/* * Copyright 2008 Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Mexico State University * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES OR NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #else #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <ft2build.h> #include FT_GLYPH_H #include FT_SFNT_NAMES_H #include FT_TRUETYPE_TABLES_H /* * Include the remapping support. */ #include "remap.h" /************************************************************************** * * Macros. * **************************************************************************/ /* * The version of otf2bdf. */ #define OTF2BDF_VERSION "3.0" /* * Set the default values used to generate a BDF font. */ #ifndef DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ID #define DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ID 3 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_ENCODING_ID #define DEFAULT_ENCODING_ID 1 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE #define DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE 12 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_RESOLUTION #define DEFAULT_RESOLUTION 100 #endif /* * Used as a fallback for XLFD names where the character set/encoding can not * be determined. */ #ifndef DEFAULT_XLFD_CSET #define DEFAULT_XLFD_CSET "-FontSpecific-0" #endif /* * nameID macros for getting strings from the OT font. */ #define BDFOTF_COPYRIGHT_STRING 0 #define BDFOTF_FAMILY_STRING 1 #define BDFOTF_SUBFAMILY_STRING 2 #define BDFOTF_UNIQUEID_STRING 3 #define BDFOTF_FULLNAME_STRING 4 #define BDFOTF_VENDOR_STRING 5 #define BDFOTF_POSTSCRIPT_STRING 6 #define BDFOTF_TRADEMARK_STRING 7 /* * String names for the string indexes. Used for error messages. */ static char *string_names[] = { "\"Copyright\"", "\"Family\"", "\"SubFamily\"", "\"Unique ID\"", "\"Full Name\"", "\"Vendor\"", "\"Postscript Name\"", "\"Trademark\"" }; #if 0 #define TTF_COPYRIGHT 0 #define TTF_TYPEFACE 1 #define TTF_PSNAME 6 #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(h,i) ((h) > (i) ? (h) : (i)) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(l,o) ((l) < (o) ? (l) : (o)) #endif /************************************************************************** * * General globals set from command line. * **************************************************************************/ /* * The program name. */ static char *prog; /* * The flag indicating whether messages should be printed or not. */ static int verbose = 0; /* * Flags used when loading glyphs. */ static int load_flags = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; /* * The default platform and encoding ID's. */ static int pid = DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ID; static int eid = DEFAULT_ENCODING_ID; /* * Default point size and resolutions. */ static int point_size = DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE; static int hres = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION; static int vres = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION; /* * The user supplied foundry name to use in the XLFD name. */ static char *foundry_name = 0; /* * The user supplied typeface name to use in the XLFD name. */ static char *face_name = 0; /* * The user supplied weight name to use in the XLFD name. */ static char *weight_name = 0; /* * The user supplied slant name to use in the XLFD name. */ static char *slant_name = 0; /* * The user supplied width name to use in the XLFD name. */ static char *width_name = 0; /* * The user supplied additional style name to use in the XLFD name. */ static char *style_name = 0; /* * The user supplied spacing (p = proportional, c = character cell, * m = monospace). */ static int spacing = 0; /* * The dash character to use in the names retrieved from the font. Default is * the space. */ static int dashchar = ' '; /* * Flag, bitmask, and max code for generating a subset of the glyphs in a font. */ static int do_subset = 0; static unsigned short maxcode; static unsigned long subset[2048]; /* * The flag that indicates the remapping table should be used to * reencode the font. */ static int do_remap = 0; /************************************************************************** * * Internal globals. * **************************************************************************/ /* * Structure used for calculating the font bounding box as the glyphs