import { IObservableArray, observable } from "mobx"; export abstract class Section { device: SprinklersDevice; @observable name: string = ""; @observable state: boolean = false; constructor(device: SprinklersDevice) { this.device = device; } run(duration: Duration) { return this.device.runSection(this, duration); } toString(): string { return `Section{name="${}", state=${this.state}}`; } } export class TimeOfDay { hour: number; minute: number; second: number; millisecond: number; constructor(hour: number, minute: number = 0, second: number = 0, millisecond: number = 0) { this.hour = hour; this.minute = minute; this.second = second; this.millisecond = millisecond; } static fromDate(date: Date): TimeOfDay { return new TimeOfDay(date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()); } } export enum Weekday { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, } export class Schedule { times: TimeOfDay[] = []; weekdays: Weekday[] = []; from: Date | null = null; to: Date | null = null; } export class Duration { minutes: number = 0; seconds: number = 0; constructor(minutes: number = 0, seconds: number = 0) { this.minutes = minutes; this.seconds = seconds; } static fromSeconds(seconds: number): Duration { return new Duration(Math.floor(seconds / 60), seconds % 60); } toSeconds(): number { return this.minutes * 60 + this.seconds; } withSeconds(newSeconds: number): Duration { let newMinutes = this.minutes; if (newSeconds >= 60) { newMinutes++; newSeconds = 0; } if (newSeconds < 0) { newMinutes = Math.max(0, newMinutes - 1); newSeconds = 59; } return new Duration(newMinutes, newSeconds); } withMinutes(newMinutes: number): Duration { if (newMinutes < 0) { newMinutes = 0; } return new Duration(newMinutes, this.seconds); } toString(): string { return `${this.minutes}M ${this.seconds}S`; } } export class ProgramItem { // the section number section: number; // duration of the run duration: Duration; constructor(section: number, duration: Duration) { this.section = section; this.duration = duration; } } export class Program { device: SprinklersDevice; @observable name: string = ""; @observable enabled: boolean = false; @observable schedule: Schedule = new Schedule(); @observable sequence: ProgramItem[] = []; @observable running: boolean = false; constructor(device: SprinklersDevice) { this.device = device; } run() { return this.device.runProgram(this); } toString(): string { return `Program{name="${}", enabled=${this.enabled}, schedule=${this.schedule}, sequence=${this.sequence}, running=${this.running}}`; } } export class SectionRun { id: number; section: number; duration: Duration; startTime: Date | null; pauseTime: Date | null; constructor(id: number = 0, section: number = 0, duration: Duration = new Duration()) { = id; this.section = section; this.duration = duration; this.startTime = null; this.pauseTime = null; } toString() { return `SectionRun{id=${}, section=${this.section}, duration=${this.duration},` + ` startTime=${this.startTime}, pauseTime=${this.pauseTime}}`; } } export class SectionRunner { device: SprinklersDevice; @observable queue: IObservableArray = observable([]); @observable current: SectionRun | null = null; @observable paused: boolean = false; constructor(device: SprinklersDevice) { this.device = device; } cancelRunById(id: number): Promise<{}> { return this.device.cancelSectionRunById(id); } toString(): string { return `SectionRunner{queue="${this.queue}", current="${this.current}", paused=${this.paused}}`; } } export abstract class SprinklersDevice { @observable connected: boolean = false; @observable sections: IObservableArray
= observable.array
(); @observable programs: IObservableArray = observable.array(); @observable sectionRunner: SectionRunner; abstract get id(): string; abstract runSection(section: number | Section, duration: Duration): Promise<{}>; abstract runProgram(program: number | Program): Promise<{}>; abstract cancelSectionRunById(id: number): Promise<{}>; abstract pauseSectionRunner(): Promise<{}>; abstract unpauseSectionRunner(): Promise<{}>; toString(): string { return `SprinklersDevice{id="${}", connected=${this.connected}, sections=${this.sections}, programs=${this.programs}, sectionRunner=${this.sectionRunner} }`; } } export interface ISprinklersApi { start(): void; getDevice(id: string): SprinklersDevice; removeDevice(id: string): void; }