- Wiring... Interconnect, pin/label names
- Displays... Display support, display problems
- U8g2... Setup, compilation, usage, fonts


Q: Why does my xxx_SW_I2C() device not work with my other I2C devices?
A: SW_I2C emulates I2C with digitalWrite(), which will have a conflict with other
I2C devices at the same pins. There are two options: (A) use xxx_HW_I2C() or 
(B) use different pins with xxx_SW_I2C()

Q: My display has a pin labled as "A0" (or "RS"). How to connect this pin?
A: There are different names for the "data/command" pin. In U8g2 only the name
"dc" is used. On the display side it might be also called "A0", "RS", "CD".
See also the next question.

Q: My display has pins labled as "D0" and "D1". What is the interface and how 
to connect these pins?
A: This is probably a SSD1306 OLED. The meaning of the D0 and D1 pin depends
on the configuration of the SSD1306. D0 is the clock line and D1 is the data line.

Q: For HW SPI no pin numbers are required in the constructor. But which are
the pin numbers for wiring?
A: This depends on your board. For some official boards, this is listed here:
You need to connect MOSI (data) and SCK (clock) pins of your board with the
corresponding pins with your display.
All U8g2 software emulated SPI constructors look like this:
U8G2_..._4W_SW_SPI u8g2(U8G2_R0, clock, data, cs, dc, reset);
All U8g2 hardware SPI constructors look like this:
U8G2_..._4W_SW_SPI u8g2(U8G2_R0, cs, dc, reset);

Q: For HW I2C no pin numbers are required in the constructor. But which are
the pin numbers for wiring?
A: See same question for SPI. For some boards, the pins are listed here:
All U8g2 software emulated I2C constructors look like this:
U8G2_..._SW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, clock, data, reset);
All U8g2 hardware I2C constructors look like this:
U8G2_..._HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, reset);
Note: The HW_I2C allows to more arguments for hardware pin number remapping.
However, this is only supported on the ESP8266.

Q: The pin names on my display do not fit to the pin names of U8g2.
A: Yes, each datasheet/product/controller has different names. There 
is a mapping table on the wiki for this:

Q: What is wrong with connecting Reset (RES) of my display with the  Reset of my 
Arduino Board?
- Both are inputs. It does not make sense to connect two inputs
- Both pins have completly different functions: The reset of your board will reset
the Arduino board, the reset of the display will reset the display. 
Please connect the reset input of the display with a normal GPIO pin of your board.

Q: Shell I connect CS (chip select) with the SS output of the Arduino board?
A: In general this is required neither for hardware or software SPI.

Q: My board has a MOSI and a SCK output. Do i need to connect this to the
clock and data pins of my display?
A: "Yes" if you want to use hardware SPI (u8g2 constructors ending in _HW_SPI).
You can use any pins with the software emulated SPI of u8g2 (constructors ending
in _SW_SPI). Howver in general it is better to use hardware SPI to get a better
performance of your display.

Q: How to wire ST7920 display in 8080 mode?
- See also
- Connect the RW (SID) input of your ST7920 display to ground.
- In the u8g2 constructor, use U8X8_PIN_NONE for "cs" signal
- The "dc" pin is called "RS" in the ST7920 documentation.
- See also issue #90:


Q: There is an x-offset on my SSD1306 128x64 OLED. 
A: This is not a SSD1306 OLED, instead use the SH1106 constructor.