are * generated. */ typedef struct { short minlb; short maxlb; short maxrb; short maxas; short maxds; short rbearing; } bbx_t; static bbx_t bbx; /* * The buffer used to transfer the temporary file to the actual output file. */ #define OTF2BDF_IOBUFSIZ 8192 static char iobuf[OTF2BDF_IOBUFSIZ]; /* * The Units Per Em value used in numerous places. */ static FT_UShort upm; /* * A flag indicating if a CMap was found or not. */ static FT_UShort nocmap; /* * The scaling factor needed to compute the SWIDTH (scalable width) value * for BDF glyphs. */ static double swscale; /************************************************************************** * * Platform and encoding table names. * **************************************************************************/ static char *platform_names[] = { "Apple Unicode", "Macintosh", "ISO", "Microsoft", "Unknown" }; static int nplatform_names = sizeof(platform_names)/sizeof(platform_names[0]); /* * Mac encoding names used when creating the BDF XLFD font name. */ static char *mac_encodings[] = { "-MacRoman-0", "-MacJapanese-0", "-MacChinese-0", "-MacKorean-0", "-MacArabic-0", "-MacHebrew-0", "-MacGreek-0", "-MacRussian-0", "-MacRSymbol-0", "-MacDevanagari-0", "-MacGurmukhi-0", "-MacGujarati-0", "-MacOriya-0", "-MacBengali-0", "-MacTamil-0", "-MacTelugu-0", "-MacKannada-0", "-MacMalayalam-0", "-MacSinhalese-0", "-MacBurmese-0", "-MacKhmer-0", "-MacThai-0", "-MacLaotian-0", "-MacGeorgian-0", "-MacArmenian-0", "-MacMaldivian-0", "-MacTibetan-0", "-MacMongolian-0", "-MacGeez-0", "-MacSlavic-0", "-MacVietnamese-0","-MacSindhi-0", "-MacUninterp-0" }; static int nmac_encodings = sizeof(mac_encodings)/sizeof(mac_encodings[0]); /* * ISO encoding names used when creating the BDF XLFD font name. */ static char *iso_encodings[] = { "-ASCII-0", "-ISO10646-1", "-ISO8859-1" }; static int niso_encodings = sizeof(iso_encodings)/sizeof(iso_encodings[0]); /* * Microsoft encoding names used when creating the BDF XLFD font name. */ static char *ms_encodings[] = { "-Symbol-0", "-ISO10646-1", "-ShiftJIS-0", "-GB2312.1980-0", "-Big5-0", "-KSC5601.1987-0", "-KSC5601.1992-0" }; static int nms_encodings = sizeof(ms_encodings)/sizeof(ms_encodings[0]); /* * The propery names for all the XLFD properties. */ static char *xlfd_props[] = { "FOUNDRY", "FAMILY_NAME", "WEIGHT_NAME", "SLANT", "SETWIDTH_NAME", "ADD_STYLE_NAME", "PIXEL_SIZE", "POINT_SIZE", "RESOLUTION_X", "RESOLUTION_Y", "SPACING", "AVERAGE_WIDTH", "CHARSET_REGISTRY", "CHARSET_ENCODING", }; /************************************************************************** * * Freetype globals. * **************************************************************************/ static FT_Library library; static FT_Face face; static FT_Size_Metrics imetrics; static TT_HoriHeader *horizontal; /************************************************************************** * * Freetype related code. * **************************************************************************/ /* * A generic routine to get a name from the OT name table. This routine * always looks for English language names and checks three possibilities: * 1. English names with the MS Unicode encoding ID. * 2. English names with the MS unknown encoding ID. * 3. English names with the Apple Unicode encoding ID. * * The particular name ID mut be provided (e.g. nameID = 0 for copyright * string, nameID = 6 for Postscript name, nameID = 1 for typeface name. * * If the `dash_to_space' flag is non-zero, all dashes (-) in the name will be * replaced with the character passed. * * Returns the number of bytes added. */ static int otf_get_english_string(FT_Face face, int nameID, int dash_to_space, char *name, int name_size) { int j, encid; FT_UInt i, nrec; FT_SfntName sfntName; unsigned char *s; unsigned short slen; nrec = FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count(face); for (encid = 1, j = 0; j < 2; j++, encid--) { /* * Locate one of the MS English font names. */ for (i = 0; i < nrec; i++) { FT_Get_Sfnt_Name(face, i, &sfntName); if (sfntName.platform_id == 3 && sfntName.encoding_id == encid && sfntName.name_id == nameID && (sfntName.language_id == 0x0409 || sfntName.language_id == 0x0809 || sfntName.language_id == 0x0c09 || sfntName.language_id == 0x1009 || sfntName.language_id == 0x1409 || sfntName.language_id == 0x1809)) { s = sfntName.string; slen = sfntName.string_len; break; } } if (i < nrec) { if (slen >> 1 >= name_size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: %s string longer than buffer. Truncating to %d bytes.