc) { bc_duplicate_arg_stack_top_value(bc); /* goal is to leave a value on the stack */ printf("%u\n", bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc)); } /* return an argument of a user defined procedure */ void bc_fn_arg1(bc_t *bc) { bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, *bc_get_stack_frame_address(bc, bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc))); } /* remove the top element from the stack and return the same */ void bc_fn_arg2(bc_t *bc) { uint16_t v = bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); /* the value, which should be assigned */ *bc_get_stack_frame_address(bc, bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc)) = v; bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, v); /* push the value back on the stack */ } void bc_fn_add(bc_t *bc) { uint16_t v; v = bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); v += bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, v); } #ifndef UGL_TEST pos_t bc_pos; #endif void bc_fn_setPos(bc_t *bc) { uint8_t x, y; y = bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); x = bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); #ifndef UGL_TEST bc_pos.x = x; bc_pos.y = y; #endif bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, 0); } void bc_fn_setItemPos(bc_t *bc) { uint8_t i; i = bc_pop_from_arg_stack(bc); #ifndef UGL_TEST pool_GetItem(i)->pos = bc_pos; printf("item %d new x=%d y=%d\n", i, bc_pos.x, bc_pos.y); #endif bc_push_on_arg_stack(bc, i); } /*======================================================*/ bc_buildin_fn bc_buildin_list[] = { /* 0 */ bc_fn_nop, /* 1 */ bc_fn_return, /* 2 */ bc_fn_arg1, /* one argument */ /* 3 */ bc_fn_arg2, /* two arguments */ /* 4 */ bc_fn_add, /* 5 */ bc_fn_print, /* 6 */ bc_fn_setPos, /* two args: x & y*/ /* 7 */ bc_fn_setItemPos, /* one args: item */ };