Q: A T6963 misses columns on the display/has garbled output.
A: Ensure that the T6963 operates in 8x8 mode: 
If the display module has two font select (FSx) pins, connect both to GND
If the display module has one font select (FS) pin, connect it to GND

Q: My T6963 has a RD input. How shell this be connected?
A: The RD input for any 8080 interface has to be connected to power supply (5V or 3.3V, 
depending on the display)

Q: My T6963 was working with u8glib, but it does not work with U8g2
A: The sequence of argument has changed from cs, a0, wr to wr, cs, a0:
U8GLIB_T6963_240X128 u8g(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, cs, dc, wr, rd, reset); 
U8G2_T6963_240X128_1_8080 u8g2(U8G2_R0, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, wr, cs, dc, reset); 

Q: My controller/interface combination is not listed in the examples.
A: Yes, the complete list is here:

Q: My display controller is listed, but the display dimension is not supported.
A: Raise an issue in the u8g2 tracker ""

Q: My controller is not listed, What can I do?
A: First check whether this controller is compatible to one of the supported 
Supported: ST7565, Compatible: NT7534, UC1701, SED1565, S1D15605, S6B0723, SPLC502
Supported: SED1330, Compatible:  SED1335, RA8835, S1D3305 
Supported: LC7981, Compatible:  NT7086, (maybe also: HD61830)
This table just reflects my current knowledge. It is not tested and may not be true at all.
Raise an issue in the u8g2 issue tracker, If your controller for a monochrome display is not listed.
A more detailed discussion of some controllers is listed in "controller_cmds.txt"


Q: How to install u8g2 for Arduino?
A: The latest stable version of U8g2 is available as Arduino Library in the 
"Manage Libraries..." browser. See also here:
The latest development version is available for download here:
In the Arduino IDE use the Sketch>Include Library>Add .ZIP Library... menu to 
import the u8g2 zip library.

Q: There is a compilation error with I2C/SPI library used by U8g2.
A: U8g2 expects standard Arduino Wire and SPI libraries. However some
none-Arduino Boards did not implement the full set of library functions.
Examples are the missing setClock() or missing beginTransaction() functions.
This is an issue with your board support library and not an issue of U8g2.
1. Disable (comment) U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI and/or U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C in u8x8.h
2. Use SW SPI/SW I2C U8g2 constructors

Q: What is the meaning of the F/1/2 in the U8g2 constructor name?
A: "F" means full buffer mode. The entire display is rendered in RAM. Use
"sendBuffer" to transfer this RAM buffer to the display. "1"  and "2" constructors
will store one or two pages of the display in RAM only. Use the firstPage/nextPage 
loop to create the image for the display.

Q: What is the meaning of "SW"/"HW" in the U8g2 constructor name?
A: "SW" means, that the protocol is emulated by software. For example 
the SW_I2C will not use the I2C subsystem of your board. The "HW" constructor
will use the hardware subsystem on your uC. For an Arduino board, HW_I2C will
call the Wire library for hardware accelerated I2C communication. "HW"
constructors are much faster, but maybe debugging and setup is more 
easier with a "SW" constructor.

Q: Why does the hardware I2C accept clock and data pins?
The hardware I2C constructor looks like this:
U8G2_<display>_HW_I2C(rotation, [reset [, clock, data]])
This means there are three options to use this constructor:
1. U8G2_<display>_HW_I2C(rotation)
2. U8G2_<display>_HW_I2C(rotation, reset)
3. U8G2_<display>_HW_I2C(rotation, reset, clock, data)
Hardware I2C usually is possible only with fixed pins. This means, the first or 
second form of the constructor must be used. As of today only the ESP8266 
support pin remapping. In such a case, also the third form can be used.

Q: How to activate 16 Bit mode?
A: Search for the line
//#define U8G2_16BIT
in "u8g2.h". Uncomment this line:
#define U8G2_16BIT
The file "u8g2.h" is located in "/libraries/U8g2_Arduino/src/clib" inside your default
sketch folder.

Q: U8g2 requires a lot of memory. How to reduce this?
- Visit
- Disable U8g2 features if possible (see u8g2.h)
- Limit the font size. If possible avoid "f" fonts, instead use "r" or "n" fonts
- If the I2C interface is not required, then uncomment #define U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C in U8x8lib.h
  (Background: Due to a problem in Wire.h, the I2C Arduino lib is always included)

Q: U8g2 output is corrupted. What are possible causes?
- Do not change the output inside the firstPage/nextPage loop: 
Do *not* call digitalRead/analogRead inside the firstPage/nextPage loop.
Read any sensor values into a variable *before* firstPage() and use the 
variable value inside the loop.
If the output includes unicode chars, use the UTF8 procedures.