\n", prog, string_names[nameID], name_size); slen = name_size << 1; } /* * Found one of the MS English font names. The name is by * definition encoded in Unicode, so copy every second byte into * the `name' parameter, assuming there is enough space. */ for (i = 1; i < slen; i += 2) { if (dash_to_space) *name++ = (s[i] != '-') ? s[i] : ' '; else if (s[i] == '\r' || s[i] == '\n') { if (s[i] == '\r' && i + 2 < slen && s[i + 2] == '\n') i += 2; *name++ = ' '; *name++ = ' '; } else *name++ = s[i]; } *name = 0; return (slen >> 1); } } /* * No MS English name found, attempt to find an Apple Unicode English * name. */ for (i = 0; i < nrec; i++) { FT_Get_Sfnt_Name(face, i, &sfntName); if (sfntName.platform_id == 0 && sfntName.language_id == 0 && sfntName.name_id == nameID) { s = sfntName.string; slen = sfntName.string_len; break; } } if (i < nrec) { if (slen >> 1 >= name_size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: %s string longer than buffer. Truncating to %d bytes.\n", prog, string_names[nameID], name_size); slen = name_size << 1; } /* * Found the Apple Unicode English name. The name is by definition * encoded in Unicode, so copy every second byte into the `name' * parameter, assuming there is enough space. */ for (i = 1; i < slen; i += 2) { if (dash_to_space) *name++ = (s[i] != '-') ? s[i] : ' '; else if (s[i] == '\r' || s[i] == '\n') { if (s[i] == '\r' && i + 2 < slen && s[i + 2] == '\n') i += 2; *name++ = ' '; *name++ = ' '; } else *name++ = s[i]; } *name = 0; return (slen >> 1); } return 0; } /************************************************************************** * * Encoding table related functions. * **************************************************************************/ static char * platform_name(short pid) { return (pid < nplatform_names) ? platform_names[pid] : platform_names[nplatform_names - 1]; } static char * encoding_name(short pid, short eid) { int nnames; char **names; switch (pid) { case 0: return "-ISO10646-1"; case 1: nnames = nmac_encodings; names = mac_encodings; break; case 2: nnames = niso_encodings; names = iso_encodings; break; case 3: nnames = nms_encodings; names = ms_encodings; break; default: return "-Unknown-0"; } return (eid < nnames) ? names[eid] : "-Unknown-0"; } static char *spaces = " "; static void print_encoding_table(void) { int ncmaps, i, j; short pid, eid, lasteid; char *np, *platform, encoding[64]; printf("Encoding tables available in the font:\n\n"); printf("Platform%.*sEncoding\n", 6, spaces); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Default%.*sDefault%.*s(-pid %d -eid %d)\n", 7, spaces, 7, spaces, DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ID, DEFAULT_ENCODING_ID); ncmaps = face->num_charmaps; for (lasteid = -1, i = 0; i < ncmaps; i++) { pid = face->charmaps[i]->platform_id; eid = face->charmaps[i]->encoding_id; platform = platform_name(pid); np = encoding_name(pid, eid); np++; for (j = 0; j < 63 && *np != '-'; np++, j++) encoding[j] = *np; encoding[j] = 0; /* * Typecast the result of 14-strlen(). This returns a size_t on * some platforms and causes a compilation warning. */ printf("%s%.*s%s%.*s(-pid %hd -eid %hd)\n", platform, (int) (14 - strlen(platform)), spaces, encoding, (int) (14 - strlen(encoding)), spaces, pid, eid); } } /************************************************************************** * * General code. * **************************************************************************/ /* * Create an XLFD name. Assumes there is enough space in the string passed * to fit a reasonably long XLFD name into, up to the 256 byte maximum. */ static void make_xlfd_name(char *name, int name_size, FT_Long awidth, int ismono) { FT_Long i; FT_ULong val; char *r, *e; double dr, dp; TT_OS2 *os2 = FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(face, ft_sfnt_os2); /* * Default the foundry name to "FreeType" in honor of the project and * because the foundry name is too difficult to automatically determine * from the names in TT fonts. But the user can provide his own. */ if (foundry_name == 0) { (void) strcpy(name, "-FreeType"); name += 9; } else { *(name++)='-'; strcpy(name,foundry_name); name+=strlen(foundry_name); } /* * Add the typeface name from the font. The fallback default will be * "Unknown". */ *name++ = '-'; if (face_name == 0) { if((i = otf_get_english_string(face, BDFOTF_FAMILY_STRING, dashchar, name, name_size))) name += i; else { (void) strcpy(name, "Unknown"); name += 7; } } else { (void) strcpy(name, face_name); name += strlen(face_name); } /* * Add the weight name. The default will be "Medium". */ if (weight_name != 0) { sprintf(name, "-%s", weight_name); name += strlen(weight_name) + 1; } else { if (os2->fsSelection & 0x20) { (void) strcpy(name, "-Bold"); name += 5; } else { (void) strcpy(name, "-Medium"); name += 7; } } /* * Add the slant name. The default will be 'R'. */ if (slant_name) { sprintf(name, "-%s", slant_name); name += strlen(slant_name) + 1; } else { *name++ = '-'; if (os2->fsSelection & 0x01) *name++ = 'I'; else *name++ = 'R'; } /* * Default the setwidth name to "Normal" but user can specify one. */ if (width_name == 0) { (void) strcpy(name, "-Normal"); name += 7; } else { *(name++)='-'; (void) strcpy(name, width_name); name += strlen(width_name); } /* * Default the additional style name to NULL but user can specify one. */ *name++ = '-'; if (style_name != 0) { (void) strcpy(name, style_name); name += strlen(style_name); } /* * Determine the pixel size from the point size and resolution. */ dr = (double) vres; dp = (double) (point_size * 10); val = (unsigned long) (((dp * dr) / 722.7) + 0.5); /* * Set the pixel size, point size, and resolution. */ sprintf(name, "-%ld-%d-%d-%d", val, point_size * 10, hres, vres); name += strlen(name); switch (spacing) { case 'p': case 'P': spacing = 'P'; break; case 'm': case 'M': spacing = 'M'; break; case 'c': case 'C': spacing = 'C'; break; default: spacing = 0; break; } /* * Set the spacing. */ if (!spacing) spacing = (ismono) ? 'M' : 'P'; *name++ = '-'; *name++ = spacing; /* * Add the average width. */ sprintf(name, "-%ld", awidth); name += strlen(name); /* * Check to see if the remapping table specified a registry and encoding * and use those if they both exist. */ otf2bdf_remap_charset(&r, &e); if (r != 0 && e != 0) { sprintf(name, "-%s-%s", r, e); return; } /* * If the cmap for the platform and encoding id was not found, or the * platform id is unknown, assume the character set registry and encoding * are the XLFD default. */ if (nocmap || pid > 3) (void) strcpy(name, DEFAULT_XLFD_CSET); else { /* * Finally, determine the character set registry and encoding from the * platform and encoding ID. */ switch (pid) { case 0: /* * Apple Unicode platform, so "-Apple-Unicode" is the default. */ (void) strcpy(name, "-Apple-Unicode"); break; case 1: /* * Macintosh platform, so choose from the Macintosh encoding * strings. */ if (eid < 0 || eid >= nmac_encodings) (void) strcpy(name, DEFAULT_XLFD_CSET); else (void) strcpy(name, mac_encodings[eid]); break; case 2: /* * ISO platform, so choose from the ISO encoding strings. */ if (eid < 0 || eid >= niso_encodings) (void) strcpy(name, DEFAULT_XLFD_CSET); else (void) strcpy(name, iso_encodings[eid]); break; case 3: /* * Microsoft platform, so choose from the MS encoding strings. */ if (eid < 0 || eid >= nms_encodings) (void) strcpy(name, DEFAULT_XLFD_CSET); else (void) strcpy(name, ms_encodings[eid]); break; } } } static int generate_font(FILE *out, char *iname, char *oname) { int eof, ismono, i; FILE *tmp; FT_Short x, y, dwidth, swidth; FT_Short y_off, x_off; FT_Long sx, sy, ex, ey, wd, ht; FT_Long code, idx, ng, aw; FT_UShort remapped_code; unsigned char *bp; double dw; char *xp, xlfd[BUFSIZ]; char *tmpdir, tmpfile[BUFSIZ]; imetrics = face->size->metrics; horizontal = FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(face, ft_sfnt_hhea); /* * Clear the BBX. */ memset((char *) &bbx, 0, sizeof(bbx_t)); /* * Open a temporary file to store the bitmaps in until the exact number * of bitmaps are known. */ if ((tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR")) == 0) tmpdir = "/tmp"; sprintf(tmpfile, "%s/otf2bdf%ld", tmpdir, (long) getpid()); if ((tmp = fopen(tmpfile, "w")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open temporary file '%s'.