Q: U8g2 is slow. How to improve speed?
A1: If there is sufficient RAM, use the F variant of the constructor (see the question
on F/1/2 above).
A2: Use hardware SPI or I2C communication. Software emulated SPI or I2C is much
slower (see the question on SW and HW SPI/I2C above)
A3: "firstPage/nextPage loop": Remove as much of code out of this loop. Try to
precalculate as much of possible before the loop is entered.
A4: "firstPage/nextPage loop": If the loop is still too slow, try to unroll the loop.
See the StateBufferLoop example:
A5: For SW I2C and AVR architectures: Uncomment 
in U8x8lib.h. This will increase speed a lot for I2C on all AVR uC. However the I2C
bus is always driven by this implementation. Other I2C devices will not work on
the same pins.

Q: Umlaut chars or other chars with a unicode value greater than 127 do not 
appear on the displays. What is wrong?
A; Check the following:
Did you use drawUTF8() instead of drawStr()?
Did you enable UTF8 when using print() with enableUTF8Print()?
Does the font include the expected char? Fonts with a 'n' (numbers), 
'u' (uppercase) or 'r' (restricted) at the end of the fontname do only 
include glyphs with unicode lower than 128.

Q: How can I generate my own font.
A: The font must be available in bdf file format. Then use bdfconv to generate
the font data. The font data can be pasted into an existing file of your project.
There is also a nice Windows Bitmap Font Editor "Fony" ( 
which can export .bdf files. A copy of Fony 1.4.7 is available here:

Q: Which commandline options are required for bdfconv?
A: "bdfconv -f 1 -m '32-255' -n fontname -o myfont.c myfont.bdf"
"-f 1" generates a u8g2 font.
"-m '32-255'" selects unicode 32 to 255. On Windows, please use double quotes: -m "32-255"
"-n fontname": This is the name of the font in C/C++/Ino files.
"-o myfont.c": The font array will be stored in this file.
"myfont.bdf": The input file with the font data (bdf format).

Q: Where do I find bdfconv?
A: A Windows executable is available here:
Use the Makefile in this directory to create a Linux binary.

Q: How can I use multiple SPI Displays?
A: For each additional display, separate CS (Chip select) is required.
There are two options for the RST (Reset) line: 
Also use separate lines or use the same GPIO pin.

// Setup display1 and display2, both reset lines are connected to 4, execute display1.begin() first.
U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_4W_SW_SPI display1(U8G2_R0, /*CLK*/ 18, /*MOSI*/ 23, /*CS*/ 16,/*DC*/ 17, /*RST*/ 4);
U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_4W_SW_SPI display2(U8G2_R0, /*CLK*/ 18, /*MOSI*/ 23, /*CS*/ 15,/*DC*/ 17, /*RST*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE);

// Setup display1 and display2, separate reset lines
U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_4W_SW_SPI display1(U8G2_R0, /*CLK*/ 18, /*MOSI*/ 23, /*CS*/ 16,/*DC*/ 17, /*RST*/ 4);
U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_4W_SW_SPI display2(U8G2_R0, /*CLK*/ 18, /*MOSI*/ 23, /*CS*/ 15,/*DC*/ 17, /*RST*/ 5);

Ensure that the buffer is sent after printing with each display as follows.

    display1.setCursor(64, 32);
    display1.print("DISPLAY 1");
    display2.setCursor(64, 32);
    display2.print("DISPLAY 2");
Q: How can I send individual/special commands to my display.
A: The sequence is: Start transfer, send data and args, close transfer. Note that
this is not portable, because these commands are specific to the display controller.
The following C++/Arduino code will send one command with one argument to the
  u8x8_cad_SendCmd( u8g2.GetU8x8(), <display command>);
  u8x8_cad_SendArg( u8g2.GetU8x8(), <display-command-arg>);  