\n", prog, tmpfile); return -1; } /* * Calculate the scale factor for the SWIDTH field. */ swscale = ((double) vres) * ((double) point_size); /* * Initialize the flag that tracks if the font is monowidth or not and * initialize the glyph width variable that is used for testing for a * monowidth font. */ wd = 0xffff; ismono = 1; for (ng = code = 0, eof = 0, aw = 0; eof != EOF && code < 0xffff; code++) { /* * If a remap is indicated, attempt to remap the code. If a remapped * code is not found, then skip generating the glyph. */ remapped_code = (FT_UShort) code; if (do_remap && !otf2bdf_remap(&remapped_code)) continue; /* * If a subset is being generated and the code is greater than the max * code of the subset, break out of the loop to avoid doing any more * work. */ if (do_subset && remapped_code > maxcode) break; /* * If a subset is being generated and the index is not in the subset * bitmap, just continue. */ if (do_subset && !(subset[remapped_code >> 5] & (1 << (remapped_code & 31)))) continue; if (nocmap) { if (code >= face->num_glyphs) /* * At this point, all the glyphs are done. */ break; idx = code; } else idx = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, code); /* * If the glyph could not be loaded for some reason, or a subset is * being generated and the index is not in the subset bitmap, just * continue. */ if (idx <= 0 || FT_Load_Glyph(face, idx, load_flags)) continue; if (FT_Render_Glyph(face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO)) continue; /* * Determine the DWIDTH (device width, or advance width in TT terms) * and the SWIDTH (scalable width) values. */ dwidth = face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6; dw = (double) dwidth; swidth = (FT_Short) ((dw * 72000.0) / swscale); /* * Determine the actual bounding box of the glyph bitmap. Do not * forget that the glyph is rendered upside down! */ sx = sy = 0xffff; ex = ey = 0; bp = face->glyph->bitmap.buffer; for (y = 0; y < face->glyph->bitmap.rows; y++) { for (x = 0; x < face->glyph->bitmap.width; x++) { if (bp[x >> 3] & (0x80 >> (x & 7))) { if (x < sx) sx = x; if (x > ex) ex = x; if (y < sy) sy = y; if (y > ey) ey = y; } } bp += face->glyph->bitmap.pitch; } /* * If the glyph is actually an empty bitmap, set the size to 0 all * around. */ if (sx == 0xffff && sy == 0xffff && ex == 0 && ey == 0) sx = ex = sy = ey = 0; else { /* * Adjust the end points. */ ex++; ey++; } /* * Increment the number of glyphs generated. */ ng++; /* * Test to see if the font is going to be monowidth or not by * comparing the current glyph width against the last one. */ if (wd != 0xffff && ismono && (ex - sx) + 1 != wd) ismono = 0; /* * Adjust the font bounding box. */ wd = ex - sx; ht = ey - sy; x_off = sx + face->glyph->bitmap_left; y_off = sy + face->glyph->bitmap_top - face->glyph->bitmap.rows; bbx.maxas = MAX(bbx.maxas, ht + y_off); bbx.maxds = MAX(bbx.maxds, -y_off); bbx.rbearing = wd + x_off; bbx.maxrb = MAX(bbx.maxrb, bbx.rbearing); bbx.minlb = MIN(bbx.minlb, x_off); bbx.maxlb = MAX(bbx.maxlb, x_off); /* * Add to the average width accumulator. */ aw += wd; /* * Print the bitmap header. */ fprintf(tmp, "STARTCHAR %04lX\nENCODING %ld\n", code, (long) remapped_code); fprintf(tmp, "SWIDTH %hd 0\n", swidth); fprintf(tmp, "DWIDTH %hd 0\n", dwidth); fprintf(tmp, "BBX %ld %ld %hd %hd\n", wd, ht, x_off, y_off); /* * Check for an error return here in case the temporary file system * fills up or the file is deleted while it is being used. */ eof = fprintf(tmp, "BITMAP\n"); bp = face->glyph->bitmap.buffer + (sy * face->glyph->bitmap.pitch); for (y = 0; eof != EOF && y < ey - sy; y++) { for (idx = 0, x = 0; eof != EOF && x < ex - sx; x++) { if (x > 0 && (x & 7) == 0) { /* * Print the next byte. */ eof = fprintf(tmp, "%02lX", idx & 0xff); idx = 0; } if (bp[(x+sx) >> 3] & (0x80 >> ((x+sx) & 7))) idx |= (0x80 >> (x & 7)); } bp += face->glyph->bitmap.pitch; if (eof != EOF) /* * Because of the structure of the loop, the last byte should * always be printed. */ fprintf(tmp, "%02lX\n", idx & 0xff); } if (eof != EOF) fprintf(tmp, "ENDCHAR\n"); } fclose(tmp); /* * If a write error occured, delete the temporary file and issue an error * message. */ if (eof == EOF) { (void) unlink(tmpfile); fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem writing to temporary file '%s'.\n", prog, tmpfile); return -1; } /* * If no characters were generated, just unlink the temp file and issue a * warning. */ if (ng == 0) { (void) unlink(tmpfile); fprintf(stderr, "%s: no glyphs generated from '%s'.\n", prog, iname); return -1; } /* * Reopen the temporary file so it can be copied to the actual output * file. */ if ((tmp = fopen(tmpfile, "r")) == 0) { /* * Unable to open the file for read, so attempt to delete it and issue * an error message. */ (void) unlink(tmpfile); fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open temporary file '%s' for read.\n", prog, tmpfile); return -1; } /* * Calculate the average width. */ aw = (FT_Long) ((((double) aw / (double) ng) + 0.5) * 10.0); /* * Generate the XLFD font name. */ make_xlfd_name(xlfd, sizeof(xlfd), aw, ismono); /* * Start writing the font out. */ fprintf(out, "STARTFONT 2.1\n"); /* * Add the vanity comments. */ fprintf(out, "COMMENT\n"); fprintf(out, "COMMENT Converted from OpenType font \"%s\" by \"%s %s\".\n", iname, prog, OTF2BDF_VERSION); fprintf(out, "COMMENT\n"); fprintf(out, "FONT %s\n", xlfd); fprintf(out, "SIZE %d %d %d\n", point_size, hres, vres); /* * Generate the font bounding box. */ fprintf(out, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %hd %hd %hd %hd\n", bbx.maxrb - bbx.minlb, bbx.maxas + bbx.maxds, bbx.minlb, -bbx.maxds); /* * Print the properties. */ fprintf(out, "STARTPROPERTIES %hd\n", 19); /* * Print the font properties from the XLFD name. */ for (i = 0, xp = xlfd; i < 14; i++) { /* * Print the XLFD property name. */ fprintf(out, "%s ", xlfd_props[i]); /* * Make sure the ATOM properties are wrapped in double quotes. */ if (i < 6 || i == 10 || i > 11) putc('"', out); /* * Skip the leading '-' in the XLFD name. */ xp++; /* * Skip until the next '-' or NULL. */ for (; *xp && *xp != '-'; xp++) putc(*xp, out); /* * Make sure the ATOM properties are wrapped in double quotes. */ if (i < 6 || i == 10 || i > 11) putc('"', out); putc('\n', out); } /* * Make sure to add the FONT_ASCENT and FONT_DESCENT properties * because X11 can not live without them. */ fprintf(out, "FONT_ASCENT %hd\nFONT_DESCENT %hd\n", (horizontal->Ascender * imetrics.y_ppem) / upm, -((horizontal->Descender * imetrics.y_ppem) / upm)); /* * Get the copyright string from the font. */ (void) otf_get_english_string(face, BDFOTF_COPYRIGHT_STRING, 0, xlfd, sizeof(xlfd)); fprintf(out, "COPYRIGHT \"%s\"\n", xlfd); /* * Last, print the two user-defined properties _OTF_FONTFILE and * _OTF_PSNAME. _OTF_FONTFILE provides a reference to the original OT * font file which some systems can take advantage of, and _OTF_PSNAME * provides the Postscript name of the font if it exists. */ (void) otf_get_english_string(face, BDFOTF_POSTSCRIPT_STRING, 0, xlfd, sizeof(xlfd)); fprintf(out, "_OTF_FONTFILE \"%s\"\n_OTF_PSNAME \"%s\"\n", iname, xlfd); fprintf(out, "ENDPROPERTIES\n"); /* * Print the actual number of glyphs to the output file. */ eof = fprintf(out, "CHARS %ld\n", ng); /* * Copy the temporary file to the output file. */ while (eof != EOF && (ng = fread(iobuf, 1, OTF2BDF_IOBUFSIZ, tmp))) { if (fwrite(iobuf, 1, ng, out) == 0) eof = EOF; } /* * Close the temporary file and delete it. */ fclose(tmp); (void) unlink(tmpfile); /* * If an error occured when writing to the output file, issue a warning * and return. */ if (eof == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem writing to output file '%s'.\n", prog, oname); return -1; } /* * End the font and do memory cleanup on the glyph and raster structures. */ eof = fprintf(out, "ENDFONT\n"); return eof; } static int generate_bdf(FILE *out, char *iname, char *oname) { FT_Long i; /* * Get the requested cmap. */ for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++) { if (face->charmaps[i]->platform_id == pid && face->charmaps[i]->encoding_id == eid) break; } if (i == face->num_charmaps && pid == 3 && eid == 1) { /* * Make a special case when this fails with pid == 3 and eid == 1. * Change to eid == 0 and try again. This captures the two possible * cases for MS fonts. Some other method should be used to cycle * through all the alternatives later. */ for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++) { if (face->charmaps[i]->platform_id == pid && face->charmaps[i]->encoding_id == 0) break; } if (i < face->num_charmaps) { pid = 3; eid = 1; FT_Set_Charmap(face, face->charmaps[i]); } else { /* * No CMAP was found. */ nocmap = 1; pid = eid = -1; } } else { FT_Set_Charmap(face, face->charmaps[i]); nocmap = 0; } if (nocmap && verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no character map for platform %d encoding %d. ", prog, pid, eid); fprintf(stderr, "Generating all glyphs.\n"); } /* * Now go through and generate the glyph bitmaps themselves. */ return generate_font(out, iname, oname); } #define isdig(cc) ((cc) >= '0' && (cc) <= '9') /* * Routine to parse a subset specification supplied on the command line. * The syntax for this specification is the same as the syntax used for * the XLFD font names (XLFD documentation, page 9). * * Example: * * "60 70 80_90" means the glyphs at codes 60, 70, and between 80 and * 90 inclusive. */ static void parse_subset(char *s) { long l, r; /* * Make sure to clear the flag and bitmap in case more than one subset is * specified on the command line. */ maxcode = 0; do_subset = 0; (void) memset((char *) subset, 0, sizeof(unsigned long) * 2048); while (*s) { /* * Collect the next code value. */ for (l = r = 0; *s && isdig(*s); s++) l = (l * 10) + (*s - '0'); /* * If the next character is an '_', advance and collect the end of the * specified range. */ if (*s == '_') { s++; for (; *s && isdig(*s); s++) r = (r * 10) + (*s - '0'); } else r = l; /* * Add the range just collected to the subset bitmap and set the flag * that indicates a subset is wanted. */ for (; l <= r; l++) { do_subset = 1; subset[l >> 5] |= (1 << (l & 31)); if (l > maxcode) maxcode = l; } /* * Skip all non-digit characters. */ while (*s && !isdig(*s)) s++; } } static void usage(int eval) { printf("Usage: %s [options below] font.ttf\n", prog); printf("-h\t\tThis message.\n"); printf("-v\t\tPrint warning messages during conversion.\n"); printf("-l \"subset\"\tSpecify a subset of glyphs to generate.\n"); printf("-m mapfile\tGlyph reencoding file.\n"); printf("-n\t\tTurn off glyph hinting.\n"); printf("-a\t\tForce auto hinting.\n"); printf("-et\t\tDisplay the encoding tables available in the font.\n"); printf("-c c\t\tSet the character spacing (default: from font).\n"); printf("-f name\t\tSet the foundry name (default: freetype).\n"); printf("-t name\t\tSet the typeface name (default: from font).\n"); printf("-w name\t\tSet the weight name (default: Medium).\n"); printf("-s name\t\tSet the slant name (default: R).\n"); printf("-k name\t\tSet the width name (default: Normal).\n"); printf("-d name\t\tSet the additional style name (default: empty).\n"); printf("-u char\t\tSet the character to replace '-' in names "); printf("(default: space).\n"); printf("-pid id\t\tSet the platform ID for encoding (default: %d).\n", DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ID); printf("-eid id\t\tSet the encoding ID for encoding (default: %d).\n", DEFAULT_ENCODING_ID); printf("-p n\t\tSet the point size (default: %dpt).\n", DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE); printf("-r n\t\tSet the horizontal and vertical resolution "); printf("(default: %ddpi).\n", DEFAULT_RESOLUTION); printf("-rh n\t\tSet the horizontal resolution "); printf("(default: %ddpi)\n", DEFAULT_RESOLUTION); printf("-rv n\t\tSet the vertical resolution "); printf("(default: %ddpi)\n", DEFAULT_RESOLUTION); printf("-o outfile\tSet the output filename (default: stdout).\n"); exit(eval); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int res, pet; char *infile, *outfile, *iname, *oname; FILE *out, *mapin; if ((prog = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))) prog++; else prog = argv[0]; /* * Flag indicating whether the encoding tables are supposed to be printed * or not. */ pet = 0; out = stdout; infile = outfile = 0; argc--; argv++; while (argc > 0) { if (argv[0][0] == '-') { switch (argv[0][1]) { case 'v': case 'V': verbose = 1; break; case 'l': case 'L': argc--; argv++; parse_subset(argv[0]); break; case 'n': case 'N': load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING; break; case 'a': case 'A': load_flags |= FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT; break; case 'c': case 'C': argc--; argv++; spacing = argv[0][0]; break; case 't': case 'T': argc--; argv++; face_name = argv[0]; break; case 'w': case 'W': argc--; argv++; weight_name = argv[0]; break; case 's': case 'S': argc--; argv++; slant_name = argv[0]; break; case 'k': case 'K': argc--; argv++; width_name = argv[0]; break; case 'd': case 'D': argc--; argv++; style_name = argv[0]; break; case 'f': case 'F': argc--; argv++; foundry_name = argv[0]; break; case 'u': case 'U': argc--; argv++; dashchar = argv[0][0]; break; case 'p': case 'P': res = argv[0][2]; argc--; argv++; if (res == 'i' || res == 'I') { /* * No need to print the encoding tables if the user * is supplying a platform ID. */ pet = 0; /* * Set the platform ID. */ pid = atoi(argv[0]); } else /* * Set the point size. */ point_size = atoi(argv[0]); break; case 'e': case 'E': if (argv[0][2] == 't' || argv[0][2] == 'T') pet = 1; else { /* * No need to print the encoding tables if the user * is supplying a platform ID. */ pet = 0; /* * Set the encoding ID. */ argc--; argv++; eid = atoi(argv[0]); } break; case 'r': /* * Set the horizontal and vertical resolutions. */ if (argv[0][2] == 'h') hres = atoi(argv[1]); else if (argv[0][2] == 'v') vres = atoi(argv[1]); else hres = vres = atoi(argv[1]); argc--; argv++; break; case 'm': case 'M': /* * Try to load a remap table. */ argc--; argv++; /* * Always reset the `do_remap' variable here in case more than * one map file appears on the command line. */ do_remap = 0; if ((mapin = fopen(argv[0], "r")) == 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open the remap table '%s'.\n", prog, argv[0]); else { if (otf2bdf_load_map(mapin) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem loading remap table '%s'.\n", prog, argv[0]); do_remap = 0; } else do_remap = 1; fclose(mapin); } break; case 'o': case 'O': /* * Set the output file name. */ argc--; argv++; outfile = argv[0]; break; default: usage(1); } } else /* * Set the input file name. */ infile = argv[0]; argc--; argv++; } /* * Validate the values passed on the command line. */ if (infile == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no input file provided.\n", prog); usage(1); } /* * Set the input filename that will be passed to the generator * routine. */ if ((iname = strrchr(infile, '/'))) iname++; else iname = infile; /* * Check the platform and encoding IDs. */ if (pid < 0 || pid > 255) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid platform ID '%d'.\n", prog, pid); exit(1); } if (eid < 0 || eid > 65535) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid encoding ID '%d'.\n", prog, eid); exit(1); } /* * Arbitrarily limit the point size to a minimum of 2pt and maximum of * 256pt. */ if (point_size < 2 || point_size > 256) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid point size '%dpt'.\n", prog, point_size); exit(1); } /* * Arbitrarily limit the resolutions to a minimum of 10dpi and a maximum * of 1200dpi. */ if (hres < 10 || hres > 1200) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid horizontal resolution '%ddpi'.\n", prog, hres); exit(1); } if (vres < 10 || vres > 1200) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid vertical resolution '%ddpi'.\n", prog, vres); exit(1); } /* * Open the output file if specified. */ if (outfile != 0) { /* * Attempt to open the output file. */ if ((out = fopen(outfile, "w")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open the output file '%s'.\n", prog, outfile); exit(1); } /* * Set the output filename to be passed to the generator routine. */ if ((oname = strrchr(outfile, '/'))) oname++; else oname = outfile; } else /* * Set the default output file name to <stdout>. */ oname = "<stdout>"; /* * Intialize Freetype. */ if ((res = FT_Init_FreeType(&library))) { /* * Close the output file. */ if (out != stdout) { fclose(out); (void) unlink(outfile); } fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: unable to initialize renderer.\n", prog, res); exit(1); } /* * Open the input file. */ if ((res = FT_New_Face(library, infile, 0, &face))) { if (out != stdout) { fclose(out); (void) unlink(outfile); } fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: unable to open input file '%s'.\n", prog, res, infile); exit(1); } if (pet) /* * Simply print the encoding tables and do nothing else. */ print_encoding_table(); else { /* * Set the instance resolution and point size and the relevant * metrics. */ FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, point_size * 64, hres, vres); /* * Set the global units per em value for convenience. */ upm = face->units_per_EM; /* * Generate the BDF font from the TrueType font. */ res = generate_bdf(out, iname, oname); } /* * Free up the mapping table if one was loaded. */ otf2bdf_free_map(); /* * Close the input and output files. */ (void) FT_Done_Face(face); if (out != stdout) { fclose(out); if (res < 0) /* * An error occured when generating the font, so delete the * output file. */ (void) unlink(outfile); } /* * Shut down the renderer. */ FT_Done_FreeType(library); exit(res); return 0; }